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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. There are a couple of racks on ebay right now. Pinwall Cycle has them listed at $149 each. Joe
  2. Where did you buy the parts/cables/etc? Any "gotcha's" that you ran into? Joe
  3. Whatever it's called, I'll help with whatever I can. Just let me know. Joe
  4. Yeah, Mark.....I saw those yesterday. I really like the "integrated" look, this one doesn't look so much like an add-on as the other light bar. And I really like the capability of having the flashing turn signal on at the same time as the brake light. If it just wasn't so danged expensive! Probably worth it if I didn't already have so much invested in my rear lighting already. I also have the HD chrome license plate holder with lights, and converted those lights to LED clusters. Also converted my stock tail/brake light to the Custom Dynamics LED board. Add to that the light bar under the trunk and the diode expense.....I'm afraid if I bought this integrated light bar too for another $100 the navigator would scalp me!! I'll have to wait until maybe next summer and then sneak it in on her! Edit: Like I've EVER been able to sneak anything past her! She knows what I'm gonna do before I do it!
  5. I have the VMax rear end conversion on my 99, and I'd never go back to the stock gearing.
  6. That's what I thought when I first added mine....I didn't need turn signals. The first time I used my cooler rack and cooler I saw how wrong I was. The cooler covers up the entire brake light and turn signals. Not Good!!! That's why I decided I needed something up higher that would not be covered. The light bar right beneath the trunk does the trick. The bar that has only run and brake or run and Turn can be made to have run, brake, and turn by wiring in some diode assemblies that Ponch turned me on to. Then ya gots the best of all situations. Joe
  7. ....for coroners and morticians. :(
  8. When it gets stuck in the down position, what happens if you use your heel to try to pop it back up? Does it resist that, or does it come back up to the center position?
  9. Well I "MISSPOKE" (hey, I could be a politician!).....it is only 4 leds per side in turn signal mode, not 5. I don't believe the one on ebay is a 5 wire system, I think it's only a 3 wire. Can't have run, brake and turns with only a 3 wire. At least I don't know how you'd do that. Innovative Lighting Products makes and sells the 5 wire model. http://www.chromeglow.com/catalog.asp?prodid=561931&showprevnext=1 May be able to find it cheaper elsewhere, I haven't looked very hard.
  10. HA! Good catch there Bill!!! They gotta get up pretty early in the morning to sneak one past you, don't they?
  11. I don't see where his will function as a 3-way. It's running and brake only. His kit consists of a couple of brackets (made mine in 15 minutes from some scrap strips of aluminum) and instructions. Wow. I'm unimpressed. But for those who don't want the hassle of making their own brackets or reading the instructions that come from the manufacturer of the lightbar (and maybe this guy removes those), then go ahead and drop the big $$.
  12. Yeah, this is pretty.....but I'd never fork over that much for a bike you can hardly find parts for anymore. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royale-Yahama-Venture-Royale-with-matching-trailor_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem1c0c7cb0f0QQitemZ120468582640QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles#ht_500wt_1182
  13. BTW, I bought mine for about $25. This dude is making a killing at $60 each.
  14. The best is doing 3 running lights, 11 brake lights, plus 5 flashing turn signals on each side. Ponch turned me on to some diode assy's that make this possible with just some small wiring changes. Why not have it all???
  15. Chuck, Do you have any documentation of all this? If so, couldn't you hire a lawyer to go after the dealer? If the dealer chooses to subcontract the painting job that doesn't release the dealer from responsibility for the parts they accepted from you. Surely there is some way that the courts could help you recover your loss. Joe
  16. Just goes to prove what I have said many times throughout several different threads on this issue.....each bike seems to be different in how it responds to differing motor oils, clutch baskets, etc. Some people (mostly those whose bikes do NOT have this problem), as well as the official Yamaha spokespeople, have said that this is just "normal", that most all bikes make some kind of noise. Well, as one who has fought through this issue, and had some measure of success in "treating" this disease....I strongly disagree. If it is "normal", then EVERY Yamaha V4 should make this noise. And since some do not, then it IS NOT AN UNAVOIDABLE characteristic of this engine. No, it is simply an issue of a manufacturer trying to avoid responsibility for shoddy workmanship. With today's available manufacturing technologies, there is no way that I will ever believe that they cannot change their tolerances or gear design to correct this.
  17. My feelings are that you take awhile to determine which color scheme you like best, and then paint the bags or bike to match. Life's too short to worry about what someone else thinks would be the best color (unless that someone else is the BOSS!). Just do what you think would look best to you.
  18. Please see this thread for answers: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39828&highlight=i-basket
  19. Is this the one? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royale-HAZZARD-SWITCH_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14Q2el1262QQhashZitem2c3f5a5156QQitemZ190041444694QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_1070wt_939 Less than $10 with shipping.....
  20. To each his own I guess. I love my RSV, but....having ridden a Strat, I'd sure jump on a touring version of that bike before I'd buy a Harley. The reliability of the metric bikes compared to the HD's is overwhelming IMO.
  21. Driver seat: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-NICE-DRIVER-SEAT_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14Q2el1262QQhashZitem518c8b160eQQitemZ350250276366QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_3818wt_1747 Passenger seat: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-NICE-PASSENGER-SEAT_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14Q2el1262QQhashZitem5635110e3eQQitemZ370257497662QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_4289wt_1747 Passenger backrest: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-NICE-TRUNK-PASSENGER-BACKREST_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14Q2el1262QQhashZitem1e5842cdd0QQitemZ130329791952QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_3818wt_1747
  22. Yeah, I'd be starting with the regulator. Pinwall Cycle has some on ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/PinWall-Cycle-Parts-Inc_Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star_W0QQ_fsubZ5820835QQ_sidZ12458664?_nkw=regulator&submit=Search Good luck!
  23. Dang, now I'm gonna have to come up with another strategy. Hey, maybe there will be people at our Southern Indiana ride who don't know me.....I'll have to wash their windshields!!!
  24. Hey Kevin.....did Barry "borrow" any parts off your bike?? :rotf::whistling:
  25. Boy, you said a mouthful there!!!
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