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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. I didn't bring the right size wrench or I'd a had 'em!
  2. but...but...but.......If you send me my set, who is going to constantly moan and groan at you? Somebody else will have to step up and take my place! Watch your PP account.
  3. How did you cover them? I actually thought about doing something like that. I was thinking of some of the stick-on black naugahyde stuff. Not sure if I could make it look good though.
  4. OK, I'm confused (what's new?)......what is the one that DragonRider offered me? Is that a chrome one? If so, then I'll definitely take the one you have and certainly will pay the shipping.
  5. Cable is gone.
  6. I would be honored to put that cover back on the road, racking up miles in Eck's honor. I'll pm you my info. Joe
  7. Thanks, Bossman.....but I think I'll just get a stock black one. That way it's the same color all the way through the material and if it gets scratched it won't show.
  8. I don't think you have a problem. From what I am understanding, you are testing the output at the battery with everything connected. And, you have a new, fully charged battery. Under those conditions, the battery is not "calling for" a high level of charge. One of the jobs of the rectifier/regulator is to send only the amount of charge necessary to the battery. If the R/R is sensing that the battery is close to full charge it will NOT send 14 volts. You really should test the output of the stator (disconnected from the reg/rectifier) to make sure that it is within specs. If so, you don't have an issue.
  9. Anyone have a stock (black) ignition cover that they don't need anymore? I have a chrome one and don't like it. Shows every little scratch or mark much more than a black one would. If you have one and would like to part with it pls let me know. I can get one very reasonably from Pinwall.....except for the high shipping fees. I've even thought of painting my chrome one, but like the "textured" look of the stock one better.
  10. I'd LOVE to, but unfortunately my elbows just developed some arthritis as I was reading this thread so will not be able to accommodate your request. :rasberry: Back at 'ya!
  11. Well, I already have the can of Never Dull Polish. Now, if I could just find some polished aluminum products to actually polish....
  12. I have found that even here in our cold, flat, grey Indiana winters I can almost always get in one ride per month. For a couple years in a row I rode on my birthday, Jan 27th. Last year I took a New Year's day ride. Only once in the last 5 or 6 years have I let a month go by without a ride. That was a nasty winter. Hope this coming one has mercy on us!
  13. Under the right side cover (the one above the passenger floorboard) there are 2 relays. The larger one is black and is the flasher relay. The other is blue. Does anyone know what this relay is for? Just noticed today that mine makes a buzzing sound when the key is on and the bike is in gear. Put it in neutral and the buzzing stops. Wondering if this is normal or if the relay is going south for the winter.
  14. I have a 2 piece cable for a J&M headset. It is the 5 pin style...the ends where the cables join together is shaped like a D. Works, but not a new cable by any means. No bare wires showing, etc. If you need it, send me a pm, first one to speak up gets it. It's yours for a $5 donation to VR.O.
  15. Sent you a pm.
  16. I uploaded our pics here: http://picasaweb.google.com/wingriders/SouthernIndianaOct09# I hope others will post their pictures here too. Great weekend, thanks again everyone.
  17. We're home as well. Just rolled in about 20 minutes ago. Yeah, it was a bit cool and breezy, but still a good ride and plenty of fun with great people. Thanks to all who came, and to all who wanted to but couldn't, we'll see you somewhere down the road.
  18. Wish you could make it Dan. Doubtful on the lunch stop, but if it works out I'll call. Joe
  19. Well, the day is here!!! It's raining now, but supposed to stop later this morning. We will be heading out around 10:30, meeting up with Leadwolf56 and hopefully some others too at Marion, Indiana. Pointing South from there. Should be rolling in to Corydon late afternoon, depending on which routes we decide to run. Hope everyone coming has a safe, dry, and enjoyable trip! Can't wait to see you all!!! Getchur motor runnin'!!
  20. The 1999 models did not come with pillow tops, nor did the 2000 MM edition.
  21. What kind of heat gun do you have?
  22. Randy, Is your attorney qualified in employment and/or disability law? I'd sure find one who is. His interpretation sounds off base to me. The link below is a starting point for you. My reading of it seems to indicate that Worker Comp money will only have an effect on your wife's SSI if the worker comp money is being paid at the same time. Read it and see what you think. http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/10018.html Good luck, and don't let 'em cheat you. Joe
  23. Hey, King of the Sea.....please don't interpret my comments as shooting the messenger. I'm not trying to shoot anyone, just trying to clarify that what I'd like to see is personal experience with a product. You have not riled me up in anyway, and I'm not trying to slam you. Wish we could actually hear one another talk, that way we'd have a better understanding of our intentions. You have experience with Royal Purple, and you have found that it was a good product in your usage. That is valuable info, since I have read some contrary opinions. One guy (and I think it was a member here) experienced clutch slippage while using RP, so changed and the slippage stopped. However, he admitted that he had a bunch of miles on the clutch and may be in need of a new spring. Anyway, the personal experiences that we all have are valid to us, and when shared with others we start to compile a book of knowledge that is beneficial to all and helps each of us make up our minds on things like oil, additives, filters, tires, winter vs summer air in the tires, etc. Peace.
  24. No, I'm not starting a war with anyone. I just want to see all the bad reports FROM THOSE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED THEM. Not accusations from people who haven't even tried it. You want to see my documentation? Read this thread from start to finish: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39828&highlight=motorkote this is what I was referring to. Actual users who have tried the product. No, not all have experienced a reduction in whine, in shifting noise, increase in fuel consumption, etc. But a significant percentage have. Real people who aren't afraid to sign their name. Posting their own experience, not cousin Fred's. You may or may not choose to try MotorKote, and that is fine with me. It's a free country (Please, don't anyone make comments about that statement....no political posts are necessary here) so do what you want. But when another member posts that this product has totally eliminated the whine from his bike, take it for what it is. An actual experience. Here are some testimonials from actual users who have signed their names: Waste Management began using MOTORKOTE two years ago and is extremely satisfied. We found it greatly reduced differential failures. I've been involved with truck maintenance for 20 years; I'm very impressed with this product. Anthony D. Wey Division Vice President of Maintenance Waste Management The service technicians at Goodyear Auto Service, Lansing Michigan, have serviced Tom Mossman's van, (1995 ford E-350, 351 5.8 liter, VIN 1FTJS34H9HA88275), do hereby certify the current mileage on this vehicle is, 1,121,454 miles. Service began January 1995 to present. An 8 oz. Bottle of MOTORKOTE has been added every 50,000 miles. Kevin Wolfrom Store Manager Goodyear Auto Service Centers Lansing, Michigan Now, if MotorKote was going to cause corrosion or turn your engine into mush, don't you think that 1,121,454 miles would be enough opportunity for it to do so. I kinda doubt that my RSV will ever reach that point, even though it is fairly bullet proof. The above "Testimonials" are the kind of thing I am looking for on the negative side of the issue. So far I haven't found any. Maybe they are there....and if so I want to know. Peace.
  25. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Shinko-230-Tour-Master-Tire-SET-150-80-16-150-90-15_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14Q2el1262QQhashZitem56359d1fcaQQitemZ370266677194QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_3313wt_1771 Take a look at the tread pattern on these babies. Really look aggressive compared to some others (like Metzlers) that almost look bald in comparison.
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