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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Gonna bungee him on to the trunk rack, Lowell? :rotf:
  2. I was a member for about 6 years, did not renew the last time it came due. Never used any of their benefits. In my opinion, they are a much less friendly group. Seem to have constant spats, like to tear someone apart for asking a question if they feel that it has been asked to often. Venturerider is far an away the best I've ever been involved with.
  3. I don't think he was blaming you....he said he had one of "those" spacers, not one of yours. He also said that there was something wrong "with the bolt holes on the bike", not on the spacer itself. I don't know why he quoted your post, but he has spoken about this problem at length on another thread and has never put the blame on the spacer but says there is something screwy with the holes on his bike.
  4. I had inquired about these from the guy who had them listed here. Here is his reply: Hi Joe, They are $27.50 and shipping is $5. You can send the $32.50US by paypal to dathan@shaw.ca and I'll get one out to you! Tony. So, there is how to order one. Joe
  5. Which, as search engines go, is pathetic in my opinion.
  6. If no one else chips in, my son-in-law is a Master Tech at a local Ford dealership. I can talk to him tonight, he knows the "Ford Exploder" (his term, not mine) inside and out. If no one has answered by this evening I'll call him.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the stators are different for a 1st gen. The RSV and TD take a different part.
  8. If battery life is an issue, the 780 has what I consider to be superb battery life. I have had it on for 2hours playing MP3's and it doesn't use even 1/2 of the battery according to the meter. They say it has a 5 hour life, I would expect to realistically get 4 hours. And the amazing thing is, the Bluetooth adapter was "on" the whole time it was playing.
  9. BTW, Wiz.....the 780 probably has all the features you want as well. I bought mine from TigerDirect for $180....it is Refurbished, looks absolutely like new and has a one year warranty. Save yourself some cash.... Joe
  10. Mine isn't mounted yet.....just got it yesterday. Weighing my options. I have a plate that is bolted to the top of the clutch fluid reservoir. My RAM mount for my old Lowrance was bolted on that, and the GPS just rested on top of the Audio controller. Worked really well. I am considering just drilling the suction mount and then bolting that to the plate. Probably what I'll end up doing, but I need to actually hold it in place and see if that's going to work out. Joe
  11. I also have a 780.....and there IS a mic input. It is on the cradle, not on the device itself. That is the same configuration that the Zumo uses....on the cradle, not on the GPS. Joe
  12. All may not be lost for the Buell faithful. Many brands that have gone under have later come back under new ownership, such as Indian and Triumph. (But only one of those two has been successful thus far.) Who knows, maybe someone with deep pockets will come along and buy the assets from HD.
  13. Mine did the exact same thing and it turned out to be a bad connection at the regulator/rectifier. The RR is located about right in the center behind the front lower fairings. If you just remove the one on the throttle side you can get easy access to it. Unplug the connector and give it a good look. Mine had one of the female connections pretty burned from being too loose, thereby creating resistance. Resistance is death on a circuit. I had to use some needle nose pliers to tighten it up a bit, then cleaned everything well, put some dielectric grease in the plug and plugged it back in. No more charging issues. Like you, I had to be stranded twice before I found it. Good luck. Joe
  14. I can help alleviate one of your frustrations......to go back to the map if you are several screens deep, just press and HOLD the back button. It will go back to the main menu. Then just press the Map button if it doesn't automatically pull it up. Usually does for me. No need to hit the back button 8 times if you are that deep into the screens. At least that's the way it works for the 780, which is just an updated 765.....and by the way, I love my new 780. Compared to my Lowrance 500c, it is much easier to operate.
  15. Surely you know the rules by now.....Where are the PICTURES???
  16. Don't know what to say, except..... I TOLD YA SO!!!
  17. I didn't see this earlier, but my opinion is that you could still have it triked. The rear lowering kit can be easily returned to stock if necessary, and many who trike their bikes have a rake kit added to the front to help with easier steering. If that happens, the fork tubes would be returned to stock position anyway. Joe
  18. Buddy Rich sells a cable for this purpose. My assumption is that this will work, but you should probably ask him if he doesn't chime in here. If you find the answer please let me know....I just ordered a Nuvi 760 with BT and would love to be able to have that feature.
  19. Well, I guess I'll have to make a trip to the North. I know where there is a Black Cherry RSV that has both....heck, he don't need the right one.
  20. Running it on quite a few machines at work...and on the laptop I'm on right now. It's ok, actually better than IE7 IMO. The only thing to be aware of is that after you first install it, you will see a bunch of first-time screens that ask you questions about how you want to run it. If you don't answer all this BS it will just keep nagging you every time you use it. In my experience, you will want to turn off the option to check websites for safety...that feature can slow it to a crawl. All in all, I'd say it's probably the best version of IE out there right now. I still prefer FireFox though.
  21. :sign yeah that: I don't mind cold. I HATE cold and wet.
  22. I wear cotton lined nylon windbreaker pants. Zipper on the side. They cost me $17 at K-Mart. Have a matching Jacket too....$12. Wear the pants over my jeans, the jacket over my TourMaster Mesh. Warmest I've ever been, and fairly water proof too. Some of my riding buddies look at me funny, all dressed in their fancy leathers with fringe, etc. And then they talk about it being cold. I just smile. I'd much rather be warm than look cool!
  23. Same bike, another shot... http://picasaweb.google.com/wingriders/SouthernIndianaOct09#5389103783087508626 Kevin has a pretty bike!
  24. You should actually find and copy that section of the Federal Law and take it to your dealer. Tell him that you won't report him to the feds for violating that law in return for a free valve adjustment...which you will need to observe to make sure it is properly done. Extortion, anyone?
  25. Does the speedohealer also correct the odometer discrepancy?
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