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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Sounds like that one only has the maps for Europe....
  2. Excuse me...... what do I ride, Swiss Cheese??? OK, we weren't riding together, but at least we were parked close enough that my bike should count!! Feeling left out....
  3. Not visible from the front, and I doubt you can get a mirror in there to view it either. Hey, once you get to that point getting the basket out is only another 5 minutes or so....if you have the proper tools.
  4. Even worse, he probably rode next to someone who had plugged or removed their AIS system!!! Sorry Goose, couldn't stop my fingers from typing that. BAD FINGERS!! BAD FINGERS!!
  5. My first RSV was lowered front and rear when I bought it. It had the Baron's kit on the rear, and the front had been lowered almost 1 1/4". It handled fine. But, I did end up removing the Baron's kit and reinstalling the stock links. I didn't like dragging my mufflers, and when we really got loaded down for a long trip....all bags full, a bag on the trunk rack, and a hitch rack with a cooler on it as well....it was just tooooo stinkin low. It would scrape in and out of driveways, going over bumps, in turns, everything but going straight. After raising the rear and leaving the front lowered, it handled as well if not better....especially at slower speeds. I only had that bike up to 100mph one time and did not notice any handling issues with just the front lowered. My current RSV has not been lowered in the front, I will probably do that over the winter. Edit: I have a 28 1/2" inseam for those who may want to know, and could flat foot it at stops with just the front lowered. I also wear a fairly thick soled boot, so that helps too. Joe
  6. It would be MUCH less expensive, IMHO, to buy a used Vmax rear end and take it and your stock rear end to a good machinist and have them machine a speedo mount into the Vmax case. That is what was done to mine (by the previous owner of the rear end) and it works great. Again, just my opinion....
  7. Have you ridden one with this mod? I would recommend doing so before making the switch just so you know what you are getting for your money. I switched mine to a vmax unit that had been modified to accept the speedo sensor. I would not want to switch back. It made a noticeable improvement in acceleration, and with roughly a 500 rpm increase at cruising speeds I don't notice any decrease in mileage. In fact, sometimes it seems to get better mileage than with the stock rear end. Good luck to ya!
  8. Is the rattle kind of "tinny" sounding? Mine was doing the same thing. About drove me nuts. I finally ran it in the garage, went up to the offending rpm range and sure enough there was the rattle. Sounded like it was coming from the left (sitting on the bike) front side of the engine. So, had someone twist the throttle while I got down on my knees and attempted to find the noise. It sounded for all the world like it was behind the lower left fairing. And then, thank heavens, I happened to grab on to the left fork covers in order to brace myself to lean down farther. As soon as I grabbed the covers the noise stopped! Those stupid covers were vibrating at one rpm range and rattling! Not seeing any way to tighten or adjust them, I just kind of pushed them around a bit until the noise stopped. I can't believe how these noises disguise their location on these bikes. Could-a swore it was in the engine, but relieved that it wasn't. You may want to try the same thing and see if it's coming from the fork area. Good luck to ya!
  9. That's not an I basket. The letter "G" is engraved on the large gear....meaning it is a G basket. If the dealer said he put in an I basket, then I'd say you got a raw deal.
  10. Bought my 99 in June....850 miles away from home. Rode her home in 2 days, stopped in St Louis to meet up with a couple of VR members at the end of the first day. Minor glitches with lighting/wiring once, but otherwise a great ride home. This was actually the 2nd time I've done that....bought far away without seeing it and rode it home. Call me a sucker, but I live my life the old fashioned way....I trust other people by default, unless they do something to prove me wrong. It really lessens the stress of life to do that. Maybe I'll get burned someday in a big way, but I don't worry about it. BTW, my 2 day solo ride on that strange bike was one of the highlight rides of the year.
  11. Beau, One of our members (Snarley Bill) who lives in Missouri has run nothing but the energy saving oils in his "harem" of bikes for years. Never had a problem. He has about 5 bikes right now, everything from a ZX-14 Kaw to a Gold Wing. Maybe he'll chime in and verify, but it sure looks like the fear of energy conserving oils might be overdone. Maybe, like Earl says, it is more related to weak or borderline clutch spring pressures. Congratulations! Keep an eye (or ear) on the situation and give us updates once in awhile. Joe
  12. You say that you greased the rear splines....did you also grease the drive pins where they go into the wheel? I'm making an assumption here that the 1st gens have the same drive pin setup that the RSV has...hope I'm not mistaken. If you did not pull the pin hub out, clean and lube the pins and the pin holes, then your noise could be coming from there. I'd also suggest that you do a very close inspection on your rear wheel bearings. I just had one go bad...they can make all kinds of noises on their way out.
  13. I did some searching and found free software called TYRE (stands for Trace Your Own Route) that you can download here. Even though they talk mostly about using it with a TomTom, it also works with Garmin units. They use Google Maps or Google Earth as the "plotting" software, it runs inside the TYRE program. It is amazing....enter your waypoints and have it calc your route. And you can even select "motorbike" as the vehicle to route for. When all done you export it to your Garmin or TomTom and then, in the case of the Garmin 700+ units, you import the route. All the waypoints come in and your route is complete. It also activates the tracking feature so your route will be saved once you run it. Pretty cool stuff. Haven't actually run a route with it, but have played with constructing routes. Looks like a winner. Joe
  14. My original basket had NO engraving on the back side.....nada. I "assumed" that it was an H series, which I believe is now the stock basket. My assumption was due to the fact that inside the aluminum basket is a number that starts with 26H and it is cast into the aluminum. Maybe that's not the series, just a coinkydink, I don't know.
  15. Wash your mouth out with Soap, Mama!! We'll have none of that kind of talk around here. This is a PG rated site!!!
  16. I'm assuming he downloaded routes. I gave him instructions on how to do it using Google Maps, so that's what I'm assuming he did.
  17. You guys aren't going to let this one go this cheap are ya? Less than $700 with one day to go. Hey Dano, this is down in your area....might make you a good 2nd bike! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-XVS12-Venture-Yamaha-Venture_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem3ef98b98a6QQitemZ270474647718QQptZUSQ5fmotorcycles#ht_500wt_1182
  18. Hope this helps.
  19. What kind of laptop do you have? HP or Compaq by any chance? Some of their models are notorious for having video chip problems, notably those with a certain Nvidia chip. I had one of those and it acted very similar to yours. Not saying that is your problem though, just a possibility. Another possible cause would be software related....the video driver software may be having issues. If you can identify the video chip you could probably find the latest updated driver on the internet and download and install it just to eliminate that as a cause. Joe
  20. It's engraved on the back. Other than the engraving there is no visible difference. Sure is an audible difference on mine though.
  21. I got mine from http://www.partshark.com and it was about $265 delivered.
  22. Might want to start reading here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39828&highlight=motorkote Despite all the dire warnings about additives, I have not seen any proof whatsoever that MotorKote has any negative effects on a wet clutch system. And, the folks who make it assured me that it was safe for use in all motorcycles. Of course, they have a vested interest in selling it too. You can order it directly from them: http://www.motorkote.com I'm not affiliated with them at all, just someone who has had great experiences with the product.
  23. Chuck, This is the unit I have: http://www.supremecamera.com/product.asp?id=16913 Cheaper now than when I bought mine. This unit has an fm transmitter if you don't want to use a cable to connect to your stereo. Also has bluetooth, so if your cell phone is capable you can receive calls through the GPS and talk through your headset (with a cable you can buy from one of our members, Rick Butler). Cool stuff! I have owned 2 previous GPS units, neither of which was a Garmin. I chose to get a Garmin this time due to several factors: ease of updating maps, the ability to plan routes on your computer and then download them to the GPS, easy to install more POI's, etc. I have found that I can get about 5 hours when running on the battery! Superb! This unit also has the best satellite sensitivity of any unit I have owned. AND the best internal antenna. With my other 2 units I could not find a satellite when in my house. The 780 give me 4-5 bars strength even in my house. I'm amazed. Like the 255, this unit is not waterproof. My last unit was....and it never got wet. I carry a baggie for this one in case my luck changes. Good luck!
  24. Prior to changing my clutch basket to the I-basket, I could not stand to run at 65 (indicated), which was actually 60 after correcting the speedo error. It drove me nuts. Unfortunately, 60-62 is where I usually cruise on 2-lane roads. So, I always ended up running in 4th just so I didn't have to hear the scream. After changing the basket, I have very very little whine above 60 in 5th. None at all at 65-70 (at least I can't hear it with my helmet on). For me, it was worth the time and money to change baskets. Others have reported varying degrees of success though. Might want to give MotorKote a try....it very well could help.
  25. I didn't think that Lowell travels any other way! Besides, he said "watching the weather" so that to me says Bike!
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