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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Yes, Jack, it was a GREAT Christmas day here too. We had so much fun with kids and grandkids. The presence of family was just awesome. Oh, and I got in a ride too! Twenty miles, just a short ride, but it was my first ride this month. It was in the high thirties and pretty windy.....but it sure felt great! Joe
  2. I have the Craftsman lift, have had it for 3 years, never a problem. Some have reported issues but mine is awesome. I also use the Carbon_One adapter (for 2nd Gens) and it's stable no matter how high you lift it. While that wheel is off, get some Honda ProMoly grease and lube the spines on the rear drive unit and wheel. Also, clean off the drive pins - they probably need it - and pin holes and use the Moly there as well. If you don't know when the last time the drive shaft has been pulled and lubed, do that as well. There are complete instructions in the Tech section. Good luck. Joe almost forgot....would be a good time to closely inspect the rear shock as well. Maybe even lube the mounting points.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by FreezyRider [ame=http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=419806#post419806]http://venturerider.org/forum/images/buttons/viewpost.gif[/ame] Just 'cause I take my laptop into the bathroom with me so's I don't miss anything does NOT mean I'm addicted!! ....and sometimes this forum really Stinks!! :whistling:
  4. All day Monday-Friday. Three or four times on weekends and holidays, maybe more (who's counting?). I am definitely NOT addicted, though. Just 'cause I take my laptop into the bathroom with me so's I don't miss anything does NOT mean I'm addicted!!
  5. WHAT????? That's news to me! How do you access it?
  6. Hey Dennis....you do know that by hitting the F11 key (Internet Explorer) you can toggle back and forth between full screen and normal screen don't you? Also, you can turn off whatever toolbars you don't want. Yet another setting on some brands causes the screen to automatically scroll as you move your mouse down or up. Maybe the Dell didn't have that feature. Joe
  7. Believe it or not, that is the way it is. The license plate covers the mess of wires. I guess they had to cut expense in that area so they could afford to put a cassette player in it!
  8. I just recently read a review on the new Suzuki 250 classic street bike. Styled like the bikes of the 70's and early 80's. It got very good reviews. http://www.suzukicycles.com/Product%20Lines/Cycles/Products/TU250X/2009/TU250X.aspx?category=standard
  9. If we all go see Jeff, then we can sing: Have you seen the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man Have you seen the Muffin Man who lives on Drury Lane? Yes, I've seen the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man, the Muffin Man Have you seen the Muffin Man who lives on Drury Lane (in case you don't know, that's an old childhood song.....)
  10. If you buy one, don't make the same mistake I did.... I thought I'd save a few bucks and get the standard model without the legs. Now, every time I use it I find myself wishing I had bought the freestanding model. I wonder if Larry would give me a trade-in???
  11. Holy Master Mechanic.....I am Speechless. edit: Question.....where did you find the octopus that operated that thing??
  12. Anyone who wants to borrow mine can do so for the cost of shipping. Just let me know. Or, if you want to buy your own, here's one: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Clutch-Holding-Tool-Honda-Suzuki-Yamaha-Kawasaki-KTM_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem35a525163dQQitemZ230403937853QQptZLHQ5fDefaultDomainQ5f100 Joe
  13. The el-cheapo ones that I have from K-Mart have about a foot long zipper on each pant leg. I wear full height boots with a fairly large heel....no problem slipping them on and off.
  14. Last year I bought a nylon "running suit", jacket and pants, that is lined with a cotton type material. Totally blocks the wind, and is resistant to all but the heaviest rains. Warmest thing I ever rode in. Best part....Jacket was $17 and pants were $12 at K-Mart. I have ridden with the pants on over my running shorts, nothing else on my legs, and stayed toasty warm.
  15. Maybe, as you say, it is a crap shoot. I've had my Craftsman jack for 3 years and it has performed flawlessly. I recently had my bike in the air on it for over 2 weeks (waiting on parts) and it gave me no problems. Like most things you buy these days, it seems that there are good ones (probably manufactured on Tuesday through Thursday) and junk (made on Monday or Friday)! Good luck with your decision.
  16. From your pictures, it looks like the LED's could possibly cause the front turn signals to not be seen. This would be a concern for me.
  17. Dennis, I may be wrong, but it doesn't look like any adapting would be required. It says that they are a direct replacement for a PAR36 lamp, which is what we have. Should be plug and play. If you give them a try, please let us know how they work. I may want to try them too. Sure would save a ton of amp draw on the stator. Joe
  18. Now those are interesting. First time I've seen LED's that actually look like they'd be functional in the passing lamps.
  19. That's pretty close to what the pre-made tool looks like! Good Job. If I only had a welder, I would have done that as well. Joe
  20. The tool was $22.00. Cost me another $8 for shipping. That was after I broke the clutch boss trying to hold it with my "home made" version, cause I didn't want to spend the money on the tool. Ended up having to spend $50 for a new clutch boss PLUS the $30 for the tool. Real smart, huh?? So, now that I have thoroughly embarrassed myself with that admission, you can feel OK about posting a pic of your brilliantly engineered device that DID work.
  21. Hey Rick.....just out of curiosity....I'd like to see a pic of that home made basket holding tool. If you say it took about 2 hours to make that tool, I probably shouldn't tell you how cheaply you can buy the regular tool.:whistling: Joe
  22. Give her a big hug from me and Donna. And be a real good boy and jump when she calls! Joe
  23. Happy Thanksgiving to all! I am thankful for many things, including my brothers and sisters from VR.org who keep me "entertained" all year long! Oh, and you all are a blessing with your willingness to help others. What an awesome group!! Joe
  24. I have seen this bike in person, and I gotta tell you it is the most beautiful Venture I've ever laid my eyes on. I actually didn't think I liked the 04 white until I saw this one. It changed my mind. Kevin, are you getting a new bike? Hope you're sticking around! Joe
  25. I'd suggest you post your question here: http://www.goldwingfacts.com/forums/ The best and most friendly GW site on the net. You'll get a lot of knowledgeable answers there.
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