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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Earlier this morning I started a thread offering free brake pads for the RSV (front). Got a reply, which I then replied to. Now I log in to check that thread and it appears to be GONE. Vaporized. Am I just blind and somehow missing seeing it? Did it get deleted for some reason? Did I violate a rule? Confused here..... Edit: Guess it really doesn't matter, as Bob the DragonSlayer is getting the pads. And that was my whole intention, to get them to someone who needed them. Would just like to know how the thread got vaporized.
  2. WHEN and WHERE???
  3. 5 years old??? Heck that's almost a new box!!! It really depends on the distro....I seem to have had this issue more frequently on redhat based distros than on Debian. Haven't actually done an install for probably 6-8 months now....just don't seem to have the time to play like I used to. Joe
  4. Rick, When you run from a live CD or live USB, it does not use the drivers for your onboard video chip. It uses a "generic" driver that works with most VGA systems. When you then install to HD, Linux will read your actual hardware and then attempt to load a driver for it. If it can't match your hardware, you often will get the flashing cursor. Or, I've seen it load to what most people would call a "DOS command line" screen. Linux is running but cannot load the GUI due to driver confusion. I seem to have this issue nearly every time I try to install an up to date version of Linux on older hardware....especially some older Dell boxes I have. Hope this helps. Joe
  5. Happy Birthday, Bob!!! Long time, no see! I come through Alexandria about every 2 months on my way to see my 2 sons who live in Noblesville. I'm always on the lookout for that Midnight RSV, never see one though! Hope to run into you someday! Joe
  6. Does your hardware meet the minimum recommended requirements? http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBMCbuntu In particular, is your video card up to snuff? Sounds video related to me.
  7. That's awesome, Angel. Things are finally looking up for you. Congratulations! Joe
  8. I just checked, and the domain "wingriders.org" is available. Better act fast before someone else gets it!
  9. Here is a free one....not sure if it meets your requirements or not. http://alleycode.com/features.htm
  10. Reference my post right above yours. I own the SM10 and it is great. However, it only streams from your built in audio (or a cable-attached auxiliary device) to one or two headsets. It does not allow your CB to transmit using your bluetooth headset mic....that is not integrated into the system. Sena also makes an SR10 receiver which will transmit from your mic to a third party radio (such as the family channel radios or maybe even the J&M CB) but this radio must be attached directly to the SR10 with an aux cable. Sena customer service has said that they have no plans to integrate this into the onboard CB system of the Goldwing, so I am assuming that they aren't going to do it for the Venture either. This is where Pete from BikeMP3 has stepped in. He has developed a system that uses the SM10 plus the SR10 and ties them in to the bike's audio system using a harness and circuit board that he has designed. Pre-production units have been seen working, and Pete says that the initial run of the circuit boards and harnesses have arrived. He is only waiting for some connectors to arrive and he will be ready to begin selling these units. I already own the Sena SMH-10 bluetooth headsets (which are awesome) and the SM10 dual streaming transmitter. When Pete's product is available I am going to buy it as well as the Sena SR10 so I can have total integration without wired headsets. The sound system from the Goldwing, including the CB, will then work. Also, my phone and GPS will tie in. I'm really looking forward to this. Joe
  11. Kevin, This is the only one currently available that I know of that will allow you to use your CB through the bluetooth headsets (as well as the rest of the onboard audio system). You would want the one for the Goldwing, since the Venture uses the same 5 pin connector. http://www.spoiledbiker.com/product3898.html There is another product very close to completion from BikeMP3. Not available quite yet but will use the Sena bluetooth dual channel transmitter (SM10) and the SR10 receiver to integrate all the audio components as well. Difference is that it will transmit 2 audio streams allowing a passenger with a BT headset to also hear the bike audio. Should be available in a very short time according to info on the GL1800Riders forum. Joe
  12. Yeah, but we all know you ain't normal anyway!! There is a huge discussion on these issues over on the GL1800riders forum. In reading the threads there, I do think that you are in the minority on this. Doesn't mean you're wrong, but most who are buying the F6B are either selling their GL1800 Wing or are coming over from other cruiser-style bikes. Yeah, there are a few that are buying them as an additional ride, but they are in the minority according to what I am reading. BTW, I'd LOVE to have a 30-31" inseam. Try backing up the fat lady on an incline when your inseam is 26-27. Ain't gonna happen. And then throw in some loose gravel under your feet. Love my reverse.
  13. Oh, before someone asks.....here is the link to that aftermarket cruise control: http://www.murphskits.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=369 Plus, Pete from BikeMP3 (who owns an F6B) is working on a kit that will supposedly offer a unit with a tie in to the stock controls. Joe
  14. How many of you buy your new windshield for the Venture from Mama Yama? No one in his right mind (IMHO) buys an accessory like this from the dealer, unless he enjoys paying through the nose. Whether you are buying for a Venture or for the new F6B, buy from an aftermarket source and the cost will be much less. The F6B is not meant to replace the decked-out full-blown GL1800 Goldwing. It is a stripped down version for those who will never buy the original 1800. They are trying to reach the cruiser buyers, not the dedicated comfort-demanding touring riders. OH....BTW, there is a third party electronic cruise control available (for basically any FI bike) that retails for $240. Takes a bit of installation time, but it's not expensive to add cruise control if you gotta have it. For me, the deal killer for the F6B (if I were in the market for that kind of bike which I'm not) would be the lack of reverse. A short inseam guy like me can't do without the backup assistance. Joe
  15. I think that 2 tone bronze is about the rarest and prettiest color for the RSV. Hardly ever see one. Congrats!
  16. If you got it from a dealer in Ohio, it was probably here: http://www.buckeyeperformance.com/products.htm
  17. Maybe you can't bid against yourself, but if you want to actually pay more than the winning bid (IF you are the winner) when the auction is over, I doubt that the extra money will be refused. So just send the amount that makes you feel right!
  18. I always thought it was "Mares eat oats..."??? Way too far back for an accurate memory!
  19. Awesome, Miles! My daughter and son-in-law have adopted 2 boys. One from Ethiopia and one from the USA. I sure love those two ornery little guys! Bless you for caring and sharing! Joe
  20. Miles, Please post a link to the source of your opinion. It is absolutely contrary to what the manufacturer says about what it is designed for. You have other documented information? http://www.seafoamsales.com/sea-foam-motor-treatment/how-to-use-sea-foam-motor-treatment/ Thanks. Joe
  21. Obviously you need hearing aids!!!
  22. It's Blue!!! and in your section of the world, too! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Very-NICE-1983-Yamaha-Venture-/130850482173?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item1e774be7fd#ht_500wt_1182
  23. Not to worry....As Jimmy Kimmel stated last night, we still have Bruce Willis around in case we need to call him in to handle the meteorite!
  24. Congratulations, Buddy! That's a pretty bike! You are going to love that 1800!
  25. Absolutely notify the State. Do not try to threaten the CPA firm to compensate you. You could end up in prison right next to your CPA if you do not report them to the state tax division. Yes, you will owe the rightful taxes due according to the law. But I'd be willing to bet that, in turn for reporting the CPA firm, the state will cut you a break on the amount of time you have to pay them. Will probably give you a repayment plan if you ask. The CPA firm will be assessed interest and fees. And probably be shut down if it is proven that this was intentional fraud involving more clients than just you. Don't put it off.....call asap. Let the state handle the problem, and make them see that you are an honest taxpayer who was trying to follow the law. Joe
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