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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Do you ever wonder why Yamaha doesn't just install the I basket at the factory? I don't get it.....
  2. Bruiser. It's black and blue.
  3. Well, I'm not local, but I would certainly volunteer to be a tester. I wouldn't mind at all having to install/uninstall/etc. Looks like something I'd want!
  4. Y'ALL BETTER HURRY!!!! I just booked 6 of those rooms for my gang. (How'd you like my Southern accent there, Dennis?) Seriously, folks.....get on board for this one if at all possible. Those who were there last year know how great this one is!! Joe
  5. I went to K-Mart and bought a pair of lined nylon "running pants", for lack of a better name. They have a nylon-type outer material and a soft cotton liner. They also have about a 12" zipper at the bottom of each leg to make it easy to get on and off over footwear, and an elastic waist with drawstring. Oh, they have pockets too. These cost me $29 for both the pants and matching jacket. Bought them large enough to wear over my riding gear. They are light and can be stored easily, and are so warm I am shocked. The key is that the outer material blocks the wind...and an added bonus is that they will keep you dry in all but the worst rain. Give them a try....sure cheaper than most of the alternatives.
  6. I am running the Tourmasters on my 99 RSV. Only have about 2000 miles but so far they are doing great. Time will tell.
  7. Fastest of all, and giving best coverage..... Dip it in a 5 gal bucket full of your chosen color, then hang up to dry. :rotf:
  8. The reason that they are called Passing Lamps is because they mark the "Passing" of yet another 1st Gen owner over to the 2nd Gen world. Congrats, Charlie!
  9. Thanks, Dennis. I'll be reserving a significant percentage of those rooms (probably 6) as soon as I get final verification from a couple people. Joe
  10. ME2 ME2 ME2 ME2....... Absolutely drooling in anticipation!!! Hey, Dennis....do you know if the Red Roof's high speed internet service is included in the room charge or is it an additional daily charge. I've been stung by one of those before in St. Louis.... Joe
  11. Put a set on my RSV last fall. Since all this "white global warming" has been around so long, I only have about 2,000 miles on them. Love them so far. Quiet, smooth, handle nice....don't know how long they will last but if I get 10,000 out of them I'll be ahead money wise due to the lower cost.
  12. I'd buy one!
  13. Wow! Impressive indeed.
  14. I have always heard that the HID bulbs put out so much heat that they can ruin the reflector if it isn't specifically designed for HID use. But, I'm assuming that since you've been using yours for 4 years, the RSV reflector must be tough enough to withstand that.
  15. Way to go, Randy!! I too have changed my lifestyle. For the past year, I've been on the only diet that will work longterm for ME. I've tried about everything else and the weight always comes back. For me, I've come to the realization that the only thing that will work is the one diet that everyone hates......eat sensibly, and EXERCISE. I joined a fitness center a year ago, and have lost 40 pounds, gained strength and stamina, feel so much better. Some mornings I hate getting up and going, but know that I really have no choice. My desire to be healthier is stronger than my aversion to exercise. It actually gets to be fun! Keep at it, and enjoy life! Joe
  16. Which headlight bulb are you using?
  17. Hmmm.....I've thought about using those too, since they would be different and different draws attention. My only questions is whether they tend to make the front turn signals less noticeable since they are the same color and so close together. Would you be willing to have someone watch for that and let me know whether they think the signals kind of "get lost" in the amber driving lights? Thanks.
  18. Got mine today too. Wow, Gary, great job! Joe
  19. I would guess that since this post is in the First Gen forums, he's talking only about the 1st gens.
  20. Hmmm, interesting. Have you tried the communications at higher speeds? I had another brand of bluetooth headsets in my full face helmets. They worked fine, even with my cell phone. But above 60 mph they got to be very hard to hear clearly. Interested in your results with the Scala sets.
  21. Heck, the Saints didn't do anything special..... I win the supper bowl every evening no matter whether it's on a plate or in a bowl!!
  22. I like this one: http://cyclemaxohio.com/inc/sdetail/4231 Inexpensive, accurate, very readable, waterproof.
  23. You should test it according to the specs in the manual, and then tighten or loosen as required to bring it into spec. We can't tell you which way to go on it if you haven't done any measurements. Good luck.
  24. I also like the digital voltmeters. I had one on my GoldWing, haven't gotten one for my RSV yet but will. Best price I found is here: http://cyclemaxohio.com/inc/sdetail/4231
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