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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. You really want to make him feel bad, don't you? If I divide 3 gals used by 150 miles I get .02......which is OK if he wants gallons per mile. But I think he wants it the other way....divide miles traveled by gallons used to get miles per gallon.
  2. Wow, that is a great price! Progressive makes good quality products. The only area of concern that I would mention would be that this shock is 3/4" shorter than stock. I'm trying to visualize what effect that would have on the seat height of the bike. If it would lower or raise.....hmmmm Why don't you try it and let us know?
  3. Before changing mine, there was no rpm range I could find where the chirp was not irritating. Fifth gear was the worst, fourth almost as bad. As others have said, it really isn't a bad job at all. The right tools, follow the instructions, and you're done before you know it.
  4. Yes, it did help immensely! It's not bad now...just a moderate whine where it used to be a "Banshee screech!" But, I'm I am a curious critter at heart. I'd like to see if a higher-lettered basket would make it totally go away....just to satisfy my curious nature.
  5. Wonder if they make a "J" basket..... I'd try it if they did. My original was an "H" basket.
  6. Please do yourself a big favor and do NOT try to use a strap wrench. I did...it slipped off and broke one of the spring "post" mounts off of the clutch boss. Cost me $60 bucks to replace that. And an extra week of downtime. Then I bought the wrench off ebay. About $30 including the shipping. Sure wish I'd done that to begin with. I can send mine to you if you want to borrow it. You pay shipping both ways. Probably would total about $15, not a whole lot less than buying your own. Joe
  7. Too much play in the swing arm will make it feel like that too. If the rear wiggles, you'll feel it in the front. Maybe the swing arm needs re-torqued?
  8. Dude, let me be the first to say it....... YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR HEAD EXAMINED!!!! That is one gorgeous work of art........ I hate to even go out and look at mine now.
  9. I would highly suspect that the rear drive pins are dry if you are hearing a "growl". Many of these bikes are not properly assembled either at the factory or at the dealer. The drive pins need to be greased, preferably with Honda Moly 60 grease when the bike is assembled. If you had a whine or a chirp, you'd know the difference. A growl is not like the whine. These sure are noisy contraptions, aren't they?
  10. Or, if you are really a tightwad like me.....cut yours off and try it. If you like it you are not out any $$ at all. If you hate it, then PinWall is your backup.
  11. I rode one for 6 years, never did run it out of gas. Could safely run 220-230 miles, but got pretty nervous after that. They say that the max capacity of the tank is about 6.3 gal. Joe
  12. Anybody know if something is going on with Buckeye Performance? I've been trying to access their website http://www.buckeyeperformance.com this morning and it just doesn't seem to be there. Can anyone else get on that site? Also, I noticed that Rick's membership has expired. Hmmmm.....hope he's still around. A friend of mine needs one of his high output stators. EDIT: Never mind.....site is working now. Must have been a temp glitch.
  13. Just in case you mess up the wire like I did, it is p/n 26H-16385-00-00 and costs $2.97 from Partshark.com (plus shipping of course). But like Lynn said, if you don't change the half disk you won't even have to remove the wire.......and then lose your religion trying to get it back in!!! Joe
  14. The wire isn't that expensive..... partshark.com
  15. Well, I can answer a couple of those... #2. Yes, the wire has a part number. I know this because I broke one end off mine and had to get a new one. That thing can be a bugger to get back in. #3. As I understand it, yes you can put in a heavier spring and keep your stock plates. I think I remember reading that some have even put in 2 stock springs as opposed to a heavier (PCW?) spring. Mine has a Barnett pressure plate and springs, and is a great clutch. Someone else will be able to answer the others....and maybe correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.
  16. "Where's Cinderella Been?" Maybe she went to the Ball and met a Handsome Prince. She stayed out too late, and her carriage (Venture) turned into a pumpkin (Harley) and she's stuck on the side of the road! :rotf::rotf:
  17. Wow....anyone who rides Hwy 122 at night has to have nerves of steel!! About like riding a blind roller coaster at night! Whooooeeeee!
  18. Since when did "reasonable and fair" pricing automatically mean gouging? They are simply saying that if you are going to pay a super low price, in some way or other you will "get what you paid for". Our parents and grandparents understood that concept. Unfortunately we are accustomed to the "Wal-Mart" philosophy. And that is one major reason that there are so few manufacturing jobs left in this country. We demand "always the lowest price" and then get mad when some other aspect (quality or service) isn't as high as it used to be. They have to cut somewhere.
  19. In situations like this, I always go back to a sign I read in an auto parts store: Price - Quality - Service Pick any two. Basically, if you shop based on the absolute lowest price, you are going to give up either quality or exceptional service. A company cannot provide the lowest price and still maintain the quality and service of the higher priced stores.
  20. Before I changed my basket to the I basket, I tried the Mobil 1 20w-50 synthetic. It was horrendous! Whined worse than any oil I tried. I now run Rotella 5w-40 syn and it's the quietest I've found.
  21. Not sure which was worse....the whine or the ugly picture!! Seriously, that's a rather moderate whine in my opinion. Have heard a lot worse, have heard better. Joe
  22. Well, I can't help ya there Jeff, but I will tell you that I am in the early stages of designing some brackets that will allow me to mount some flip-up pegs lower and to the front of the passenger floorboards. My wife wants to be able to stretch out her legs sometimes, but not all the time. If this works as planned, she'll be able to fold the floorboards up and flip the pegs down into position for some stretch time. And then when tired of that position she'll be able to go back to the floorboards. I had planned on having this done by now, but life has gotten in the way. I'll let you know if I succeed. Joe
  23. Just a few weeks back I had mine up to 95 in 3rd gear before it touched the rev limiter. And there are 2 more gears above that. How fast do you want to go?
  24. I'd be polishing up my Canary Gun if'n I was you, bro. They ain't that hard to kill, just gotta shoot quick when that clutch cover comes off!
  25. OK, this I agree with. All of them that I personally have heard make some sort of a whine. Believe me, I know what the CHIRP sounds like!! My bike sounded like there was a 2-ton Canary living in the clutch housing.....Just ask Pegscraper, he'll tell you that it was a screamer. I can live with the whine as long as it is soft to moderate. The chirp makes my teeth hurt!
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