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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Not sure if it works with the c550, but BuddyRich makes a cable that connects the mic to the audio system. He said it would work with the Zumo and the Nuvi. Might want to check with him, high ratings from users on his product.
  2. :sign yeah that: I read my issues of RoadRunner over and over and over until the next issue comes out. Their writers seem to be non-biased about brands or even types of bikes. They have touring articles in which they ride everything from scooters up to lux tourers. And they seem to have a way to make me feel like I want to go ride every danged ride they report on! The quality of the pictures and even the paper is outstanding! They do have some advertising but not a lot like most seem to have. When I renewed the last time I went for 3 years.....would have gone longer but 3 was the longest they offered. I also read Rider mag, when my buddy is done with his and passes it on. I like it, but not as well as RoadRunner. I used to get WingWorld when I had my 1500 wing. Pretty crappy mag in my opinion. Your mileage may vary.....
  3. Yeah, sweet bike......but, it falls far short in several areas for me. I need luxurious passenger accomodations, a trunk, a windshield/fairing that not only protects the rider but the passenger as well, CRUISE CONTROL is a requirement, my short legs demand a reverse gear when I'm loaded to the hilt for long trips, and I don't think I can give up my CB either after using one for a couple years. One of my riding buddies has a Strat, and I've ridden it. I like the power, it rides nice and is comfortable to sit on....but for long trips it just won't compare to the Goldwing or RSV. My friend seems to replace a lot of tires too...gets about half the mileage on a set that I get on my Wing. And it remains to be seen how long that bike will hold up. I'm not aware of any 150,000 mile units running around out there. It has to prove itself and change a lot before I could ever buy one. I do admire them from a distance though.
  4. We really would only need to post links to sites that already have all that info. I like http://www.goldwingfacts.com , they have a wealth of info and pretty friendly folks. And then there is http://www.gl1800riders.com for the definitive answers on the GL1800. If they don't have the answer you're looking for, it probably doesn't exist. Only problem is that the attitude there is not nearly as friendly as here. Before asking questions on their site, you are well advised to do some detailed searching first. They tend to be kinda rough on people who ask the same common questions that have been answered 100 times. I like the detailed tech info, but not their attitude. They need to have some training from Freebird to straighten them out.
  5. Got mine at Walmart for a few bucks.
  6. If you read your owner's manual, it will tell you that your engine will run fine on regular unleaded with a pump octane of 86 or higher. Notice the "regular unleaded" part. These engines are designed to not need premium or mid-grade. Yes, you can use it if you feel a need to pump more money toward the oil companies, but it won't give any better mileage or performance. The mileage I get depends greatly on how and where I ride. Last July in the Rockies in Colorado, an entire tank at high elevation and lower speeds (wonderful curvy roads) yielded a bit over 47 mpg after correcting for odometer error. That's the best I've ever seen. Freeway speeds will get me 38-40 depending on load and winds. Gentle highway riding at 55-60 will get me 40-41. All of the 1800's seem to be different. A friend of mine runs 45-50 on his consistently. Of course, his right wrist doesn't get as much exercise as mine does either. Joe
  7. What you have described is exactly what I suspect will happen. And, I don't for a minute believe that such an offering will "literally blow the competition away". It will be too much like the Harley, the Victory, the Kawasaki.....with nothing extra to offer. Unless they come out with something totally new and unexpected to "energize" their customers, I don't look for it to succeed. Now, if they'd come out with a tourer based on that 1800 V4 Vmax engine, THAT would literally BLOW the competition away. I just wouldn't be able to afford it. And the navigator wouldn't tolerate it anyway! :(
  8. ......and you know this, how???? I'm still betting that the Venture will be dropped, at least for 5 years, in favor of what Yamaha feels is the current best-bet for a "touring" bike.....they have already started down that path with the Stratoliner. Now, I'm just guessing due to watching the way that Yamaha has stood back while the Venture basically has "died on the vine". I don't have any inside information. Upon what do you base your willingness to bet?
  9. Whether you like the Mac, hate it, or are indifferent, one thing is for sure. They are doing a good job of delivering consumer products that catch people's attention. According to this article, one-third of people planning on purchasing a new laptop in the coming months say they will buy a Mac. Stevie Ballmer may be getting a bit nervous.....
  10. Great looking Wing! I like the color....too bad it's not as fast as the Red ones! And I agree with Brad....Yamaha is becoming an afterthought in the touring motorcycle market. Kawasaki is advancing, Victory (whether you like the design or not) is on a roll, even (expletive deleted) Harley (spit...gak) is making advancements. It really appears that Yamaha just doesn't care about the true luxury touring market anymore. Who knows.....maybe they will make me feel like an idiot and release a real killer of a touring bike soon. I'd sure love to see that.
  11. Bill, I also am looking forward to seeing your pix. After seeing in person the other one you built, I know it will be awesome. Who knows, maybe I'll even get down your way this coming spring/summer and see it in person. Do you allow your buddies to "test ride"? I've always wanted to ride a 65mph cushman! Joe
  12. Now that's funny!!! I literally chuckled out loud. :rotfl:
  13. Did a quick search on that model number, and read a couple reviews. Buyer beware, owners aren't too pleased with this one. Old maps for one thing.....
  14. If it is energy conserving it will never go into any wet clutch bike of mine. Good luck, and happy slippage....
  15. Great info, Don. Thanks!
  16. Don't hold your breath on the dealer doing anything about this. My buddy has a Vulcan 2000 (Kaw) with 45000 miles on it, and it is using a quart every 1000-1500 miles. Kawasaki's response is that this amount of usage falls within the normal range. Hope that Yamaha would feel differently, but I doubt it.
  17. The ad states that it has pillow top seats but the pictures show the stock seats. Just an FYI...
  18. HEY.....Isn't the "husband" in that video actually Wink Martindale, the guy who was later a game show host? Sure looks like him.
  19. Well, they may not work for deer, but I know for a fact that they work for elephants. I had some on my 1500 Goldwing for 6 years, and NOT ONCE did an elephant run out in front of me! So there!!!
  20. I know nothing about this one, but having had the Baron's kit on a previous RSV and seeing how it worked, I can't see how it is possible to lower it without interfering with the rear brake caliper if it is not relocated. Of course, the ebay item does not say how far it lowers it.....maybe it's only 1/4" and then it wouldn't need a relocation.
  21. I have both the J&M and the Chatterbox headsets. They each have strengths and weaknesses in my opinion. The J&M does a better job of filtering out wind noise. However, the trade-off for that is that the mics sound a bit more "mushy" or suppressed, especially when my wife talks. She has a very soft voice and I can hear her much better and clearer with the Chatterbox, as long as we are under 50 mph and the wind isn't gusting. I also think that the Chatterbox sets have a better mounting system. The springclip makes it super easy to get on and off and it still holds tight. If you mostly ride in an easy-going cruiser style, then the Chatterbox would be an acceptable unit. Since most of our riding is a bit faster and more aggressive, the J&M's work better for us. As far as companies go, I have had no experience working with Chatterbox on any problems. IMO J&M cannot be beat for customer service. In May I bought a used Goldwing, and it came with a J&M passenger controller. I could barely hear my wife when hooked up to the controller. I removed it and went back to the stock config and could hear her fine. That rear controller is a $110 item, I emailed J&M asking if it was repairable and how much it would cost. John, the president of J&M, answered my email and gave me shipping instructions and an RMA number, said they'd look at it. I sent it off, 2 weeks later it came back to me....FULLY REPAIRED, and at NO COST other than what it cost me to send it to them. They even had a note in it stating what was done to repair it. What really gets me is that they knew that it was not purchased by me, and they fixed it for free anyway. Outstanding! If all businesses operated like J&M, the off-shore companies would find it tough to compete. I now always look at J&M first when looking for any bike electronics. The import stuff may be cheaper, but J&M takes care of their customers. That is worth the extra $.
  22. I do have to agree on the chrome. I have never seen any other brand bike or brand of chrome that matches the quality of the chrome on the HD. Now, if they'd just bring the rest of the bike up to those standards without raising the price they might tempt me......Nah. Not really.
  23. My opinion.... 1. Overpriced 2. Underpowered 3. Pretty bike So, if #3 outweighs the other two, then ride it. For me, it is a no-go.
  24. Nice find, Eck. A lot of good stuff there. It seems to be an electronic version of the service manual. As most GL1800 "wrenchers" soon find out, many of the procedures in the service manual tell you how to do it the 'hard way'. Many shortcuts and better methods have been found and most can be found on gl1800riders.com or by searching the internet. This is a good handy reference though. Thanks!
  25. I have noticed that the dollar is taking a beating against the Yen. I'm figuring this is part of the problem. The lower our $ drops, the more of them it takes to buy a Japanese product.
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