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Everything posted by FreezyRider

  1. Good choice, Tom. Same tire I'm running, and I really like it. Put it on just before our 2600 mile trip to the East Coast earlier this month, and it performs really well. I have noticed that the bike feels more "solid" in the rain. The rear end is planted and doesn't have the slippery feel that MC tires tend to have in wet weather. Also have found that I don't feel any slip from the rear when hitting gravel in a curve. Really nice. One thing I have found that you need to be aware of....on uneven pavement the tire does want to seek the lowest level of the dip that you are in. Just have to be aware and adjust for it. What pressure are you running? I have found that 32 seems to be best for me. And, I can tell if it loses some pressure. On our trip I thought it was handling a bit funny and checked the pressure at the next stop. It was down to 28. Not handling bad, just different. My buddy also runs this same tire on his Wing, I have followed him through some tight curves and watched the tread contact. Like you say, it's surprising how much tread is on the road. Good luck....keep me posted on how you like it. Joe
  2. FreezyRider


    Hmmmm.....I have the original droid, 2 years old and rock solid. Have dropped it on a concrete floor twice, keeps right on going. I'm well pleased with mine.
  3. Yes, that would work, but the Eclipse2 shown below that would be better. The TruFlex works by dimming the LED's to 30% for running lights (might be hard to see) and then flashing at 100% brightness for turn signals. If I understand correctly, the Eclipse2 runs the running lights at 100%, but causes the light to flash off and on for turn signal function.
  4. I doubt that those would work, they are a single-intensity (2 wire) strip. You need a dual-intensity (3 wires) unit in order to do this.
  5. Horsepower is the same....one is rated 97 and one is rated 98 if I remember right. Having owned both, I think they'd be about a dead heat in a 1/4 mile run....or at top end for that matter. The 1500 has great low end power. I used to slow down to 35 when passing through a small town, then speed back up to 60 when out of town...all without downshifting. When the speed zone ends just twist the throttle, you don't get the lugging that you get with the RSV.
  6. I looked for a long time but couldn't find the exact one I wanted, or I'd have one now. Probably all for the best....mama wouldn't be as happy on the Valk, she's got a "thing for the Wing".
  7. The 1500 does not use a stator, but a true automotive alternator. It can be removed in about 15 minutes, just gotta hold your mouth right while you do it! The brushes in the alt build up dust and stick, so should be blown out annually. Bearings (alt) can be replaced cheaply. The alternator in the 1990 was a Japanese built unit (actually same guts as the GM Saturn with a different front housing) and rarely went bad. In 1995 (I think, going from memory) they changed to a Chinese manufacturer. These were junk, often went bad (shorted windings) in 30-40k miles. A guy in Valparaso Indiana makes a good living rewinding and selling these. Don't let charging system horror stories scare you off of a good GL1500. As far as comfort, it's a very personal thing. I rode a 1500 for 6 years and knew it inside and out. Great bike. However, I was always messing with the seat to try to get better comfort. Never did get it right. Loved that bike though, and got tears in my eyes when I watched the buyer drive away with it. They take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. Now have an 1800, bought in May of 2010. Seat is great, especially with the $20 walmart pad. Yes, it will outrun and out corner the 1500, no doubt. It also seems to have a shorter seat height, which helps if you are inseam challenged like me. I would not go back to a 1500.....HOWEVER, there are lots of GW riders who sold their 1500's and bought an 1800...and then sold the 1800 and went back to the 1500. The suspension on the 1800 is stiffer. Jars you around a bit more than the 1500. A 1500 with Progressives front and rear rides like you are sitting on a cloud. The 1800 is tuned for a more "sporty" ride. Can be modified if you don't mind some work and $$$. There's my opinion for what it's worth. The 1500 is a fine machine.
  8. I truly hope this works for you. However.....I am not all that hopeful, and here is why. The stock basket is an H designation. Yamaha's recommended "fix" is to install the I basket. Your Vmax basket is an E, and the teeth are thinner. By deduction, that leads me to believe that the teeth get thicker as the letter designation goes up. And, my experience with the I basket leads me to this same conclusion. When I first installed the I basket in my 99 RSV, it took probably 80% of the offending noise away. Enough so that I was a happy camper and could live with it. Unfortunately, I had the same experience as many others who have installed the I basket....the longer I rode it the more the noise came back. After 5000 miles most of the chirp was back. So, I surmise that the "fix" is to install a basket with less clearance, not more. But when that new basket "wears in", the noise comes back. I hope I am wrong......wouldn't be the first time!
  9. At 41,000 I'd be checking the wheel bearings. I had a rear one go out at 49000 on my 99. Maybe a fluke, but worth checking.
  10. I had the exact same issue for many months. Even though I was convinced that my router was not at fault, I tried a new one. This resolved most but not all of the problem. What finally fixed it totally was changing my internet provider from cable to 10MB DSL service. Cable is a shared pipe, DSL is not. Once I got a line with no school kiddies on it sucking up all the bandwidth, my problem was totally resolved. Try another router. You may be surprised.
  11. That is JUST WRONG in soooo many ways!
  12. Well, Dang it all......I didn't realize that this weekend was the scooter show. Me and 3 buddies are leaving on a ride tomorrow morning to Kentucky....going to be gone until Sunday evening. I was planning on shooting down to Portland to meet up with you this year, but I guess that will have to wait another year. BTW, I am assuming that you are actually staying in Celina, Ohio??? Was that the closest room you could find? That's not exactly next door..... Hope you have a lot of fun! Joe
  13. Well Bill, you are either a slow learner or just plain stubborn (snarly)!!! You've been a member for what, 5 years??? And still don't know that we expect PICTURES, MAN, PICTURES!!!! No more beer for you until we get our pictures!!!
  14. Hey, maybe they can make rear shocks!!!!
  15. If someone offered me one of those for $600, you can bet the family farm that it would be mine. I've done some research on some of the Chinese scooters.....actually have done some repair work on them as well. From what I have found, the Roketa brand is one of the "better" of the Chinese variety. Nice find!
  16. Got a phone number? Call him and tell him that if he is not there at 8:00 tomorrow morning and does not show up every day thereafter until the job is complete, you will have your attorney begin legal proceedings against him. And then follow through. I would hope that the thought of having to spend money on his own lawyer would motivate him to get his act together. Good luck.
  17. Bill, A buddy of mine has one. Great bike, I have ridden it and it is sweet. However, the tire life STINKS!!! Both front and rear wear very fast on this bike. Don't know if it is due to some design flaw in the bike, or if the tires are just not manufactured for long life. I would have to buy 2 or 3 sets a year.....too $$$$ for me. Joe
  18. Yep, sure do remember.....that was funny. What a great ride that was! Just glad that for once I wasn't the source of entertainment!
  19. Normally I just deleted this garbage and go on about my business. However, I occasionally get irritated enough that I actually do reply. I send them false information in the hopes that some jerk will waste a bunch of time sitting at his computer trying to login to a phony email account with false credentials. Just think.....if we all did that everytime we got one of these, the scammers would be so busy following up on phony information that they wouldn't have much time left for sending out new crap.
  20. Impressive. But the Stebel Nautilus is still louder at 139db.... For someone who just wants to replace the stock horns on an RSV without adding an additional bracket somewhere, the Hellas look like a good option. Joe
  21. We need a new rule on this forum....."Suspects in pictures must be identified" :sign yeah that:
  22. I have the Kuryakyn's. They work fine for their intended purpose, but are a pain to deal with when you want to open the trunk. Gotta swing them out of the way if you are going to open the lid more than 3 inches. The Rivco's are really intriguing....and a bit $alty too. But they look great and since they pivot up instead of out, they will automatically move out of the way when opening the trunk. Here's pix: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Goldwing-GL1800-Rivco-Billet-Passenger-Armrests-Chrome-/110698812316?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item19c629d39c#ht_500wt_956 Joe
  23. Glad you got this corrected, Dennis. Hope you have a G-R-E-A-T trip. Keep us all posted on your adventures. Joe & Donna
  24. I can't speak to your concern about the TPMS, but I installed the beads in my non-TPMS wheels that do have the 90 degree valve stems. Not hard at all. While using the tube and squeeze bottle that I got with my beads, I simply tapped on the valve stem with a screwdriver. The vibration causes the beads to feed in easily past the bend. Joe
  25. This is a case of "getting what you pay for" in the digital world. Even though your L110 is a great point and shoot camera, it isn't a true SLR camera. The higher end Nikons such as the D3100 series are SLRs. You don't get the shutter delay with them, you can pretty much push that button as fast as you want and it will fire every time. My son, who did some semi-professional photography for awhile, had a Nikon digital SLR and it was amazing what that camera could do. Of course, he paid $700 for just the camera body....and it was used.
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