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Everything posted by lshafer

  1. Those are the ones I'm looking for. They clamp together around the crash bar with a red reflector. I don't recall just how long they are but if they are 4" they will work for what I'm trying to do. So, if anyone has any please let me know. I'm not opposed to other ideas but I know this will work if they are the correct length. Thanks for all the replies.
  2. Eck, I appreciate the offer but I was really looking for the red ones. I'll certainly keep your offer in mind if nothing else comes up. I'd like to think I can change the reflector color, right? Since you have a set, can you say for sure how long they are? The bracket needs to be at least 4" to work. Thanks
  3. Good afternoon everyone. It's been quite a while since my last post (I purchased an HD and have been dormant in the Royal Star world). Try not to look down on me for my minor shortcomings!! Anyway, I need to fix my HD with a Yamaha part. I'll explain - I recently removed the bag rails from my Ultra but that left 2 holes in earch crash bar. The holes are 1/2" in diameter and are 4" appart - measured from the top of the upper hole to the bottom of the lower one. I was looking for way to cover those but still keep them available in case I should decide to put the bag rails back on. That's when the idea popped into my head of the reflectors and bracket that went around the crash bar of my RSTD when I had it. I was thinking that those reflectors would be just long enough to cover both holes and I could make them work on my 7/8" HD crash bar. I started looking around for them at different stores, thinking they might be something I could just pick up. Not a chance. I then decided to look into the Yamaha specs and find a part number. Cross-referencing that on line I found them!!! OMG are they spendy. It looks like it would cost me over $50 per side. $100 for a couple relectors. WOW. So, that brought me here. Does anyone have a set of these reflectors they'd be willing to part with at a reasonable cost? Please let me know. PS - I put plenty of HD stuff on my Yamaha so I might just as well put a little Yamaha stuff on my HD. Thanks in advance.
  4. I really liked my Road King exhaust I had on my 06 RSTD. Great sound.
  5. Harley says you should use HD oil (of course). I just don't want to travel over an hour to an HD dealer in my area just to get oil. There are plenty of other quality oils for bikes that I can pick up at auto parts stores or maybe even Walmart.
  6. First of all, don't judge. I traded in my RSTD a couple of months ago for a 2012 Ultra Classic. It's a beautiful bike and a blast to ride. Nothing against my RSTD because I loved that bike to, I was just looking for something different. Anyway, I'm sticking around this site because of the knowledgable folks and because everyone is so nice. I know there are a handful of folds that have Harley around here and I was hoping to get some advice. Oil is a huge topic regardless of the type of bike you ride and it seems everyone has an opinion. I've pretty much decided to stick with regular mineral oil, not synthetic. This decision was based on the fact that I've ran regrular oil in every machine I've ever owned and never once have I had an oil related issue. I'm a 2500 to 3000 oil change guy so I just fail to see what the benefit is of paying the extra money for synthetic. That being said, what are you Harley riders' recommendations for regular old mineral oil in the engine, primary and transmission? Thanks guys. Les
  7. One word - FUN.
  8. Does anyone know what they may be worth??
  9. They have the tips. Full set.
  10. Hey guys. Since I purchased my Harley Ultra Classic a couple weeks ago I need to get rid of my stock RSTD pipes. I had put Road King slash cuts on my RSTD and still had the OEM pipes in a box in my garage. They're in perfectly fine shape. Had about 8000 miles on them. So, I'm looking to find out from you fine folks what they are worth so I can sell them. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks all!!
  11. Thanks Rick. Anytime you want to ride just let me know. I'm always looking for excuses.
  12. The dealer dropped the bike down to $21,000. I called about 10 different dealers within 150 mile radius of my home and found this to be about $1000 less than anyone. I actually had a couple well respected dealers tell me there was NO WAY they could get to that price and they wouldn't hesitate a bit to buy it. They said that price is almost unheard of, especially this time of year. The only thing I can think of is that they really needed to move some stock. Anyway, I'm very happy with how the deal worked out. To all - thank you for your kind words. I really look forward to hanging around here and would really like to make it to some of Wisconsins local events. Provided people don't point and laugh when I drive in.:rotf:Look at it this way, if I attend a maintenance day everyone will have something to fix!!!
  13. Well, I'm the proud owner of a brand new Harley Electra Glide Ultra Classic but it was tough to part with the RSTD. It was a nice bike and very mechanically sound. It had everything I wanted at the time of purchase but as the years went by I found I wanted more. Alas, I just can't bring myselft to upgrade to the Venture knowing Yamaha hasn't done anything to really update or improve it in years. I'm not bashing - please don't think I am. They are really great bikes. I just decided they aren't my cup of tea. So, I intend to hang around this forum so I can continue to learn from a very knowledgable group of riders. I know there are a few out there that ride HD's. So, I'll become one of the few. Below is a pic of my new ride. It's Ember Red Sunglo in color. In the sunlight it sparkles with gold flecks. It's really nice paint. This picture doesn't do it much justice but you get the idea. Keep it between the ditches everyone. Les
  14. Thanks for the tip. I didn't plan to do anything to it - at least not in the foreseeable future. If I do, I will keep that in mind. I really liked my RSTD but it just doesn't have the torque I want. It's a great bike to cruise with but not much for thrills getting to cruising speed. Still love the Yamahas though.
  15. There was a time I didn't think it would ever happen, but it's going to. In the next couple days I'll be purchasing my first HD Ultra Classic. It's a new 2012 model with the 103 cubic inch motor in Ember Red Sunglo. I found a price on one locally that could not be beaten by other dealers in our area. The closest I could find was still over $1000 more and that dealer told me if the other dealer is willing to sell it for that - buy, buy, buy. He said there's no way I'll find that deal this time of year anywhere else. I actually heard the same thing from 3 very respectable dealers in my area. So after all the fun I've had with my RSTD, it's time to say goodbye. If anyone knows anyone looking for an absolutely pristine Midnight Edition, send them my way. Hopefully, the ad I placed on this forum took. I don't see it so I'm assuming it takes a bit to show up like Craigslist. I hope I'm still welcome here after I switch sides to Harley. The information I've gathered in the year of my membership has been outstanding. This site is full of some very knowledgable people. I've loved every moment on this site and look forward to picking everyones brains in the future. Later, Les
  16. Well, I'm not really sure how to say this succinctly but I'll try. I was in the neigborhood of the HD shop in Rice Lake, WI today and decided to stop in and give them another chance. This time I was alone and had some time (last time I had my father-in-law and a buddy along). This time I didn't have anyone pressuring me or giving me opinions. I asked the same salesman if I could have an Ultra Classic for an hour. He said that wasn't a problem and hooked me up with a 2010 with a 96 CU IN motor and a total of 973 miles on it. So, basically new. Anyway, I took the bike out to the parking lot and looked it over as best I could. I jumped on and motored around the parking lot a bit getting used to the fit of the bike, paying special attention to the position of my feet and body. To my suprise, once I paid attention to how I was sitting and started sitting properly on it, I actually started feeling more comfortable. I decided to go down the road a ways and started on some side streets with 25MPH speed limits. I guess I cruised along for about 2 miles through a bunch of stop signs just learning the clutch and the getting the feel of everything. To my apprehensive suprise the bike was really feeling pretty good. Time to get on the highway. Pulled out and ran it up to 60MPH without truoble at all. Had it in 5th gear and it felt really good. Cracked the throttle and still had power. Didn't bother shifting in to 6th. The RPM's were at about 2500 (if I remember correctly) in 5th grear and running 60. Came to a stop sign and decided see what it could do!! That 96 can really move. Drove back to the dealership with a great big smile on my face. I couldn't believe - and still can't - that my first experience was so bad and this one was almost perfect. There was no difference in bikes other than motor size. Handle bars, seats and floor boards were all exactly the same. That I know because I pulled them up side by side (they still had the one I drove first) and they were perfectly the same. All I can think is that I was rushed and being heckeled and just never got comfortable. Has anyone ever had a bad first experience such as this? I can tell you all right now that I'm going to keep trying different HD's and if I continue to have good experiences, I can easily see myself switching. There could easily be a 2006 Midnight RSTD with some nice extras up for sale. I would love to hear honest opinions. NO HATE MAIL PLEASE.
  17. And they still sound great... I believe these are the ones I purchased from you when you got your BUBS, correct? I love 'em.
  18. Thanks Scooter Bob. I appreciate the possible assist.
  19. I'm hoping to meet some people at the WI MD but I don't think I'll let any of you near my bike with a hammer. I hope to have everything done by then that I want to do to it this year... but by then I'm sure I'll find something else.
  20. I didn't try WD-40. I guess I should have asked the experts here first. Oh, well. Too late now. She's in pieces. I was certainly thinking about leveling links and greasing the shaft and splines. I get a little nervous when it comes to taking that kind of stuff apart though. I suppose it's not too difficult but I'll be on the hunt for some step by step directions to get it done.
  21. ...so, I'm wondering what type of maintenance things would make sense while I have a good chance. Backstory: I sealed my driveway a couple of years ago and even though I covered the bike while it was sitting in the garage (apparently not well enough), a couple of gusts of wind apparently blew some of the sealer up underneath the blankets. Well, I've tried and tried over the past couple riding seasons to get the sealer off the paint with no luck. It looks like really fine dried water spots all over. It's primarily on the right side of the bike on the saddlebag, both fenders and the lower fairing. Some did make it's way on to the left side as well, though not as bad. Nothing that I can see made it to the tank. Anyway, a couple of days ago I stopped a one of our local body shops who's owner I happen to know pretty well. I asked him if he'd be willing to give me an opinion on what to do. He and one of is body shop guys took a peak. They tried some 'high power' bug and tar remover with no luck. They agreed that whatever got on there apparently etched itself into the clearcoat and the only way to fix it would be to wet sand and buff it out. Well, I'm getting off REALLY easy on the cost but he asked that I bring him all the parts stripped down. Here we are: I removed both saddlebags, complete lower fairing, rear fender (I didn't have to remove the rear wheel), front fender and both side covers. To get the rear fender off I also removed the seats and the bracketting that holds the saddlebags. So, as you can imagine, she's pretty naked. I have a lot of things exposed right now and I thought this would be the perfect time to take care of some routine maintenance. I plan to change the rear fluid but are there other suggestions? How do I grease it up good? Your thoughts are appreciated. Hopefully I'll get my stuff back and can get things back together next weekend so I'd like to take care of stuff over the week or maybe next Saturday. Thanks, Les
  22. Hey. I got it. There's a couple of bolts that hold the assembly under the fender up. Nothing to it and I didn't have to remove the rear wheel. Yippy.
  23. Unplugged the harness from inside the battery box. Figured I tackle the wiring with the fender off. Everything should come off now with the fender - if I can get the fender off.
  24. ON my RSTD do I need to remove the rear wheel in order to remove the rear fender??? I'm all the way to the point of pulling it off - its completely loose - but these two mounts pictured under the frame where the seat attaches don't seem to allow enough room to lift the fender free. Help would be great.
  25. Never seen anything like it. What are some thoughts? http://eauclaire.craigslist.org/mcy/2931879402.html
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