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IH Truck Guy

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Everything posted by IH Truck Guy

  1. That's how it's supposed to work.. The DMV will give you a interpetor to take the test...WTF....:bang head:
  2. I still can't believe that sweet little dog is a trained killer.. Glad it's all going to be ok... Did they catch the perp????????
  3. Bill,winters almost over............ Now that your married,order Jeannie out there to shovel.. :rotfl: OK, I know she's going to:buttkick:for that,but I couldn't help it.. I would buy your snowplow driver a couple of beers and have him drop the wing plow down and take the offending mailboxes out...It happens all the time....
  4. Jeff,good luck with the contest... The only advice I can give ya is to pace yourself...
  5. Visiting at least one Hooter's in every state....
  6. Geez Mike,are you still on that 2nd Gen kick????????
  7. SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeee, I knew there was a good reason we got you that Harley shirt for Xmas.. :D :rasberry: :whistling: :rotfl::rotfl:
  8. [quoteOh, I've got a plan fer dealin' with all the Jeff's, don't worry 'bout dat. Later, Scooter Bob Aren't the "Jeff's" maning the dunk tank this year.. :rotfl:
  9. Hey Mike, Shari and I are going to try and make both events..Would like to ride down to Don's with you and Jeff... We are shooting to leave on Friday morning.Will know more as it gets closer....
  10. Way to go... Another bonus for us 1st Gen owners.... :crackup:
  11. Hey buddy,it's your story and you can tell it any way you want... Way to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D Score..........Dad 1, Male teenage suitor 0..............
  12. Carl, Shari say's to spray it down with "Stripper Juice"...:rotfl:
  13. Jeff,stay safe while your over in the sandbox.. Tell Mini to post your addy so we can send ya a care package or two..
  14. You needed to put down "Ice and Water shield" before you put on the new roof.. A rubber membrane that sticks to the roof deck.. Any ice dams that occur will stay on top of the rubber and not get in the house... You can look at any house a couple of days after a snow and see which ones have heat loss... No heat loss=no ice dams
  15. Hal,you and Gayle have a great time.... Don't forget to check your bags for stowaways...:yikes: Last time I was home,Shari and Alex had bags packed... Tell your Mom I said hi.........
  16. They have one of the prototypes at the Harley museum in the Milwaukee. They could have had the world my the a$$...
  17. Where are all the players?????????????????????????? Sitting in Denver waiting on a load.. Saw 3 Harleys riding today.. Almost asked them to join in the hunt,just to get some new blood in the game.. I might have to start using the truck to get some of the targets.. :D:D
  18. Jeff,I could not have said it better...:goodpost: You da man.
  19. Dude,you live in TEXAS now.... Heated gear,really...You guys are getting soft... :rotfl:
  20. Joe,way to go... Sounds like a old Fil-Mor run????????????????? I think if I came off the road again,Shari would kill me..:rotfl: Congrats
  21. You too.......................LMAO
  22. :goodpost::goodpost::goodpost::goodpost::goodpost::goodpost::goodpost:
  23. A**hole neighbors are every where. good luck
  24. I know that there are a few fans. www.usatoday.com/travel/destinations/2011-01-08-first-dairy-queen-usa-joliet_N.htm Maybe the Illinois gang can set up a M&E.....
  25. Hi Annie,I'm loaded for Virginia right now and now they are talking about a load to Arizona.So we'll see..I'll keep ya posted....
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