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Everything posted by PGunn

  1. Jack I am truly sorry to hear what you’re going through, my X did the same thing with my "best friend" a long time back, about 30 years ago, but I am much happier for it because the woman I am married to today has it over her by 100 times. And to be honest if it wasn't for her I would not be riding the bike I have today, that woman sure knows her way around a $1.00. Now to give you guys an idea of bull headed and a lesson learned, my wife I think has the record. See she is a Lab Tech in a medical center and anyone here who has a family member in the medical field they all think they know what the problem is and what to do to fix it. Now about 4 years ago she starts complaining about chest pains and I tell her go to the Doctor well I’m sure you guys know how far that went. So after a few days she is at work can’t catch her breath because the pain has gotten so bad. They rush her up to the cardiologist office he does a quick check and he rushes her to the hospital thinking he is having a heart attack. They get her in run her through all the checks including a heart catheter and yup you guessed it she has heart burn go figure… Now the story does not end there she goes to her regular doctor and he runs the tests to see what is going on prescribes some meds sends her on her way. A week goes by she starts feeling sick so she goes to the doctor after a few days he takes a look at her and I mean a look nothing more tells her she has a virus sends her home to get bed rest. Well that was on a Thursday and by Monday she says she is going back to see the doc because she is not doing well at all. She goes in he tells her yup you have a virus get some rest so she goes home. Now unknown to me from this point on she can only get to the bathroom on her hands and knees and if I ask her if she is hungry it was “I just ate a little while ago” when in fact she didn’t eat anything. Now come Wednesday she is feeling so crappy she goes back and the doc is not in but the physician assistant is and takes a look at her and asks what’s wrong. Well she tells her heart is beating real fast, a headache and hears what sounds like water rushing in her ears. The assistant takes a look at her chart and yup you guess it she has a virus and asks her if she is a coffee drinker and how long ago was her last cup of coffee and that is what may be causing the headache. So the assistant tells her to pick up some Excedrin with added caffeine and take those. Now she calls me at work and asks me to pick them up for her and ok I do it. Now Thursday she is feeling so bad she calls the because she can’t get to the car to drive herself in, and you guessed it never said a word to me about how bad she really is and when I say anything all I get is the doctor said it is nothing more than a virus it will pass. Well after calling and telling the receptionist at the office she can’t keep anything down and asks to speak to the doctor the receptionist tells her the doctor is busy at the moment and will call back. After a while the receptionist calls back and said the doctor has a prescription waiting for her at CVS. Wife calls me I say ok I’ll pick up the pills, yes pills for someone who is throwing up. Now right after that my step-daughter calls me at work all upset because she asked her mother for some info on the electric bill and my wife tells her she has no idea what she is talking about.. Well I take off from work walk in the door take one look at her dial 911 the ambulance shows up the EMT does a quick check and she is severely dehydrated and she is rushed to the hospital. They get her there do some quick checks ask her some questions which is when I found out how bad she really was but this is not the time to start on her about that. Well after a standard blood test the doctor comes in and tells her the bad news she has hemolytic anemia. Now I’m sitting without a clue what these 2 are talking about and the Doc tor looks at me and asks if I understand what they are talking about and I said nope. Well it seems my wife has at that time had about 3 hours to live if they don’t start blood transfusions right now and her red cell count is the lowest the hospital has ever seen in a living person. Well after a 2 weeks in the hospital and 14 pints of blood a bunch of steroids and some other great Doctors she is back to her normal self and doing great. That was the good news the bad news is we found out 6 weeks ago she has breast cancer but being the trouper she is (tough does not even begin to cover it) she is doing as good as one could do and receiving the best care going. I do want to apologize for the length of this but Jack I just want you to see that even though it looks like crap today there will be a day when you can look back and see you’re a lot better off then you were before. I have gone through a ton of stuff on the bad side some my, fault some not but in the end even right now I feel I am way ahead of the game. I have a great lady who I love more than anything, who has done more for me in the short 10 years we have been together then most others have in my whole life.
  2. Yup drove through that area last Friday morning on my why to Buffalo and Monday afternoon on my way back. Nice area roads also I have done some limited driving around there. We tried to make a run to or around Graylok last October but we got a little side tracked and ended up in Vermont for dinner and a quick ride back because the sun was going down along with the temp.
  3. Ok now I to do the wave to pretty much everyone on a motorized bi-wheeled vehicle and sometimes even those guys on the choppers who look like wantabes, those are more for the enjoyment of watching them try to ignore me as they go by then anything else. Now about the chirp... I bought my 06 Venture after research and fact finding and reading all I could here and before there was 500 miles on it the clutch basket was changed and the chirp, more a whine then a chirp, was reduced to an issue only when slowing down. Now as long as some of the folks I ride with never look here they will never know that I am stretching the truth in saying it is my super-charger winding down when comming to a stop.
  4. Ok now I just got back from driving from Boston MA to Buffalo NY (around 1,100 miles) to visit the grandkids and family. Now on my trip I saw Harleys, Suzuki’s, Yamahas, and some Hondas. Now all in all it was a great ride no problems with cagers but can someone tell me what is the issue with Goldwing drivers? I mean I saw Harley drivers who were friendly enough and along with the rest but when it comes the Goldwing drivers I have my doubts they have a clue what riding is about. Now do these bike come with a gold plated sick they shove you know where before they get on or is it inserted automatically when they sit down or is it they are just upset at spending $25,000 on a bike? I pulled into a rest stop on the NYS thruway and there was a group of 6 or so and talk about a “DON”T EVEN THINK ABOUT PARKING NEAR US” look. And as they walked by you would have thought I was the black plague the way they ignored me. Now I may be wrong by classifying these as “all” Goldwing drivers but this is not the first time this has happened to me and I did not say or do anything to even be remotely considered out of line. The ride was great though no rain until I was on the last 45 minutes of the trip and I did 8 total fill ups and traveled just over 1,100 miles in 4 days. Went through around 25 gallons of gas and saw some nice sites along the trip. I had one nervous point when traveling across NYS I saw 2 deer running along and figured I should move over in case they changed their heading and that was out of the question there was a semi in the way so I slowed down and got past them with no issues but as a side note they did stop running just as I approached them and they did turn facing the highway but I did not stick around to see if they tried to cross.
  5. I was on my way in this morning to work and I spotted a red & black Venture on 24 north in the Randolph MA area around 6:30 in the AM. I live right around there and was wondering if anyone knew who this might be. He had a stuffed animal on the rack looked like a raccoon of sorts might have even been Scrat from Ice Age..
  6. Ok I found the guy to call next time... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFe1r8DnQqQ]YouTube - Tow-truck motorcycle[/ame]
  7. Last Saturday I ended up stuck on the roadside due to an error on my part. Now no one was hurt the bike is fine but I did come out of it with a lesson learned thing. When I called Yamaha Roadside Assistance for a tow truck to pick up my bike and I found them to be very helpful. I called around noon and received a call back around 12:20 telling me the truck would be there in 45 minutes to an Hour which wasn't bad time wise I thought. After them I call my wife and told her of the problem and she said she would be there in about the same time. Well my wife shows up and I get in the car, it was around 80 out and a nice clear sunny day, we were talking for a while and I look at the clock and it's around 2:00 pm and no tow truck and so I figured call Yamaha back and see what is going on, "Sorry all out operators are busy at the moment....", so I plugged the cell phone into the charger and let it sit there as I don't want to loose my place in line and after 30 minutes I gave up. So now it's around 2:30 and still no truck so I call 411 get the dealers number and call them. They tell me that yes Yamaha did contact them but the towing is handled by someone else and they don't know who. So I get out of the car ask my wife to go to the next exit get me some water because I stopped sweating around an hour ago, remember it's 80 and no clouds in the sky, so she takes off and comes back around 10 minutes later with water and a sub (reminder to self "always put at least 2 bottles of water in saddle bag before going out"). I tried Yamaha and still "All lines are busy..." I get out of the car walk around for a bit and get back in the car it is now around 3:10 and still no truck. My wife says try them again and I just give her one of those why bother looks so she tries and you know it gets right through. Well the lady who answered the call asks whats the problem and I explained in a calm tone that I called in around 12 and received a call back around 12:20 that the truck would be there in 45 minutes to an hour. She asks me what time is it now where you are and I said 3:15 and all I here is "Oh my god sir I am so sorry. Let me see what the hold up is and I'll get right back to you.". So I figure ok here we go she is going to hang up and call me back in an hour or not at all but nope she puts me on hold so now I'm thinking ok I'll be on hold until either I get board or the call gets "dropped" well wrong on 2 counts. She is back to me in less then 2 minutes and tells me she is sorry for the delay and a truck will be there in 15 - 20 minutes. She again apologies for the delay and tells me what happened. The guy who originally took the call screwed up on the case # and never sent the confirm fax to the tow company. Now after a while the tow company calls Yamaha back gives the case # and is told that is not a valid case # and closes the call. My question to her was why didn't anyone call me back asking if the truck showed or to even verify the ticket. She said that was her # 1 question also it seems she is a shift supervisor who was working random calls and she was upset that this even happened and we parted on good terms. Well the truck shows up in 15 minutes and it's a tow truck not a flat bed. Now I'm looking at this thinking either this guy is real good or he is upset with his boss and does not care about the damage to the bike. Well he gets out of the truck and starts right away about how Yamaha has screwed him twice today and I told him I know the whole story and that I also know that it had nothing to do with him. Well he has me move the bike so he can hook it up and I'm watching him. This guy was good, he put a sling around the steering head up through the inside of the handlebars and the other sling between the saddle bags and through the tire. He then unhooks the 2 cables from the sling on the truck runs the boom out and connects each cable to each sling and lifts the bike. He them retracts the boom sets the bike on the "T" bar straps the tires on the bike to the "T" bar and then ties the "T" bar to the truck and lifts the bike up just to snug everything up. We made it to the Dealer, Hudson Cycle Center in NH, with 1 minute to spare, they close at 4 we got there at 3:59. The guys at Hudson are a great bunch and they had the bike back to me in no time after the replacement seal got there. The problem with the bike... I re-jetted the carbs and pinched off the crankcase vent when I put it back together and blew a seal and it was a lesson learned... Check everything as you reassemble and do a short trip around the block a few times to check things out before going out riding!!!
  8. Larry thanks and you were right on. I moved the #120 Jet to the #117.5 carb and then moved one of the #122.5 jets to the #120 position and bought 2 #125 jets and that solve a large chunk of the problem. I still have to replace the pilot jets, should have done that when I had it all apart, because I can still feel a small lag when I get on it. Under normal driving you really can't tell that it needs it but as soon as you jump on it you know it is there. Now for the "reasons why you have to check everything" part. You guys out there who are tempted to do something like this be warned if you don't check everything as you put it back together you can run into major issues. When I started taking the stuff off the bike it looked straight forward and easy to do and it was. Remove the tank, disconnect a few hoses, remove the air boxes, remove the carbs, flip the carbs (oh yea make sure you have a large rag under the carbs if you didn't run them dry before starting and a good size one even if you did because they are going to drain the leftover gas out the top of them when you flip them), pull the float bowl covers, remove / swap the jets around and reverse the process to reassemble. Now make sure everything is free and none of the hoses get kinked because it cost me 3 1/2 hours sitting on the road side because I kinked the crankcase breather hose. Now When the crankcase can't let the pressure out it will build up until it finds a way out which in my case it blew a seal. I was lucky I did no damage to the engine and the dealer it went to was great, Hudson Cycle Center in NH. My mistake ended up costing me $168.00 in parts and labor plus $30.00 towing all because I did not check all the hoses.
  9. Don I have to agree with you on the any benefits thing. I didn't compare the K&N replacement filter for the stock intakes and they may open the breathing up just as much or close to it. I also did not cut an opening into the lower faring on each side either or run any special ducting but the bike is breathing better then it did with the stock filter setup and it does look "cool" with them on there and I did it for around $250.00. As far as "ram air" goes I think it would take a lot more then a intake getting hit with 60 mph wind in a area where air turbulence is a major factor and not smooth by any means. Now if someone were to develop a supercharger of sorts that would make a difference but how many would really need it and the cost would be real high.
  10. What ever you do don't go looking for the "Fuel Injection" on a Venture.... Now that project is looking better and better also. Thanks guys for the info and as soon as I get it figured out I'll let you know and that colortune I did see what has been done here in the group and the effect of it and I may get one as it will come in handy when tuning the fuel injection setup I'm working on. I should have the jets figured out by no later then the end of June as I am planning on biking from Boston to Buffalo the end of the month to see the grandkids.
  11. Ok I found that these really do open up the breathing on the intake side. I took the bike out let it warm up some and started down the road went to twist on some power and got a quick surprise it was the “wait where is it, where did it go, hey there is nothing there, where is all my power gone to… really it was those exact thoughts that went through my head. After installing the Hypercharges the mid and upper range are flat, no power, and little acceleration. Now after the shock passed I shimmed the needles and that helped some but the flat spot / no power is still there until the revs go up so I will have to re-jet. I went to the dealer, ok now atop laughing it isn’t that funny, but I was told that the 02 and newer have different carbs an the jet kits won’t work because all the jets are now the same size. Now my question is what type of jets are they? I have looked, Googled, and can’t find any info on these carbs and what jet types are in them. Now I do know these are Makuni BDS32 but from what I have seen there is nothing out there information wise. I also emailed Dynojet and asked about a kit and was told they had no plans for a kit. So can someone let me know where to look and what type of jets and sizes you would recommend?
  12. Jimbob5 Thanks for the info but I am in too deep at this time to switch to that type of course. I am open to any suggestions so if anyone comes across anything I will check it out to see if it is doable I guess it is time for an update on this. I am still working on this project but it is now at the point of being a piece by piece type of thing. I found a deal on a couple of air boxes to modify so I can mount the injectors to them. I am in the process of making 2 adapter plates out of 1/8 aluminum one for each side to mount the throttle bodies to the air boxes. I will be using 1/8 rubber for gasket material between the air box the plates and the throttle bodies. This will save on the overall height difference between the carbs and the throttle bodies of about ½ to ¾ of an inch. I will also need to pick up the part that connects to the front of both the air boxes so I can mount the sensors needed for the intake to it. I think if I mount the throttle bodies in this manner I should have enough of a difference between the original carb height and the throttle body height that I can use the Honda throttle body mounts by trimming off the bottom of them and trimming the outside diameter a little to fit into the Venture (older style) carb mounts. If that works I will have to make some inserts for inside the Yamaha mount to transition from the Honda mounts to the Yamaha mounts to help with the air flow. Once I have that completed I will start working toward the adapter plates / flanges to mount everything to the intakes in the heads. I feel that by doing it in this manner I will end up with the correct angle between the injector bodies that should closely match that of the original carbs and I can then finish the linkage and support struts.
  13. I was sitting in the chair right next to my stepson when his slid off the arm of the couch and bounced on the floor and he had just and i mean just removed it from the box and turned it on. He was more mad at himself more then I could have been and all the while thinking well this is going to cost me. This poor kid ( He is in college) has a Toshiba Tablet his Dad and Mom bought for him for school and he has trashed twice the first time spilled water on it and the second time he got caught in the rain and his backpack was open and it soaked the laptop and of course when Dad bought it in order to save a few bucks he did not get a warranty. We use Dells at work and every one comes with the 3 year on site warranty and it is worth every penny. The guys at work as me what do I recommend (I am the local IT guy) and I ask them back "Just think of all the stuff you do to your work laptop, all the dropping, tossing all that and what laptop should you get. You would never do to your own laptop what you do to your work laptop." I also tell them to get the full Dell warranty because if anything breaks after the initial warranty ends you might as well toss it in the trash and buy a new one.
  14. You guys have to check this guys site out not so much for the how to with the colortune but his "poor mans dyno" section. This is scary.... http://www.gadgetjq.com/ctune.htm
  15. I was wondering how the 8830 works out as a GPS / Media player my big concern is the screen size and GPS data update time. Mine like yours the company is footing the bill for the whole thing so the data charge is not an issue. I am currently using an Ipaq hx4700 with Iguidance and I like it because like most GPS devices the map data is stored locally verses having to "download as you go" like on the Blackberry and the Ipaq device was given to me. The one issue I need to look into on the Ipaq is that when using the Microsoft Media player the thing goes into screen saver mode no matter what the screen save mode on the device is set to, it is like it has it's own setting, so seeing the map in Iguidance is out of the question when playing MP3's and it does not matter what app is "on top" either. I also like the screen size on the Ipaq and it's ease of use but the player thing is a pain. I have question on this computer thing for the Gadget Kings and Queens out there, has anyone put a touchscreen on their bike and if so what size and where? I'm kinda thinking that if the ASUS EEE is in the trunk along with the Air-card / GPS device can I have a remote touchscreen mounted to the dash / handle bars? Now powering the laptop is no big issue and running the video and sound up front is no big issue either as there are cables more then long enough to reach the only issues I see is the screen size and weather proofing it (zip lock bag). A 7" LCD touch screen would be perfect but mounting as I see it might be too much of a hassle or the screen might would be too big, any thoughts out there? Just think of the engine monitoring, GPS or what ever you want system you could have then. You could have the tachometer, oil pressure, water temp, air temp pretty much you name it all on one screen or would this be a totally insane idea because of safety concerns or maybe for the passenger / navigator to use on a swing away type setup.
  16. I bought the ASUS EEE for my stepson as a Christmas gift and now I wish I had gotten one for myself. As far as usability the system is nice and you can drop it from the couch to the floor and it keeps running, dropped checked the first day right out of the box and he has not had one issue with it. The solid state drive is almost indestructible and I could really use it on the bike because of space issues when my wife and I head out for the weekend. This thing is small enough that it will fit in the cargo net in the trunk easily. For now I have both the Sprint USB Air-card for my Latitude D400 and the 8830 Blackberry which also works out nice when on the road.
  17. I am looking around on EBay and trying to stay in the good graces of my wife by not buying bike parts this one looks like a good deal if you need one. For those of you looking to add that second break light be it on the top or as I prefer under the trunk this might not be a bad idea: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-HIGH-LEVEL-LED-3RD-BRAKE-LIGHT-LED-BRAKE-LIGHT_W0QQitemZ250226900848QQihZ015QQcategoryZ33713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem It's listed as a buy it now for 9.99 and 9.95 shipping it's 14" x 1.5" x 1.5 comes with double sided tape to mount it on on back glass, but 2 holes are also available for those who want to screw it on if needed on a trim . Take a look it might be what your looking for. It looks like a SOMA type of brake light and for the price it's not a bad deal. I'm doing a search in the parts section using this as a search "3rd brake light led -cover -decal -overlay" without the quotes. There are some other interesting light setups that can also be adapted as a second light. One of the ones I'm thinking of is use one from a pickup truck that has the cargo lights on each side of the brake light and use them as a flashing lights when stopped but I have to check the laws before I buy one. Another thing you can do is make your own custom mount by picking up a piece of angle aluminum (1 1/2 inch) and mount the light into it cut the ends and bend them to fit in between the helmet hangers bolt it in then wire it up. I did that with one I bought and gave it that brushed look by sanding it then painted it a semigloss black.
  18. This all reminds me of a time awhile back when I bought a boat. Well after learning that a boat is nothing but a hole in the water that you pour money into and investing a ton of money into it I thought all was well. Well one fine spring day my buddy and I launch the boat for the first time that year and we were slowly going along the canal we came to a branch where some guys were fishing and one shouts out "Hows the fishing" I answered back "We're not fishing we are on a break down cruse". They asked whats that and I answered back it's when you take the boat out for the first trip of the year and wait for it to break down. Well wouldn't you know it and I swear no more then 5 seconds later the engine dies, stops dead and the guys and me can't believe it. Well the guys on the bank fishing start with the jokes and I start trying to find the problem. Now this engine just shutdown dead all at once no warning at all it just stopped. We had been out for around 30 - 45 minutes and I'm trying to figure out what now. Well I start with the basic stuff checking for water in the gas, oil level, engine temp all the stuff. I did find the problem it was the points were corroded and once I cleaned them it ran great. Now the point I would like to make here is no matter how much you check it is always the one thing you didn't check and before heading out on that first trip of the year keep it close to home.
  19. Ferrantelli it looks like what he did was drill and tap into the side of the riser base (1/4 - 20) then a stainless screw / bolt through a 1 inch diameter piece of round stock or drill and tap both pieces cut the head off a 1" long 1/4 - 20 stainless bolt and some thread locker screw them together nice idea to make up for the section of the handlebar that was there....
  20. Ok when do we as people start taking responsibility for our actions? When do we as people start teaching that even if it was an accident you are still responsible for its outcome. When do we start teaching that when you kill or cripple someone you are responsible for that accident or not. Forget the fines, forget who pays who, forget the lawyers and courts, when do the people who caused the accident start taking responsibility for their actions? How many times have you told your kids, "Don't worry it was an accident and not your fault it could have happened to anyone." Yea "stuff" happens and yes we who ride do so with the knowledge that someday sometime we may get hit but when will the ones who cause the accident take responsibility for their actions. Auto accidents do not just happen they are caused by the inaction of another, not looking, not pay attention, talking on the phone, yelling at the kids in the backseat, fighting with the passenger what ever the reason you can't deny the fault is with the one who CAUSE the accident and that is the driver not the passenger, the driver is in control at all times. That person should take responsibility for their actions and own up to it. Want to make things better stop using your cell phone while driving and point out to your kids on how it is wrong to do. Point out to your kids how distracting it is when they fight in the car, pull the car over and tell them and spend some time doing it. Anytime something is going on and your distracted pull the car over and tell whoever that what they are doing is distracting. I did just that with my step-son once. He was acting up I asked him 3 times to knock it off and he didn’t. I pulled the over to the shoulder and he asked me what was I doing I told him “waiting for the state trouper to come along so you can explain to him why you feel you don’t have to behave in the car” he freaked. We sat there for 20 minutes and no cop (yea I know why is there never one around) but it worked he never acted up in the car again because he knew what was a possibility of happening. Somewhere along the line we as parents, teachers, who ever have forgotten to teach WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR ACTIONS and it’s time we start teaching that again. Remember when you kill someone you are responsible for that death because you were not paying attention at the time; it’s your fault you ended that persons life because you were too busy to pay attention. And don’t even get me started on drinking and driving…….
  21. May 9 1979 1:30 in the afternoon clear blue sky 80 degrees a woman makes a left turn right in front of me when I was doing 35 MPH. I was lucky I ended up under the front of her car. I laid my bike down ended up rolling down the street slamming up under her car and my bike missed my head by about 12 inches. After explaining to someone how to shut off the ignition to keep things from going from bad to worse and starting a fire it was time to go to the hospital. In the hospital I found out I had 3 broken ribs a punctured and collapsed lung, dislocated knee, damaged kidney along with a bunch of cuts and scrapes and I won't even go into the "we need to check for internal bleeding" and "this is going to feel like a garden hose going in". What did she get... absolutely nothing not even a ticket, She was driving her husbands company car and the company took care of the whole thing and her excuse the usual "I did not see him". Now you have a black motorcycle coming right at you with the head light on and you didn't see it, must have blended into the blacktop..... They do need to penalize anyone who uses the I didn't see him excuse or anything of the other excuses that are used and paying out of ones pocket is the best way to do it, hurt them where it will get their attention and this means no insurance coverage it has to come out of their pocket.
  22. I dream garage I have an 8 x 12 ft shed that I have to fight for space with my wife who thinks it is the never ending, never filling room. It started out as the bike shed only but quickly became the "Hey you have room can I put...." place. Next summer it is getting heat and electricity this waiting till it warms up and run extension cords is not working in anyway for me. The heat I'm planing on putting in is coming from a propane RV trailer heater. I figure if it will heat a 28 foot trailer during the winter it should be no problem for my shed. Just put two propane bottles outside, frame and cut the opening, run the duct work and insulate I "should" be all set. Once again thanks for the information.
  23. Ok some good news I found a shop that might be able to get the intake boots I need. The place is called Sudco (http://www.sudco.com). Some of you guys might be interested in this place also as they deal in carbs, mounts and parts. Now from my first email to them they replyed that they will need the measurements for the bolt spread on the flange, the bore openings, the difference between the original mounting and the fuel injection mounting some of which I already have. Now I am not sure if the internal is going to match the throttle bodies and I will check on that and if necessary see if I can get it to match but it’s a start and so far a lot easier then trying to connect different intake boots together. If anyone can help with the measurements for the gen2 intakes could you let me know? I need the bolt spread on the flange and the opening in the coupling at the flange and the distance from the flange face to the center of the bore where the carb mounts. I am really trying to avoid tearing mine apart in this weather, we’re getting 6 to 8 inches of snow tonight and my shed has no heat.
  24. Here are the pictures you asked for and if you need more or better let me know. What year are you guys talking about with the gen1?
  25. Ok all I want to say is I am doing this because I want to not so much for the gain but because I want to see if it can be done and how hard is it to do, call it a learning experience and I don’t expect everyone to understand why but just to take the time and watch and see if and how it can be done. So far it has been a lot of questions on my part and a ton of help on others parts which I totally appreciate and could not have gotten nearly as far as I have. As for cost well the throttle bodies have cost me a whole $175.00 including all the sensors I need to connect it up for a fully working system. So far the only issues I have left to resolve is what intake boots are needed and how to mount them and after that the microsquirt is an additional $400.00. Now I know there will be issues right out of the box, I expect them I also fully realize this is not a plug and play system that is why I didn’t spend 4 or 5 thousand dollars on an aftermarket system. I am looking at a system that for less then $1,000.00 and some time and a trip or two to the dynamometer that one person can install it and be all set. Now for the guys who just think it’s a total waste of time well then I guess you have voiced your opinion and thoughts on this and that’s it and I’m sorry you feel that way. When it is done and I fully plan on taking this to the end I’ll be more then happy to help anyone else who wants to do the same thing and supply all the information I have gained. One other thing this thread has so far has been viewed almost 1,000 times now I’m sure some have looked at it and are thinking what a total waste of time and others keeping track on what is he doing how is he doing it and what is needed to do it. So far in the time this has been going on I have learned a lot on this subject and keep learning as time goes on and just as a side note the big mystery of fuel injection isn’t all that big and with the right parts will work on anything that burns fuel.
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