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93 venture

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Everything posted by 93 venture

  1. Come on Squeeze,The date has change,You can make it now. We can see about getting a harley to rent for ya while your here.
  2. 93 venture


    I think these would work out for ya Brad.
  3. This is what i was thinking also,pull the plugs and put in a new set.It dont take much to gas foul the spark plugs.
  4. Hey Squeeze,are ya gonna make it to MD next year,You got lots of time to plan for it
  5. Mine must have the furbur fix, i didnt see any rubber washers on mine when i had it apart.
  6. Bob i think i have one in my toolbox at work you can have. I would say its a little bigger that the one you have on your bike now,but you wont burn it out,its for a cummins starter. let me know, i will look for it tonight when i go to work.
  7. Thats what i thought,I think the washers would just cause your hands to go to sleep faster. I had the wobble in mine and solid moter mounts cured it. Alot of work but well worth it:thumbsup2:
  8. Thats just way wrong
  9. U-Haul has motercycle trailers
  10. Fuel pump is not going to kill one plug or any of the plugs. no spark to that cylinder? Bad plug wire. Carbs out of sink Runs the choke too long float in carb sticking or set to high weak compression on that cylinder
  11. I was having the same problem with my 93, i had found that the vacume hose going to the vacume pod that pulls the throttle was cracked,and loosing the vacume,had to remove the head light and the right front turn signal,and with a long pair of needle nose pliers, i was able to pop it off and cut the bad part off and reconect it to the pod.I think in the service manuwal it has some tests you can try to make the vacume pump run and check for leaks.
  12. What i found wrong with mine was the map sensor was pluged up with carbon,took it out cleaned it off and then ordered a new one and fixed the low power problem and check engine light. If your out of waranty you need to go to some of them jeep forums and find out how they got rid of the problems. After the dealer had replaced the egr valve 2 times and put the cac hose back on 3 times from to much oil in the system,and the torque converter failed 2 times i traded it off. I got me a 06 1500 ram with a hemi, best truck i have ever had.
  13. Hey Big Hack, Im up here by South bend,IN. maybe we could meet up half way, i like to see how floor board feel before i try to find a set of them and you could see how oem pegs would work out for ya.
  14. VR history says its 104.5" hope ya got a long bed with a good tail gate.And most of the weight is gonna be on the rear axle of the truck.You might want to get a trailer.
  15. Indian Motorcycle 1956 Indian Royal Enfield. 750cc Interceptor, twin carb, rebuilt by Starklite Motorcycles in 1999. A collectable at $9,500 Hard to tell from them pictures,kinda looks like it
  16. Did you check for power with the key switch in the acc. positions? only time it has power to the Class,also the fuse box is a weak point on these bikes,the glass fuse holders will get weak and wont hold the fuse tight enought to make contact. Dont give up on it,lots of cheap parts on ebay for this bike.
  17. The fuse box on these bikes kinda suck,they have the old glass fuses and the contacts dont always work real good,might want to upgrade it to a new atc fuse box. check out the link below for the battery cable up grade this helps out the hard start problems. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1398
  18. The sensor is the whole unit, like redneck said you can take it off and try to clean it inside,some times they get a little junk on the hot wire and will cause them to mess up,but it sounds like it just needs a new one,with it unplug your fuel system is running blind,the computer has a default seting that will let it run but it has no ideal how to send the right fuel air mix to the engine and will cause it to black your plugs,mess up the 02 sensors and even plug up the converter.It may seem to run ok without it but its not.
  19. picture one is a maf, picture two is a gm throttle body with a tps sensor on the side.
  20. On the rear cover i have to remove one of the cam cap bolts to get the cover in and out.
  21. Ok the way i look at this it is right,a car uses venturi vacuum, it gets that vacuum from a port located above the throttle plates.when the plates are shut little to no vacuum,and when the plates are open full vacuum, on our bikes it is port or manifold vacuum,while the throttle plates are shut we have full vacuum and with open throttle plates we have low to no vacuum. I think im right on this but im just a diesel mechanic, i dont have to worry about vacuum advance.
  22. Do you ever see the green set light come on?
  23. Are you hearing this noise at any rpm range, from about 2800 to 3500 rpms, or between 56 to 65 mph in 5 gear?
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