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milway venture

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About milway venture

  • Birthday 04/18/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Wayne Miller


  • Location
    Columbus, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Love to ride, family man, business owner
  • Bike Year and Model
    Yamaha Venture, Yamaha Raider
  1. milway venture


  2. Thanks for the reply, I'll try to be there around eight. Rooster, yes been a long time, be good to see you and catch up with some of y'all and meet new ones.
  3. Hey, what time and where is breakfast in the morning. I have a one hour ride coming up there through Lake Lure and I'm thinking about joining up for the day tomorrow.
  4. I am a man of few words. Mom always said it keeps me out of trouble, I think she was right!
  5. Yes I am so ready for spring. We rode about 50 miles on Sunday and it was great to be out. We get a nice Sunday afternoon maybe we can meet up and ride up to chimney rock.
  6. That's correct, I should have mentioned that. Rick Butler is where I got mine.
  7. Yes I have them and they work great, I can quickly remove hard bags for cleaning white walls or any sort of maintenance. Highly recomend them. I see you are in spartenburg sc. I am off hwy 9 just into nc.
  8. He did an amazing job on my venture seats!! Love it
  9. Solved the problem and bought a no mar tire changer and balancer.
  10. I came across 441 yesterday morning and like was mentioned low traffic, probably the quickest ride I ever had from gatlinburg to Cherokee. Had 2 great days riding in NC and Tn then headed for home before the rain hit. Stroker ace you got all the good ones! I am so blessed to live where I do!
  11. Nice bike! Hey I have Amish roots and you do not look like an angry Amish man, lol
  12. Mine is located in the trunk, I like it there.
  13. I have the strikers big brother, raider and it was ok for us 2 up but the rsv is amazing and waaaayyyy better for us even if it don't look as cool. Lol
  14. Thank you for posting, I sent a link to a friend who is not a member and he ordered one as well.
  15. My 04 had some made out of aluminum and one broke so I made this set out of stainless steel and polished them to a nice shine, I don't think these will fail like my old ones! I also have the lower ones like Georgia mentioned and they are awesome!! My feet are warmer in the cold weather and cooler in hot weather. http://i1337.photobucket.com/albums/o678/Milwayventure/67a777342c5364b3cf266917d55c3cbd_zps169cc44e.jpg
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