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Everything posted by twigg

  1. Twice now you have deliberately miss-spelled my screen name. That is childish and petulant ... Maybe you might like to take a break?
  2. No, it clearly doesn't say that, and plenty of targets have not included the rider in the pic. Oh, and the name is "twigg". I wasn't suggesting the rules be changed. I have never suggested the rules be changed. I know US education has been suffering, but "involving" does not now, and did not when I was at school, mean quite the same thing as "including" and all I asked for was a little flexibility. Y'all were quick enough to jump the butt of a guy who merely wanted folks to go on a decent ride for a change, instead of photographing a road sign two streets away. By the way .... I see nothing in the rules about passengers ... just sayin'
  3. Doncha just love it when someone comes along to tell folk what to talk about? Do you have a problem with the concept being discussed, in the thread related to the ...er ... concept? Why on earth would anyone wish to shut down a respectful discussion?
  4. The rule doesn't actually say that, does it? I would interpret that as one or the other .... or both if the person setting the target wishes it so. "Involving you and your bike" does not necessarily mean that the photograph has to contain you and your bike. I like the flexibility. I also prefer pictures of decent objectives with our bikes in front of them, rather than endless contrived shots of rear view mirrors. It may simply be a personal preference.
  5. It's rusty and faded with bits missing and that head light is not from an '86. I think your offer was generous
  6. Well the main four connections will go on easily with a push on the bx, so I imagine you are stuck on the breather hose. Attach it to the box, feed it through as you put the box in place then grab the bottom end with some hose pliers to fasten the lower end. Takes but a minute with the correct tool ... and hours without it.
  7. Nah ... The seed has been planted now ... you can't dig it up
  8. Can we keep in mind that the rider doesn't have to be in every target please .... It limits the pictures which is sometimes appropriate but not always. "Your Bike + Target" ... "Your Bike + Passenger + Target" I do quite a bit of bonus hunting on rallies, and the bonuses that require rider pics are usually reserved for specific locations .... and they are always a pita. Carry on
  9. Counter top gets my vote. Wife has to sleep sometime!
  10. Yes, it makes a difference. Using higher octane than needed will cost you more and slow you down Octane ratings are confused with power because higher octanes were often specified in high power, specialist cars while the common herd drove around happily in their 87 Octane trucks. But it has nothing to do with the energy content in the gas, and everything to do with the "anti-knock" additives. Gallon for gallon, 91 has less energy than 87, but can be run at higher compressions with the ignition advanced farther .... which is one of the ways those engines develop their power, and wear out faster. If you tuned your 1st Gen by changing the cams, porting, increasing the compression ratio and advancing the ignition; then you would probably need a higher octane gasoline. Each gallon would have less energy, but you would use quite a bit more of it gaining acceleration in the process.
  11. He was pissed at that offer? Why did he not simply compromise at $2800, or tell you the price was firm but he'd take $2950?
  12. They will move quite a lot as their position is entirely dependent on intake vacuum. That varies during the 4-cycles. You have a much bigger problem if they aren't "bouncing"
  13. Yep ... You do have to split them, front pair from rears to get at the float chambers. The screws should move pretty easily with a little persuasion. You can replace them with socket head screws from Lowes. A little blue loctite won't hurt. While you are in there you may want to check the pilot jets. They are tiny, block easily and are only about three bucks each. If the carbs are suspect at all I would rebuild the jet blocks which will cost around $100 in parts, but then it's done. If they are generally okay, don't disturb them.
  14. Doesn't seem to be much wrong with those numbers.
  15. This is all you will ever need to know about brake fluid. Well said!
  16. Provided the plates haven't over-heated and warped, then a simply spring upgrade, which doesn't require too much mechanical ability and a shop would instal it for a reasonable fee, is the best bet.
  17. If it is in gear, and stays in gear then the transmission is fine. Possibilities are a slipping clutch (easy to tell if revs are rising and speed is not), or the actual power delivery. Can we narrow it down a bit?
  18. Too much work. Run it once a month to get it nice and hot ... have the battery on a tender. Add a stabiliser to the gas tank and make sure some is run through the carbs. Mine doesn't really sit long enough to worry too much about it.
  19. Annnd ... Down. Good Job ... What a perfect landing!
  20. So ... You know you are asking the wrong question (and that GS does sound good) ... What do you want the bike to do? Which is the best of the two to do it on?
  21. Brake fluid is hygroscopic. It absorbs water from the atmosphere and no brake systems are fully sealed. The problem would be worse in a humid climate, and not helped if the brakes were last filled from an old container of fluid. Flush them with fluid from a fresh container. Manufacturers recommend that fluid is changed every two years. Changing it annually is probably a good routine and the stuff is very cheap.
  22. If there was much in the way of air in the lines you would feel it all the time. The brakes would simply be spongy even when cold. What you have is water in the brake fluid. When it heats up, the water turns to steam which is highly compressible, hence the brake fade. Flush through with DOT 4. Bleed correctly and all should be well.
  23. Good plastic and a straight frame is most of it The rest is just "wrenchin'", and that's the fun bit anyway. As for the electronics ... I removed all mine except the CLASS. I am using that but if I could afford a Progressive rear shock, that would go too.
  24. Does the GS have the Adventure tank?
  25. This thread, on it's own, justified my $12 this year
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