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    saintpetersburg, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 yamaha venture
  1. found the idle screw:confused24:man thing was buried behind that bracket and hoses,would have never found it without u guys help thnx so much,waiting to make my own carbtune but in the meantime got it running good enough for 85 on the hiway and idling good :)took it out this am for a trial spin seems good will let it rest and try again in the morning and see if its the same. thnx guys i really do appreciate the help,i`ll attempt almost anything with the right directions.see u soon im sure as this beast will need something else lol.
  2. can u move a little closer to me
  3. damn dano that looks like my bike anyway thnx ill look in the am first thing,im in florida and theres far to many skeeters out now to mess with ill let u guys kno if i find it,meantime is there any mobile carb syncers on here close to me? :rotf:thnx troy
  4. ok thnx for the info,i guess ill have to look harder for the idle knob i havent seen it yet.
  5. yea im troy i just didnt put a comma in there before i added a sentence sorry:) but im in st.pete if there r any other members out there close to loan me their carbtune or maybe rent with the knowledge lol let me know thnx again....troy aka beachbum
  6. ok i dont have the carbtune thing, but it answered my questions about the screws very well. thnx for the link troy i think payday ill take it in to get synced
  7. hey guys i need some help,i have the manual but it doesnt show or tell what i want,1st off mine is an 84 venture xvz1200 and there is one screw around the cable adjustment on the drivers left side what is it for? and then there are 2 screws in the same area on the right side,what are those? and if possible how to adjust all 3 cause until i can afford to get the carbs synced i need to adjust my idle cause it is to low and fluxuates a little to much,one of the guys here told me that there was a round screw knob around carb 2 but mine doesnt have one, so please help all u can with these 3 thnx and i have pics of the 3 i will try to add here but if not email me and i`ll send em to ya thnx troy
  8. wow guys thnx for all the responses and info i will take it all to heart and adjust in the am thnx
  9. hey guys 1st question,whats the correct idle rpm for an 84 xvz1200 ? and then where do u adjust the idle? i couldnt find ethier in that online manual,any help is appreciated thnx troy
  10. ok guys appreciate ur input i think i`ll just go with the above post and make the switch an overide in case its needed in the fiture.thnx for the advice as it is much appreciated,just got this monster and want it to last i love it
  11. hey guys i found this tip but not able to contact the writer to see if it worked or not? " Overheating Solution Just want to pass a tip to Venture owners who have an overheating problem, especially in cities on hot days. I bought a 1983 Venture Royale which probably had two or three owners. One of them connected the t-fan to a manual switch which I thought was a good idea. But the temp needle would almost jump to red, even with the fan on. My problem is now solved. I took the tstat out and also found that the fan switch was incorrectly connected to the fan. Instead of bringing air to the engine it would run inversed and push the air through the radiator. Imagine! Now the needle never goes more than halfway on the temp gauge and with the fan on it will go down to just over 1/4. Please pass this message on the V-folks as it might help someone out with heating problems. Keep up the good work and thanks. Norman Rémillard " now my question is is it ok or not to run it without the thermo and do it this way,reason im looking and asking is,i live in st.pete florida always hot and in town stop and go traffic the gauge gets way up there 3/4 and a hair above if i sit to long with no real airflow,so i already have my fan switch hooked up so i can turn on for sure when needed,but what about it? no thermo make it run cooler or not? thnx in advance for any and all help. troy
  12. i agree with the above post from what ive seen they are pretty much the same...also wanted to ad got my manual this afternoon in cd form from ebay was the same dame thing u guys sent me the link to lol,oh well i got ur copy and the cd copy now,bled my clutch today and shes running like a champ thnx guys:)
  13. wow super fast reply and exactly what this ole boy needed thnx so much,im sure i`ll see u again soo lol thnx again troy
  14. ok after reading many posts on here about how to bleed a clutch line cable or whatever i have come to the conclusion that i need step by step instructions on how to gravity bleed and hand pump bleed my clutch on my 1984 venture xvz1200,i`am totally new at this but will attempt anything with the right instructions,so if u can lead me to a step by step post or just give me the directions i would greatly appreciate it, i have ordered a manual but as yet it has not arrived,please keep in mind that only thru these posts di i discover where the bleeder screw is that is how little i know :)thnx in advance for any and all help troy:fingers-crossed-emo
  15. hey guys newbie here and first post, i read thru some of the previous posts but didnt find my solution so here goes,just got and 1st 1984 yamaha venture,41k miles,runs like a top,all the carbs were just cleaned and synced,has new plugs also,oh yea and the tank was cleaned while the carbs were off have reciepts for all this work,anyway after it warms up runs great,perfect idle no misses fires up 1st try everytime after warm,but i live in florida so no cold mornings here lol,but every morning i start it up even if im not going out and i have to turn it over a couple times (without choke) then just barely choke it to get it started everytime,and have to warm it up at least 5 minutes before i go,now this isnt the biggest deal in the world but was wondering is it normal? and if not what else is there to check? i mean it runs and idles perfect never a backfire or miss,so im assuming timings good and it just had all that other work,and i put new filter and plugs in myself,so any ideas or should i just live with it? and going to say hi in the welcome section after this but im a 1st time yamaha owner and i luv it,im in st.pete florida,thnx guys for any and all advise
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