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Everything posted by dz

  1. Well, I rebuilt my clutch master cylinder in the spring time this year. It was fine for awhile, I haven't really rode the bike much this year and hopefully that will change soon. Went to take it around the block to keep things moving and the clutch was flat. I had to re-bleed it then it was ok. Few weeks later went to move it around a bit and the clutch was almost flat. I was able to pump it a bit but it releases right off the handle bars and does not find neutral because it's dragging a bit I suspect. I am going to replace the slave cylinder as its most likely original and probably the last link of this problem. Should I order anything else to replace while I am in there or is there a likely hood of something else being bad. Does the middle gear cover have to come off? Any insight. Thanks.
  2. Forgot to say I will probably be buried with this bike lol.
  3. Squidley, I just bled the clutch this year last month and I am already back to the same clutch I had last year. Only now its getting worse real fast.
  4. Well, it all started towards the end of last season (which was the beginning of October for me because of my wedding and then spinal surgery). I got my progressive springs in, replaced the upper and lower twinkie "o"-rings, re-sealed the output shaft, and flushed and bled the clutch and all brake systems. Towards the end of last season the clutch was disengaging about 1/4" off of the handlebars if not closer. Was having a hard time finding neutral and downshifting. Once I did all of the above maintenance this year (may) I bled the clutch. I had the bike inspected last weekend, passed 100%. Now today, after I visited with my grandmother on the way home I had the similar clutch symptoms as last year (hard downshifting, can't find neutral with the engine running, squishy clutch pull and disengaging right at the handlebar, only now its actually dragging at stop lights and putting a load on the engine. What gives, is my clutch master finally giving out? Can I take this time to upgrade to a newer clutch master cylinder off of a vmax or royale star? Any insight? Thanks.
  5. Dingy, Thanks for the awesome photos. So the crush em up washer is what actually seals the shaft? I figure if I already have it apart, I might as well do both. I will have to dig into it further to see which piece is actually leaking. I presume the swing arm has to come out to do this job? Thanks.
  6. Well, I found my oil leak. It's leaking right at the boot where the drive shaft and u-joint meet. I need to reseal the output shaft. I was looking at the parts diagram for the middle drive gear and I can't seem to find which seals I need. I see the crush washer and spacer, do they consider that the shaft gasket?
  7. Frankd, Thanks for the heads up. I didn't drive the bike yet, I just let it warm up in the driveway testing out the new used starter I also replaced (out of a 2006). After two minutes of running I had a puddle of oil right under the driveshaft boot (I never had oil leak there before during the previous year and about 2000 miles last year). That sure sounds like a pain but I really can't drive it right now anyway for other reasons and would just like to do it right the first time.
  8. Well, I installed a new shock on the back of my 1st gen. That went well. I also decided to grease the splines on the drive shaft while I was there, now low and behold I have an oil leak at the rubber boot which according to the parts diagram looks like the drive shaft seal right before the u-joint. Anybody have any insight on the replacement of that seal? Also, my twinkie has started leaking. I'm sure a lot of curse words (Even some I may have to make up) will be used. I also have a little leak by the clutch slave cylinder or stator cover, not 100% sure yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Dingy, If it's just an update and you feel it will work better than the v80, I will take the v88 TCI. You've been going at this way longer than I have lol. Are you still getting the new sensor too? Thanks.
  10. Hey Dingy. I was wondering if they did any extensive testing on the new V88 TCI? I hope we aren't going to be the guinea pigs. It seems like it would be a better TCI overall.
  11. Hey Dingy, Is this a complete plug and play setup? Meaning I just remove my old TCI and plug this one in, along with the map sensor of course. Do I need to modify any of my existing wiring for this to work? Is this similar to the stock TCI meaning the performance curves are the same? I am interested. Thanks.
  12. Well, I think I found my answer. I found a complete running ready to go 1977 goldwing with the towpac instatrike setup for the price of just the instratrike by itself. Bad news is its 280 miles away, its most likely still worth it. I could get the bracket kit for my bike and just swap the trike kit back and fourth as I wanted to.
  13. Sylvester, Are you selling the sidecar or did you just buy one? Once a sidecar is mounted it's not the easiest thing to re-setup and get adjusted properly when you want to ride just two up on the bike. Usually it's just a set it and forget it type of thing, unless you hate it then you take it off.
  14. Greg, The want/need for a trike or sidecar was pretty much so I don't have to lean or as much when piloting two people, so I don't have to lean the bike while at lights or getting on and off of it, it's hard to side straddle it while getting on as I have shorter legs but a tall upper body and because of the back problems and I would like to put my drivers backrest back on to it. I also had carpal tunnel surgery done on both hands but I still have pain, so I was just trying to come up with a solution so I can keep enjoying riding. I did find a 1977 goldwing with the towpac trike setup in running order complete for $3250, so I may get that and adapt the trike kit to my bike and maybe just sell the goldwing come springtime. I know I should probably stop riding (already sold all of my old off road atc's/trikes but the one I use to plow snow and haul firewood). I think I would go absolutely crazy if I was unable to ride at all anymore. I'm just not 100% where to go.
  15. Last night I missed out on a california friendship sidecar rig with paint that pretty near matched the color of my bike. Sold for under $1800 on ebay. Oh well, time to keep looking. Would have had to drive 450miles to get it though.
  16. Looks like progressives is the way to go then. Anybody feel the need to disable the anti dives? Hard to tell if mine are even working. My bike was obviously second hand and the previous owner disabled the entire class system and put in manual air valves. I think I am going to order a rear shock too and be done with the whole air thing. With 50psi in the rear shock its really bouncy.
  17. Well, I've noticed the front end on my bike has been clunking while going over bumps for a bit now. I attributed it to loose neck bearings, and was partially right because it had a washy feeling as well. Took the top bearing out and it was loose as anything, the rollers would sit inside the cage, not good. So I installed a new top bearing and just left the bottom bearing on the steer shaft because it felt and looked good, just lubed it up real well and slid the whole assembly back on. It tightened up my steering nicely but still have the noise. With me off the bike, and the full 17psi in the front forks, if I hold the front brake in and push the front of the bike down when the shocks reach a certain point is when I hear the clunking. I guess it's time to pull the shocks? To be sure it wasn't the bottom bearing I had the bike jacked up and moved pulled on both shocks at the same time, not loose at all, could probably stand to be re-torqued since I installed the new top bearing. I wanted to do the progressive upgrade anyway so I guess now is the time. Any insight? Thanks.
  18. Thanks for the replies. I've been hitting up craigs list and ebay every day looking for a good local deal to come up. I may end up just getting a towpac instatrike kit and call it done. They are around $3200 for the 8" wheel kit. I am probably just going to spend the money and refurbish this bike as much as I can to make her as nice/reliable as possible. My back just went out again (6 herniated/bulging discs) so I have some time to decide on whats right for me. It's aggravating being only 28 with so many health issues, especially since I've been riding since I've been 3. At this point I think the trike option is a more viable one than a sidecar, even though I think the sidecar is cooler.
  19. 1989, just under 68,000 miles.
  20. Well, my health issues are not getting any better, and I think it may be time for me to consider a trike or sidecar option for my venture royale. Anybody have any input on either? Anybody know of any used kits for sale? I really didn't want to spend more on a trike kit than the bike is worth. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
  21. When one says a second gen, which specific bike are they referring to? There are a couple of cheap royal star starters used on the ebays on the cheap. It looks as though it's the same mounting? Thanks.
  22. Dingy, Thanks for the info. Do the components swap from the 2 brush to the 4 brush or does the 4 brush still have the same fitment as the 2 brush? P.S. I got the chance to use your steering nut tool and it worked perfectly when I changed my top steering bearing. Thanks.
  23. Dingy, That looks like the hot ticket. When did the starters go from 2 brush to 4 brush? I have an 89, I've looked up parts online for it and it looks like a two brush starter. Would it behoove me to purchase a starter rebuild kit, do a little light honing on the armature do the mod and call it done? Bike currently has almost 68,000 miles on her and close as to what I can tell it's the original starter.
  24. Well, I think my starter is getting tired. I get a slow hot crank mostly and I sometimes get a slow cold crank, but def. slower when hot. I read somewhere that the ventures have a two brush starter and the vmax has a 4 brush starter. I guess I could take mine apart and clean it but it would probably just be easier go get another used one, tune it up and throw it in and keep spares.
  25. reddevil, Where did you get the brass valves? Did you get those at the hardware store too. Somebody jacked up my lines and just glued rubber valves in a hose and then glued that hose onto the main air hoses. I think thats why mine leak, well I know thats why the rear leaks because I can hear it escaping from there. Also, what size compression fittings and such?
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