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Everything posted by easternrider

  1. As you can see by this first pict, I used a dremmel to remove the epoxy around the outer edge. http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6148/spencer092.th.jpg The four tabs that are dimpled in, I punched out at this point. The base came right out with just a little pulling. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/386/spencer093.th.jpg http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/1691/spencer094.th.jpg The white plastic piece inside holding the copper plate slides along with the plunger making contact with the base. Anyway, the copper plate had some corrosion on it, so I cleaned it up. I put the switch back together, and clamped it, to make sure it was seated good, then epoxied the outer edge http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/9123/switch001.th.jpg http://www.venturerider.org/forum/%3Ca%20href=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/switch001.jpg/%20target=_blank%3Ehttp://img217.imageshack.us/img217/9123/switch001.th.jpg
  2. Does anyone have an idea where I can locate this sidestand relay? The switch I got from DragonRider had some resistance, so I dremmeled it out and opened it up. Cleaned the contacts, put it back together (re-epoxied the back), tested it, and ohms out now. The only thing, is that it does not kill the bike. I will post pictures later
  3. got the part yesterday, and tried it today. After about 5-6 seconds, it shuts the bike off, with a lot of chugging. If I am not mistaken, it should shut off right away. So, would you say that it does not work? This is the same thing that mine does, but the bike runs longer. If it is not the switch, where else could I look? Anyone have any good ideas? Thanks
  4. check out this guy, he may have one. He has a parts bike http://novascotia.kijiji.ca/c-cars-v...AdIdZ374867023
  5. My 84 does the same thing, but it is only since I replaced the pick up coil. I didn't have a replacement gasket, and ripped the one I had. I used some silicone around the tear, but now it leaks a bit
  6. My sidestand switch isn't working properly, and was looking for another one. As the part is discontinued, I was wondering........where do I get one? This is for my 84
  7. Thanks for the replies. Still considering it, as it is only two hours away from me, but will take a bit more time........................
  8. Maybe rear caliper, if can't loosen mine rear rotor, if in good shape carbs, just for a spare seat, if in better shape than mine maybe even repaint some plastic, if in better shape than mine exhaust, if in better .......... not sure yet what else
  9. http://novascotia.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-touring-2-for-1-1983-YAMAHA-VENTURE-REDUCED-W0QQAdIdZ374867023 Really looking to purchase this bike, and do not need it all. Will be looking to part out most of it. Just wondering how much 83' parts are in need? Also, mine is an 84, so can someone tell me how much of this I can use on it? How interchangeable are the parts from 83 to 84? Thanks
  10. I may have had a similar problem, but mine did not stall, at least not every time. I had a loss of power, backfiring... It ended up being the pick-up coil
  11. In my opinion, when you look at it in slow motion, you can see the white line in the open space under the drivers arm pit. yes, he is slowing down, but that couyld be because he is on a narrow road, and looking at this full size P/U coming at him. just before the truck passes, you see him gradually move away from the center line, then the truck crosses the line, and almost hits him. Anyway, thats my 2 cents worth, lucky couple
  12. my 84 has 29000km it had 23600 on it last year when I bought it. Even had two separate mechanics tell me it was right
  13. Haven't touched the needles, but am in the market for some pilot jets. Next, may check the floats. Seem to have good spark........running out of options.......
  14. #1 cylinder unplugged bogs the bike down and almost stalled, and the #3 bogs it down also, but not as noticable. Last night, I ran it hard, and checked the temp, all was good. The #3 was reading 392 F (not sure if that is a normal temp). While it was idling, you could see the temp dropping on the gun. Within a Min, the temp had dropped to 130F
  15. I have had an ongoing problem with my 84 VR. On start-up, it continually smokes black, and then when riding/cruising, keep getting small snaps from the breather box. From what I have seen, it backs up on two cylinders. Anyway, today I took my laser temp gun and checked all outlets to make sure I was getting a good reading. They all showed between 72 and 78 F. Started the bike up, and let it get warm. Just at idle, the two front cylinders were showing 180 - 190 F, and the two back ones were 84 -85 F. Does anyone have any good / bright ideas?
  16. Wondering if my numbers are right. All I can find for the jets is 117.5 for the main fuel jets, and 37.5 for the pilot jets. If someone could confirm this, it would be great. Would like to get these first before I tear it all apart, and then wait, if they have to be ordered.
  17. I was wondering if one of you still have a good TCI for the 84. I think mine might be bad, and don't know where I can get one to try. If you are willing to lend me one, I will cover shipping
  18. Mike, I would love to go for a ride, but I better not. My wife is about to give birth any day now.........but I really did think about it. I live in Truro. If you are ever comming in this direction, drop me a line, I may be able to sneak out.
  19. If you went to their site, and put in all the specs, that is the exhaust that comes up. There is a button to make selections, and of course the prices go up, but still farily cheap. Just not sure if the all fit, or just 1 or 2. And as you mention GaryZ, it doesn't seem to. Not sure if straight will work
  20. wondering if anyone has used, or seen this exhaust. Supposed to be for the XVZ model of 84 http://www.jcwhitney.com/chrome-plated-replacement-mufflers/p2006468.jcwx?filterid=d2526y1984j3
  21. I was just wondering if anyone knows what the inside of the factory exhaust looks like. My 84 still has the factory exhaust on it. It has a few patches welded on it, and a few more pin holes. If feasable, I was wondering if one could cut it open, and put a new cover on it (just to keep it looking original)..........ok, just to cheap to go buy another one. Anyone have any ideas. CBMMA
  22. In my venture, I run yamalube 20 50. My mechanic says that these big bikes need the heavier oil. It seems to have quieted the clunky shifting. And for the older bikes, like mine, never use synthetic. Thats my two cents worth
  23. My rotor is also warped. I just put a marker line all around the face of it, then spun the wheel. There is just one spot about 2 inches long where the marker came off. What would cause something like that? Does anyone think that it is alright, cause it does grab just a bit
  24. I just finished doing that to mine. Silicon on the wires. Also coated the coil threads for the cap with dielectric grease. Seems to work fine........so far:fingers-crossed-emo
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