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Personal Information

  • Name
    Alex Bonin


  • Location
    Truro, NS, Canada


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  • Interests
    sporting clays, bike riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    84 Venture; 2001 XT350
  1. Sorry to hear of your loss. I have never gone through something like this, and hope to never have to. I can only imagine how terrible it must be. Take care.
  2. No, couldn't find it. I just figured it found its way down into the oil pan
  3. Thanks for the advice on the shifter segment. Opened it up the other day, and to my surprise, it did not have the original clutch plates in it. Must have been upgraded. Anyway, when I looked at the face of the segment, sure enough a pin was missing. I already borrowed what I was going to need from the parts motor, so for now, all is good. Now, I just need to order replacements parts.
  4. that is what I figured, and that is what I had done. Thanks
  5. Thanks. This sounds very likely to be the cause of my problems. Not sure how to link to another thread, but there is a good write-up on this if you look up "1984 venture royal" started by rwhitehead PS: Now I have another question. When you remove the middle drive gear cover, you lose a bit of oil. The manual says not to lose any oil when removing the cover. Now that it is bolted up, will I have more problems, or will the oil find its way back in there?
  6. Well, here is what I found. Took the middle gear cover off, and ran through the gears, or as far as I could. It appears that the inside spline link is hitting the engine when I try to shift into 4th gear. All the clamp bolts on the splines are tight, and don't seem to have slipped. My only conclusion, is one of the swivel ball connectors may have slipped. Other than that, I don't know what to think.
  7. My bike was working fine until now. Had to fix exhaust leak yesterday, so had all the pipes off. While I was under it, I was looking at the oil that had built up, as I have a small leak somewhere. So, I thought I would clean some of it up. I grabbed a can of brake cleaner, and started cleaning. While I was spraying, I noticed around the shifter, kick stand area a bunch of tiny pebbles that were dislodged from somewhere underneath. Just kept spraying till all was relatively clean. When done, I used the air gun to dry up the spray quicker. When I was done, I took it for a run. For starters, it would not shift into 1st gear. Stopped it, played with the shifter, and then it seemed to be fine. Away I went. Thought I would get it on the highway. While speeding up, the next problem was that it now would not shift into 4th gear. Wouldn't even jump over to 5th. I am thinking that somehow the tiny pebbles are jammed up into the shifter somewhere. Any thoughts? I wouldn't think that brake cleaner could do anything that would prevent me from shifting. 1st 2nd 3rd gear are fine, but can't get into 4th. Going to take a few things off and have a look.
  8. I am pretty sure that I have 2 covers that would cover the hole left in your dash. For that matter, I also have a CLASS panel
  9. I was just checking my throttle slides and diaphragms the other day, as I have not checked them in a few years. Of course, I found a crack in one of them. I have spares, but they either are cracked, or have bad diaphragms. Is there a way to separate them to put together one good one? Am I stuck buying a new one? Where can I get one in Canada eh?
  10. Good luck to you if you find one. I tried to get one myself years ago with no luck
  11. Have to look for it, but I am sure I have one
  12. I have 2 blank panels if you are interested. Just PM me
  13. I even checked for you here, and there are none. Sorry and good luck
  14. Without going to look, I am pretty sure that the small end is at the top. Someone with better knowledge may say otherwise.
  15. O-ring? Mine look more like a rubber plug with a hole in it to fit the plug wire. The more you tighten the cap, the tighter is squeezes the wire. That's what holds mine.
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