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Everything posted by Switch

  1. Bought my latest ('97 RSTD) August '08 on Ebay. Flew out to Fresno, CA to get it and rode it back to Montgomery, AL. Love it. (so to speak)
  2. RSTD by far.
  3. Switch


    Coin collecting Motorcycle Gun collecting Geneology - I can trace my family back to 1154 in Scotland Writing Westerns Pen/ink/charcoal/pastels artwork
  4. If you're intent on being grumpy, how about Grouchy or Groucho?
  5. Switch

    Mea Culpa

    I suppose the next thing you're going to tell us is you were in levi's, sandals, and T-shirt. You're a better man than I am . I think I've been in Alabama too long as even 45 degrees is chilly to me anymore.
  6. Switch

    Mea Culpa

    Anyone who rides a 50 mile round trip in moderately strong wind with a chill factor of less than 20 degrees ought to have their head examined.
  7. Hab' eine gute Reise! Bis bald
  8. Guess I'm going to stick my neck out, anticipating a rash of disagreement but I'll say it anyway. This site is so mild, it seems no one ever has a topic that is controversial. It is part of life to have topics that people can vent on but that doesn't mean they will suffer from hard feelings from then on. In most cases, there can be heated conversations and then when two or three get together on an m&e, there is sharing a cold one and lots of friendly talk with any past offenses long forgotten. I personally get bored talking or reading about what brand tires or what kind of oil is best. I like a discussion that one can get their teeth into and yet remain friends afterward. It almost seems that the trend is to AVOID anything that might even hint of controversy. People are emotional, let's face facts. People have definite opinions about thing and it's make for an interesting and educational read to hear all the different opinions. Long ago, I belonged to this site and posted something controversial. I was soon told by two different people, that this is a motorcycle site and opinions about other topics aren't welcome. I left the site for quite a while because of that intolerance. Discussion on topics is needed. For instance, this election year is probably more controversial than any time in history. It boils down to whether we remain a free capitalistic society or turn to Socialism (ie, a form of communism). If things are not discussed so that one can make a logical decision, we may not have the freedoms that so many of us cherish. I know the old argument is, if you want to be controversial go to a site that allows it (that's what I was told before in essence). There are matters afoot that affect even us as bikers and there are things that need to be shared AND discussed. There is nothing wrong with having an area set aside strictly for controversial topics that do not affect the normal topical areas. If such an area were set aside, there would have to be an agreement before hand that the area is controversial and one enters with full knowledge of that. Sorry, if this offends anyone but I felt it needs to be said.
  9. Sounds to me like a good reason to buy an new bike; kind of a coming home present
  10. Thanks, Eck
  11. How do I enter an image of the states I have traveled into my signature line?
  12. You probably would have drawn closer to the Lord and asked Him to intercede. That's what any God-fearing Christian would do. Trouble is, most times we only call on Him when things start to go the wrong way. He is there for our good times too and we need to always be thankful and count our blessings. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3: 5,6 Glad to hear everything turned out all right.
  13. I have a '97 RSTD. Is there a hard trunk assy. like the Ventures have that can be mounted on the bike without a lot of modifications?
  14. Don, You saw my post before I had a chance to change it. After she got up out of her easy chair and came over to look at the pic closer, she said she didn't know. Me... I'm still
  15. Me... I'm but by the looks of it I would say it's a dog.
  16. Wpredock, You have my apologies also if I offended you.
  17. Makes me wish I was still in active service. I'd impound both you and your 200+ horses. For a rider with 50 yrs under his belt (reference a past post for that), sounds like you haven't mellowed (matured, grown up???) No wonder you're so snarly. Maybe it's all a front and you're really a timid wallflower type when you're off the keyboard. Then again, maybe you're a nice guy but just don't want us to know it.
  18. Bill, I appreciate your response though I've never considered myself perfect as I have too many flaws. None of us are perfect; only the Lord, but we should strive to be what He would want us to be. But I have also always felt that as a police officer, I lived in a glass house. How can I expect to enforce the law on others and break it myself and still look myself in the mirror with any semblence of respect. I always felt that we (LEO's) should, at the least, be the ones to set an example. Now I'll get off my soapbox.
  19. Sorry to disagree, but laws are there to be obeyed. That's why we are able to have civilization rather than anarchy. If you have no respect for the law and want to violate them blatantly, then why should I have respect for you? Do you thing that you are so privileged above anyone else and if so, why obey any law. Go shoplift something you feel you cannot "Live" without. after all, it's only a law that's stopping you. Retired LEO
  20. Almost seeing a bad wreck is much better than seeing one! Solid yellow line depends on the state you are in. For instance, in Oregon (where I did my police career) the solid yellow line is a suggestion. The Motor vehicles code book covers the situation by actual footage before a curve or crest of a hill. But even those distances are out of date for the vehicles of today and their higher speeds of travel. It takes longer and more distance to pass a car traveling at 65 mph than it did in early automobile history of 35 or 45 mph.
  21. There are some agates that have a composition that more closely resembles glass which is preferable. If a potential piece for an arrowhead or tool is too hard, then heat treating will make the material more workable. In a pit, one should put two to three inches of sand, then layer your working pieces out and cover with more sand and build a fire on top of it. When you have a good bed of coals, then cover with more sand. Temperatures should reach at least 260 degrees, and higher for other types of suitable but harder rock. The cobbles should rise in temp. slowly and then cool slowly (figure about 24 hours total). When the pit is completely cold pull out your material and it should be workable. The best materials are those that most resemble glass and that is why obsidian is preferable; nature's glass.
  22. I'm from Oregon; only moved to AL about 5 years ago. Lots of obsidian in Oregon both black and black/red Brad T, Flintnapping is making arrowheads or spear heads using the primitive methods that the Indians used. At least that's the way I prefer to do it. If there is a more modern method, I'm not interested. Deer hide, obsidian or flint, even some types of agate, and a deer antler
  23. I use a piece of deer hide to cover my palm and with fingers curled to hold the obsidian tight against the palm, use the point of an antler to flake off chips to the desired shape.
  24. Looks to me like if you're very tall, you'll have more bug splats on your eyeglasses; just don't while riding.
  25. This may sound like an over-simplified fix, but I took one of those leds light things that bicyclers wear on their leg or arm and scotch taped it between the upright bars on the passenger backrest. At night when I ride, I simply push the top activator button for which ever one of six different combinations of the six lights that I want to have flashing. This is not a brake light but rather just a flashing warning light for cagers approaching from the rear. Hope I explained that correctly.
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