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Everything posted by DANJ

  1. Glad things are turnng your way. I've seen complaints to insurance departments as being effective in many of these situations. Complaints to three states was a brilliant move. Good job. DJ
  2. Didn't make my palms itch, but I did have a physical reaction!! That's one impressive scoot!! DJ
  3. "OL' Dirtbeard" of the "Donkey Punchers" MC, Perty good description!!
  4. No problem!! I kinda ecpected to hear from you, but next time for sure. Glad to hear that your neice is gonna be ok. DJ:group cheers:
  5. Dave, Check to see if the clutch works better after the scoot cools down. Mine is starting to do something like you describe. After she has been out on the road for a while, it feels like the clutch is not totally disengaging when the handle is pulled in all the way. After she cools down it feels normal. If that is what he is getting, likley moisture in the fluid that expands when it gets hot. A good flush of the master lines and slave should fix it.
  6. Bobbie, Out of Tucson, head north to I-10 and west to Quartzite, then north on US-95 to Parker Az. Cute old railroad town and alot of great food. Ride north towards Lake Havasu City. Just outside of Parker is the Blue Water Resort. An Indian Casino that's not too bad for an hour or two gambling. When you pull into Lake Havasu city, there is the London Bridge and the Channel. Lots on neat boats and good lodging in the area. If ya want to step foot in California. Head north to I-40 and west through Needles Cal. You can stop there and put yer foot down if ya want, but turn north on River Road and head to Laughlin. It's kinda like a small Las Vegas. From there head East over the mountain to Kingman and then north to Hoover Dam, through Boulder Nevada and over the pass to Vegas.
  7. Yep, and what's worse, I followed you through. Pucker factor in that one was a little high. I think I mentioned over the 2-way that you had at least 3/4" clearance though. Heck, that's plenty. Thanks for the pix. DJ
  8. Pete, I doubt you noticed, but I have mine on the lower front left. They are real perty. DJ
  9. Pete and Sandy, Thanks for such a wonderful day!! Dave, we really enjoyed your company for the ride over "Traverse" and breakfast at Cabella's. Sure wish you could have come with us the rest of the day. Pete's buddy, Mont I believe, joined us west of LEHI, and we rode through Cedar Fort, Fairfield, to the Pony Express monument, Faust Station to Vernon for a "Vern Burger". Mont had family there so we spent a little more (enjoyable) time than we might have otherwise. Mont suggested that we take the Southern route home. So we headed East to Eureka over the pass and down to Elberta and the Lake road back to Lehi. What a ride!!!!. (after the ride down the canyon east ot Erueka, I had an inch or two of seat cover I had to remove from ..... you know where) Still can't figger how come Pete didn't leave some of his Bub's or floorboards on the highway. Sandy is probably the best co-pilot I've ever seen. Likley her doin'. Anyway what a great day!!! Mabey do it again sometime. DJ
  10. Dave, I'm goin over the hill tomarrow to Cabela's and then mabey for a ride out west. Talked to Pete last evening and he wasn't sure about his bike yet. Haven't heard from him today yet, but I'll be at TRAX at 9bells tomarrow AM. See ya there Dave, DJ
  11. 90th South, East of State about 2blocks. OK, it'sa date. Hey Pete, if yer bike gets done, wanna venture south a little and ride over with us? DJ
  12. Sounds great Pete, I'll yell at ya a little later. Heck Dave, I've got 13 of them young'uns. A small feller would probably really enjoy Cabela's. You could meet up with me at TRAX and follow me over Traverse in the cage if ya want. It's a beautiful ride! DJ
  13. Anybody up for a breakfast at Cabela's on Saturday???? How about a ride over "Traverse Mountain" early for breakfast at 9Bells, and then we could decide where to ride from there. For the the SLC bunch, we could meet at the TRAX parking at 90th, and I'll show ya'll the way over the "Traverse Mountain" road to Cabella's, and anybody (Pete) from Utah Co. could meet us there fer breakfast. We could decide from there if we wanted to make it a whole day, and ride out west, or just take in the whole Cabela's experience. Just a thought, whadd'ya think. DJ
  14. I have already answered that question in my mind. I have no question at all how I would reapond. The circumstances you describe can be very dangerous, especially where there are several BGs in the situation. You didn't comment about your experience with firearms, but assuming that your experience is limited, I would purchase a Tacticle style Pump Mossberg or Remington 12ga and get instruction in it's use, and defensive tactics for home protection. Search the NRA website for certified instructors in your area. Good luck and God Bless, DJ
  15. If my pants are on, so is my weapon...I have been an avid shooter for fun, competition and protection my whole adult life. Using and carrying a firearm is a tremendous responsibility, and requires commitment and training to be responsible. That being said, I would recommend large caliber (45,44,41cal.) with lighter weight HP using personal defense ammo. DJ
  16. Don, That sucks... If you would like, I'd be glad to try to find a Sherwill Williams A-Plus Body Shop in your area. They should be able to repair and blend to satisfy. If I can help, let me know.. DJ
  17. Man Dave!, That sucks!!! Sounds like he will heal though, glad for that!!! Too bad about the bike, hope things work out well with that. If I can help, let me know.. DJ BTW, if you need a truck to move it..let me know. we can work something out....
  18. Not familiar with Insurance Law in your state, but it sounds like you have the "Comparative Neglegance Law" . It basically says in so many words that if you put yourself in position to be damaged, It is X% your fault. There are a several ways to deal with this situation. 1. The most efective way I have seen is to contact your State Insurance Dept. and file a formal complaint. Make copies of all the information you submit in the complaint, and include a copy of the Police Report. Send it the Claims Manager of the local Claims Office naming the adjuster you have been dealing with. Once the complaint is filed and submitted to Geico for response, Geico will be required to respond and that is a REAL PIA for both the adjuster and manager. 2. Contact an Attorney to handle the case. It sounds like litigation would come out in your favor, but will likley take a long while to settle. One thing to remember is that if you mention Attorney of Sue to the adjuster Geico Claims will clam up and send the file to Legal and wait for litigation. 3. If you carry Collision Coverage on the vehicle, you can turn the claim over to your Insurance company. The will pay the claim, minus your deductable, and send the file to "Subbrogation". Once the claim goes to Arbotration, a group of claims personel, from several companies, will meet and determine the outcome of the the claim. If Subbrogation goes in your favor, your Insurance company will return your deductable and any out of pocket expenses you may have submitted. Good Luck, DJ
  19. Dave, Don't know if this will help or not, but I found this one in Utah. http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=218&ad=3784638&cat=144&lpid= Just a thought, DJ
  20. I agree from experience having been running a Kriss for over a year now. Modulators work on cattle and deer also. DJ
  21. Done.
  22. Got the Pioneer 1042Rs in Friday. Man, what a difference!! Whole new system. Won't go into what I did to get to them, but will tell ya I spent about 2hrs taking things off and putting them back on that I didn't need to. Suffice it to say that all you have to do is remove both upper consoles to get to the speakers. DJ
  23. Thanks for the replys. DJ
  24. Well, had a few honey-doos to take care of Saturday. Went out and bought a set of real nice Pioneer 1042Rs. Had to fix Mom's lawnmower before I could get into the install, but wasn't anticipating that the speaker project would be too dificult. Got the lawnmower done after a couple of hours, which left me well into the afternoon with company coming over for dinner and drinks. Went out and pulled the turn signals expecting to have access to the speaker mount bolts. Three were accessable with 1/4" extensions, but the top outer on either side were totally inaccessable. Can't even see it because of the cover on the back of the speaker. Did'nt have time to go any further. Anybody changed out the speakers on a 1stGen MKII, and what's involved? Thanks, DJ
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