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Everything posted by Piston

  1. Received the carbs from pinwall the other day, opened them up and lightly cleaned them (I knew they worked from the video provided by them) but low and behold... as I went to pull the A/F plugs out, there it sat... nothing but corrosion, the Air/Fuel adjusting needles were seized in the housings and it ran like crap. I was so fed up with messing with this bike I shoved it in the corner and swore to let it rot! Then the wife starts mentioning how my sister and her husband just bought 2 new Harleys and that maybe we should think about doing the same just to get on the road. So, with that in mind I started working on the Star again LOL! Tore every one of the carbs apart (8) and assembled a good set, went over every passage, jet, nook and cranny then bolted them on last night. Its never run so good. Purs like a kitten, its DONE
  2. Just more food for thought here but I keep thinking back to "it started after he refueled". Try running the engine with the fuel cap off, strange I know but a plugged or incorrect fuel cap will cause a vacuum on the tank, these pumps aren't strong enough to overcome that type of vacuum and will eventually stop pumping. I had a customer come in years ago that was doing about the same thing. Found out they had lost the gas cap and picked up one from another car just to get by... He had tightened the cap really tight on the last fill up and the car would run for about 10 minutes or so before running out of fuel at the carb. Again this is just food for thought, as these pumps will "usually" either leak fuel internally into the engine, leak externally or simply not draw fuel from the tank.
  3. This drama queen just keeps on going and going. I ran 3 tanks through the bike with no real change in performance or the popping so I decided to dive into this thing and find out just what the heck is going on. But before doing that I get a call from my Bro-In-Law (the previous owner) about how the title for the bike is a complete mess and the deal may not happen after all! 3 weeks later we now have the title sorted out, its signed and in my hand! So, now I feel alot more comfortable about spending some real diagnostic time on this thing. Long story short, the carbs are the cause of all the issues. I have a set of used ones on the way and will rebuild those and get this girl on the road. After many conversations with bro in law, I found out that these carbs have been an issue for many many years and its never run right.. Funny how that didnt come up when I was BUYING it eh? lol. After further inspection I found that one diaphram/slider was causing a very lean cylinder and an incorrect air bleed jet and "buggered" passage was causing another lean cylinder. I'm ready to get this thing on the road and put some miles behind me (and the problems)! I've already received the new tires for it and have some radio gear on the way.... Time to RIDE
  4. Had the same experience last week. Tried to buy a bike from a guy, cash in hand all he had to do was show me the title... all the sudden he didnt want to sell it. WTF why post the ad in the first place if you don't have a good title. What a waste!
  5. Yep I did a dry test and wet test and both were very close, im confident the rings are ok. I didnt open the throttle though, that would account for the low numbers. This weekend I plan on going through the carbs and tank to clean them out (stupid needle/seat is stuck right now) then take it out for a "Spirited" ride hehe. I talked to the previous owner the other day about it and he mention how he put 2cycle oil in the gas to help coat things while it sat, so im sure there's massive amounts of carbon buildup as a result of that. I too have used Techron for years, GREAT stuff! Everytime I have a car come in with drivability issues as a result of carbon or bad fuel, they get a can of this. Works great on dirty injectors and intake deposits. Can't wait to give a positive post about the weekend ride!
  6. I'm in the same boat as Color01, Cruiser is the 96 Royal Star but my second bike is a GSX-R 1000
  7. Just signed up on the site here and have just spent the last 3 hrs reading this thread, what a great story so far! Keep on with the updates... Enquiring minds want to know BTW; I just bought a bike last week after a 24yr break and after reading this thread I'm more fired up about riding than I have ever been.
  8. I checked the other 2 cylinders and they are both 125ish as well... so compression isn't the main problem here. Perhaps it will come up once the rings loosen up and valves settle a bit. I decided just to run the ever-loving-piss out of the thing and see if it starts to behave lol. I'll seafoam it and start riding it in the next few weeks to see if there's any change. It does have good spark, fuel and compression and after running for a bit today I did start feeling some heat from that pipe. Although while doing the testing I emptied the carbs as to not foul the plugs when doing the leakdown/compression test, now I have one that the needle/seat is hung on and floods out. Tomorrow I'll pull the tank/carbs/filter and clean everything again and install a new filter and gas, then see where she's at. Thanks for all the replies!
  9. The only ride I've had on it was after the carb rebuild yesterday. When I was cranking it to fill the carbs with fuel I could hear one cylinder not contributing like it should (cranking compression test without gauge).
  10. I just picked up a '96 Royal Star with only 19k on it, bike is in great shape except for one thing... I have a pop through the exhaust. I suspected a lean cylinder and was right (on part of it) so off with the carbs for a thurough cleaning. I installed them back on yesterday and dialed everything in, huge difference in performance... but still had the pop. At idle its a rythmic; Pop.... Pop.... Pop.... Pop.... but goes away when revved and comes back again if the rpm is held constant. So today I checked that cylinders carb for any leaks or possible cause for this issue, nothing found. Plenty of fuel there. I went ahead and did a compression test on both right side cylinders and they seem low to me, or at least what the manual says they should be. Cylinder compression test shows 110psi on the front right and 125 on the rear right. Spark plug was wet on the front so I dried the cylinder out and cleaned the plug... same pop and same compression reading. After this I ran a leakdown test and im just a bit over 20% loss coming out of the exhaust valves! This afternoon I'll pop the valve cover and check the valve clearance but im afraid the damage has been done and the adjustment won't help. My question is, what is a normal compression reading for these engines? And can the heads come off without pulling the engine? Thanks for any help,
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