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Lil Venturous

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Everything posted by Lil Venturous

  1. Man Steve hate to hear this. Been in Kingsport all day and did not see her that I know of. Looked out my window here at the house and seen all of limestone, No one down here. What part of Elizabethon she live in?
  2. We cut the tab off his tci. still hits the tank cover. So he moved to where yours sorta is now Dingy. Im runnig the Odysee battery that is 3/4 of an inch thinner front to back with a 3/4 shim holding it forward. Im assuming it will fit there on mine. I have the royale and not sure it will fit there on the dash on mine yet. I was wanting dad to post pictures of his tci location. Covers are back on now though.
  3. Not sure if this port is above butterfies. Assuming it is right now. I do know that the port is larger in diameter though.
  4. Post some pics of where you posted it under the dash. its been asked in a couple of threads after I mentioned it.
  5. Yep the extras are getting pitched this weekend. Its really close to running good. Come up with some money for another tci and maybe ridable.
  6. On the CBR and the FZ1 I could just sit up there. Is that an option on my Shamu?
  7. On dads tci there was not enough room with his full sized battery to fit it on top of the breather. It hit the tank cover. He placed it under the radio.
  8. Dont remember which one he said. I was busy annoying my wife as he and I were talking. Will find out tomorrow if he dont come online.
  9. I was thinking of using antisieze?
  10. Talked with dad earlier today and he said whatever he got fits. Thanks everyone for your help, Especially dad right now. Hopefully tune on her some more tomorrow night.
  11. Reminds me of when I was in Ct and three Hardleys rolled in to the gas station I was about to leave. They had full leathers chaps, boots and jackets on themselves and their wives but none had helmets. I started laughing as I fired up the FZ1, One hollered "What you laughing at boy?" I said "yall look like a bunch of condoms with the ends cutoff." One fired his bike back up as I started to roll. That ole FZ was doing 60 by the time I hit the end of the parking lot.
  12. The way I heard it, it was not a kiss he got. But there was lips involved.
  13. Tach was a stuck needle. Seen that a few times from stuff that has sat for awhile. Running real good now. Just now I dont want to give dad his carbs, spare tci, and radiator cap back. So, so far I found that my carbs are still bad, my 2nd tci has issues and the tach had a stuck needle. It is fun trying to bring back one that was not running when you got it.
  14. Well the other carbs made a big difference. But felt it was still not right. The number two cylinder was still off. It was producing heat but pulling the plug wire made little difference. So, I started doing some ohm tests. nothing really odd showed. Finally started doing some volt tests. Power on and not runnig had 12 volts or so coming out for each coil at the tci, good. Fire it up and start checking again, All have around 11 or 12 except number two. Only had 7 volts. UGH!!!! Tryed the spare tci box off a 83 and fixed the volt deal. Bike appeared to run pretty good. But still no tach. Going to pull cover and check that it is not just stuck. Ok now todays question, Why the voltage drop through the tci?
  15. Right now Im not going to worry about another set. Actually believe dad has a spare parts set. With so many issues this thing is still having I just cant justify throwing much money at yet. Been a lil poor lately. I might ask about the V-max motor in your avator pic though. Hopefully by sunday dad and I can get some stuff figured on it.
  16. I heard some discussion about Peanut Butter Pie tonight.
  17. WELL????????? Carbs made a huge difference, But I still had some spitting back through the carbs on cylinder one. Each cylinder did produce heat now. Reved fairly crisp and strong. Pulled the wire on number two and it did not appear to make much difference but it was shooting fire real good. Still no tach or fan. Let it get up near the red and they did not kick on. Fixed what little bit of wiring I could find that they cut and taped back together. Checked risistance on the pick ups and they all showed the same at about 115. Really feels now like it is out of time? may also need a rad cap. Right after fire up it starts dripping a little out of the overflow tube. Head gaskets ever go on these things? One good thing about the bike is that it has not been rigged up really any that I seen so far. So I guess I will check these carbs yet again or try and keep dads carbs til the other issues are figured out.
  18. Going back tomorrow night I hope. About to start our taxes. I know the wiring, there is a huge wiring schematic hanging on my cabinet SGN gave dad and we have both been wearing it out. I just never looked at the pickup area as the problem because I never thought of it til I was away from the bike. Hopefully I will be back over there tomorrow night. I will probably swap the carbs for the fun of it to rule that out. I feel in my heart they are not the problem, but right now that is the easiest thing I can do and not have to think. Yes I have the right cdi box. Shane my son brought me the good compression tester but of course it was for the big plug.
  19. New plugs always. Have boxes and the habit from the dirtbike days. Going to check behind the cluster next trip over. Thinking of trying thursday night. Tomorrow is taxes I hope. But did check again that there is good fire on the front bank. 2 and 4. Is there a way that that those two could be out of time? I do know one time I was not paying attention and plugged thre 3 and 4 coils backwards. Is there a way of plugging it up wrong at the pickup area? Like I say we bought a bike that was not running and had the left cover half off. Did check pickups with an ohm meter before installing that cover. There appears to be good compression on those two cylinders. Probably going to try other set of carbs off dads bike thursday night to to make for certain it is not a carb issue. Getting real good at pulling the carbs. Main thing that I check with is a temp gun and the front two header pipes just do not show any heat rise at all to speak of. Thanks again, Brian.
  20. Will try and get back over tomorrow. But the front cylinders have some wicked spark when grounded to the case. Tryed three different tcis. Tach worked on none of them. Bike is stripped of all plastic but feel that only accs are unplugged. Also checked The pick ups before we knew anything about the bike because they halfway still had that cover off. Will have it figured out by this weekend though I hope.
  21. Yea showing great fire. Plugs are a little wet. But not drowned like I thought they would be. Carb syncing made me think there is vacuum pulling in and cleaning carbs twice showed no blockage at all. The drain screws show gas running out. I will have to do a good compression test to feel more comfortable about the cam or chain not being an issue. Was going to try some other carbs I knew were good but feel these are good right now.
  22. The front bank is not working. Cleaned the carbs twice and the bowls fill up. Has great fire. Hooked up the carb sync tool and it showed equalish vacuum on four. That leads my to believe they are pumping air at least. Other little thing noticed is the tach is not reading anything. Tryed several different tci boxes. (thanks dad) Also installed other coil pack we had. Going to find my compression tester tuesday or so. But since dads bike is running again I should get some more help. The bike is stripped of all plastic but believe only accs are unplugged right now. Thanks Brian
  23. Yea I wonder what caused this to happen? I did not think Shamu fit that good here as my name. That is what I go by at impalassforum.com. May call the Venture that though? So far it is the brown b*tch. Not sure how far language is allowed to go here. That is about as far as ISSF allows.
  24. Very good post. I was about to close it thinking it was a lame complant to the city, Then I heard the chopper and started laughing.
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