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Lil Venturous

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Everything posted by Lil Venturous

  1. Fisrt, The OSHA fines would be more than the hospital bill. Second, could someone that paints that good and be that creative pass the required drug test? Third, He would probably wish for death if he was a Sub-contractor after realizing no one would help him by excepting their responsibility.
  2. Adding that drain plug would have added a nickel to the manufactoring cost. That adds up.
  3. There is a guy that goes by dragginparts or something close that is wicked. The upper crash bars on his wing are scrapped in so much the inside of the pipe is visible and his foot pegs are half gone. www.dragginpartsvideo.net That is his site, I don't know the best way to show you how good he is. The original video may be him though. I seen him passing R1s and such.
  4. I have the Bosch and the Sonic. They both do great and the blades do interchange. The Bosch is awesome but we have three of them and some drivers and are having switch issues with most of them. The blades all look different how they mount but I have tryed several brands of blades and they are all interchangable.
  5. Yea I can't read VR.org while riding my bike now from the head shake.
  6. Nice deal. Part out the rest and make your money back.
  7. I have checked alot of things on this venture and it goes straight into wobble if both hands are removed. Of every bike I have rode through out my life the venture if the worst for head shake.
  8. 68 then the seizure hit.
  9. Sure looks like a lot of valve lash?
  10. first wife had the replacement surgery and maybe a second one. It has went very bad for her with pain and being able to use her mouth in a opening half way open or chewing. Even squeks. But she did not do her exercises and rehab stuff.
  11. You go to a hairdresser?
  12. He should have said he makes batteries for prius' but may have to quit his job because it gave him cancer.
  13. Enjoyed the time with you yesterday. You were alot more active and mobile then I imagined you would be also. Hope you stay in good spirits. Love ya
  14. Hope it goes well tomorrow. I will stop by tomorrow and see ya. (no pun intended) Hope it gets better dad. Eye love ya. (That pun was intended) Brian
  15. With how many cops there is there now I would not let the fear of the sport bikes stop me. I have always rode there on sport bikes and thought I would ride it this year on the adult motorcycle, but time did not allow. Police are cracking down hard.
  16. That would leave an awesome black mark. Never been able to leave a real straight one. Always had a jump to the right 5 feet into it.
  17. Bike is beautiful.
  18. Yep tach runs off of number 2 cylinder. You may have tci problems. Believe me they get annoying too. A temp reading gun is good to have also. Getting a non running bike is annoying, Then when you factor in the the Venture has the most difficult carbs to disassemble and reassemble.
  19. My impression is that up to lately some states would give you the address of a plate number for $5 or something.
  20. Anyone every changed their air ride to work with the ignition in the on position? I like the bike low put once I get playing I like it higher to scrub less.
  21. Im thinking a farm use only tag would work around here out of the city for a while, I would at least try it.
  22. I just let the air out of the air ride.
  23. Did the 85 have the later headlight?
  24. Glad to hear that. Shane and Eye are about to head that way in a few. Eye love ya.
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