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Everything posted by royalstar09

  1. Is money any consideration? From what I have seen in tires thats a huge determination on what to buy.
  2. Funy you mentioned that. I have a meeting set up with a neighboring towns grant writer. Him and our grant writer are going to join forces and do some regional apps for 2012.
  3. After a LOT of thought. Talked to a lot of people, on and off the department. I decided to accept the nomination as Chief. The vote was last night. I was awarded the majority of the votes and accepted the position. This is a volunteer department now so it is not like I accepted something I will retire from. I have been in my town for 36 years. I have a deep seated interest in the protection of its members. The department is long overdue for some restructuring and I have the support to begin that process. Looking forward to changes and working with all our members to structure and build further on what is already in place. Ill never get used to this dang white hat though. It will be hard to not grab a hoseline, but I am ready to fight from a different standpoint. Should be a very challenging, but fun position. Im ready to dig in.
  4. I pray for a favorable outcome. In the meen time. It is all over facebook here in Missouri. Wish I could do more.
  5. Alright now I need to clean my screen, had a drink of coffee when I read that
  6. If it is someting that came factory on the bike here is a link. Use the drop boxes to fill out your bike and select saddlebag 1 or 2 http://www.motorsportssupercenter.com/pages/parts/viewbybrand/2/Yamaha.aspx
  7. Just to clear it up. My "opinion" is based on 20 years as a professional auto technician and "personal" experience with owning about everything under the sun. At one time I had a ram truck, kia minivan, kia sportage, ford escort, and a firebird at the same time. So what I speak is personal as well as experience and is unbiased due to the fact that I try to own what serves me the best. That being said I cannot wait to get rid of my Durango, I love my Taurus, still have the sportage, and the escort, and a Tundra is looking better and better all the time.
  8. "Lazy Cakes" from my understanding are a highly dangerous item in that they have a differed affect, meaning you can eat one, then heading home become uncontrolably tired and fall off into a deep sleep, where its affects duplicate that of narcolepsy, putting you into a very deeo sleep due to the overdose of melatonin. I guess a daily supliment of perscribed melatonin is 1mg, where the lazy cake contains up to 8mg. Anyone who does not think reading up on these things can help you save your child is mistaken. People are cutting themselves up, shooting themselves, jumping in front of moving vehicles, killing cops and firefighters, and challenging everything medical professionals know. In some documented cases by vertue of witnesses the first time has been the one that killed, or the cause to kill. VERY DANGEROUS and kids and adults alike are treating it as if its nothing.
  9. Are you prepared to know the warning signs? Do not ignore this. Google it, research it, know the early signs of use of these "legal" drugs and their affects. I live in a town of 600 people and we are seeing the affects and causes. Do not think your child would never do it. I just worked an accident scene that K2 was the direct link to this vehicle traveling on the wrong side of the 4 lane highway, out of control, and eventually trashing their vehicle after a few near misses of head on traffic. It is not detectable by conventional drug test, therefore rendering these kids with the lie of I dont know what happened. Parents are spending thousand of dollars on test because the kids will not admit to the use of these harmfull drugs. Be prepared and not blind to the fact that YES even your child MAY try this.
  10. The short answer from my experience is NO
  11. I drive a Hemi Durango. I worked for Chrysler. Trust me I have a good understanding of how cheap they are. When the durango gets gone it WILL be my last dodge truck. I am tired of pouring money into this thing. The Durango was one of them deals I fell into and have regretted it ever since.
  12. I have spent countless hours and simply put these are the cheapest I have found. Aftermarket stuff dont impress me. This place has the best OEM pricing I have found. If they are cheaper somewhere else I hope someone points it out. They have the visors and anything else you may want, all cheaper then anywhere else I have found. For you ? about draining to much running them with your gps I have not read of that being an issue yet on here. http://www.motorsportssupercenter.com/pages/catalogs/detail/26/207/407/3657/1/0/0/1/4/90/69/63351/passing-lamps.aspx
  13. "Medical" marijuana Is not something you find much in my parts. Now that being said I "hear" or a lady who uses it here in town because all the meds her doctor gave her while going through chemo was not working. I "hear" she is doing fantastic now and all the nausea and headaches are GONE. It is much better medically then smoking and it is an amazing bronchodilator. Studies have show it to greatly improve those with breathing issues such as asthma. NOW on the flip side, extended use CAN CAUSE chronic bronchitis.......So as a temporary thing yes, but extended use ???????? .......... Just my opinion of course.
  14. You are needing a replacement button?
  15. Cause I let him get ahead, then went passed, then let him get ahead, went past again............just playing with it. But in the mustangs defense it could have been the driver however we had NO problem running past him time and time again till he finally let off and gave up. Also spanked a Charger with ease. Prior to the Taurus we had a 2010 Fusion sport with same driveline. It was ruthless on hp and torque as well. Here was our 2010 Fusion Sport http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dd29b3127ccefcc4ef6119fc00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Here is a stock photo of our Taurus. I have not had an opportunity to take good photos of it yet http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dd29b3127ccefcc5ab2339d000000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/ Here is the Chrysler 200 she likes. I agree that first year model is a no-no. Time will tell. My opinion of Chryslers in the past (I worked for them for 6 years) has not been good. A test drive will tell the tail. http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47a1dd29b3127ccefcc5d0dbf8bd00000030O08AZtmjJo0aOAe3nws/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/
  16. Im keeping a look out for a nice little scoot for just the in town and quick trip purposes. I was just curious how many more do tyhe same. Looks like a common thing when you have a large cruiser bike to have that second small bike to beat around on.
  17. How many are using a smaller bike for daily in town quick trips? I have been thinking it would be nice to have a little bike for in town running and quick trips close to home. Id love to have a small vespa typwe scooter as our town is really small and a helmet is not required. Just thinking outloud.
  18. They would scream
  19. Our taurus is 263 hp and 249 lb ft torque backed with the 6 speed auto with the shiftable paddle shifters on the steering wheel makes for a really fast sedan. This thing will auto shift at near 7K rpm's and gets gone fast. I whipped a mid 90's 5.0 mustang 5 speed, poor guy had the soot flying out the rear, but the old grocery getter walked off with ease.
  20. Are these them?? http://www.motorsportssupercenter.com/pages/catalogs/detail/26/207/407/3664/1/0/0/1/4/90/69/63351/tinted-lower-wind-vents.aspx
  21. nope not helping one bit....... We may check one out when they hit the lots here. Id like to see how they compare to the ride and power we have in the taurus. This taurus is a fantastic vehicle. It would take a lot to impress me after owning it.
  22. My wife is in a hot looking 2010 Taurus with a smoking V-6. It has everything a person needs then some. But Chrysler and their commercial with the rapper guy.................with that music.......................... and now my wife wants one. But dang it they are nice looking. The Chrysler 200 in Jet Black
  23. The way I see it, had you not thought of her to be responsible enough to own it, you would not have bought it. Parents sticking their kids n these little V-6 fwd's bother me more then that mustang. At least the mustang is something you feel you "need" to respect and will drive accordingly. Great job with how you have raised them. The responsibility you have instilled allows gifts like this. She has to be like
  24. http://www.wgem.com/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp?vt1=v&clipFormat=flv&clipId1=5630426&at1=News&h1=Ralls+County+911+creator+laid+to+rest&flvUri=&partnerclipid=
  25. Kool never seen that before. Only one I knew of was a sticky in the Watering hole.
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