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Everything posted by royalstar09

  1. The tires were replaced at 1,000 miles. The replacements are whitewalls. So these whitewall dunlops are factory as well as the ones it had on it before they were replaced?? He simply put the exact tire back on but in a whitewall?? Never seen the factory tires. Had no clue what they were but was under the impression it come with Bridgestones out of the "box"....
  2. On side stand, bars resting full left. From center of chrome trim straight down is 13" exactly. On frame rail it is 1/2" increase from back to front. The frame definetly is slopped upward. Now for air PSI. I went and got a nice accurate low pressure gauge (for now) till my pump gets here it will have to work. REAR was at zero-0-nada....... Forks were at 10psi I put 50 PSI rear and let all the air out of the fronts for now. It raise the rear 5/8" and not sure if or how much it lowered the front, BUT the bike looks to be level now at the frame rails and looking at id in general. Rear shock at ZERO and my having to move the highway pegs forward would indicate that the previous owner was possibly shorter in the crotch
  3. Yes I contacted the origionlal owner. No suspinsion mods had been done.
  4. Thanks had not checked ebay yet...
  5. That kit is discontinued. Seems like that certain kit is not available anywhere, but it led me to kits that are still available.
  6. Yep but no longer available
  7. My point is WHAT IF for some reason you dump these little fellors in through the valve stem, go for a ride and hate it......... cant dump them back out. Tire off, broke down, little beads removed at tire shop=$$$$$$
  8. So far I am 50/50 finding good/bad. Ill leave them the way they are for now anyway. The cost to remove them would be so great Id rather not gamble on something I am seeing 50/50 split in reviews...
  9. That makes perfect since. I have a 34" inseam so heigth is not an issue. Id love to be more stable at low speeds, so, if not all of this though is my in experience with the RSV. Why we are discussing, i searched here and on the net. Probably not looking in the right spot, but with the front shocks needing to be adjusted so closely id assume someone makes a hose that "links" their air pressure. Sort of like rear duals on a truck. Am I just missing it or just thinking to hard. It sure makes since to tye them together.
  10. Ill get a pump
  11. Their has been no suspinsion mods done. Its all factory. Only change were the tires at 1,000 miles. It now has 3,100 miles. So I have 2,100 miles on the dunlops. I was assuming the bike frame rails (lower rails) would be level but maybe not. My frame rails in front of engine are at a higher point then behind the engine but appear to be straight rails, meaning they do not "step up" causing the indifference. Also the overall appearence when comparing it to pictures of others make it appear, and it feels, high in the front. Untill I get a gauge I wont know, but for all I know the front shocks are pumped up, and the rears are deflated, and or this is just how they are.
  12. I have a small hand pump that will work great but it does not have a built in gauge. Just do not have a gauge that goes that low. Ill grab a gauge tomorrow n check pressures. So this sitting up in the front appearence would be considered "normal" since the links are raising the back?
  13. I looked at the website. Logic tells me its smoke and mirrors, but I hear you when ya say it works. I just cannot wrap my mind around this working. What keeps them from just all staying together? And how do they separate and a few go here, few go there, and yep it needs 10 balls over there??? These beads are a replacement for a extremely complicated, computer controlled balancer placing a specific weight at an exact location to eliminate heavy spots??? Not that I cant be sold on the idea, but..............well................???????
  14. I read through the leveling links threads that come up when searched here. My interpretation of it is that these bikes typically sit high in the rear?? My bike sits high in the front. Much higher then the rear actually. I was going to check air in shocks tonight but all my gauges start at 10psi. It is something you could pick out in a picture actually. ?? Is is it typical for the "ride height" to be more in the front then rear??? Or should I see a more pronounced level stance?? TIRES ARE FRONT= Dunlop D404F 150/80-16 REAR= Dunlop D404 150/90B15
  15. I got mine from ebayfor like 5 bucks with shipping. I liked to surf ebay so I put royal star venture in the search engine and it was like 2800 items................yeah I looked at them all
  16. Medium speed 20/20 18/20
  17. Riding for me was a huge decision to begin with many years ago. I had witnessed a bike crash. Seen them bounce off parked cars then get drug down the road under their bike nearly hitting me head on while they are sliding trapped under and being drug by the bike. I sold the bike I had at that time and very apprehensive to ever ride again. That is something I have dealt with but not forgotten, so I tend to be a little more carefull then what may seem to be necessary. They both recovered but with permanent damage to his left leg. Now as a firefighter/medic I see and respond to bike crashes. All this makes me more carefull then what someoone else may see as necessary. Im an "on guard" rider. Cant wait for the ride like a pro DVD to get here. Recently had a rider leave my bar (he wasnt drinking) they had lunch. Making a nice easy ride out one of our secondary roads in a line of aprox 15 bikes, he was last. On a nice safe straight away they passed a farm tractor with big bale hauling steel spikes on its front had thought all the bikes were passed him and the tractor went left causing the rider to take a big bale fork to the head. All that said I love to ride and work tons more cager wrecks. Just ride very cautiously without taking away from the fun....
  18. Been mid 60's last 2 days. Been riding both days
  19. Thank you all so much. I love this bike so far, and was just in hopes it would be an operater or passenger thing and not a typical of the royal star thing. I may lighten my gas load for a while in an attempt tohelp me in my learning curve as well. 6 Gals up high like that is only adding to my learning issues. I have the Ride like a pro DVD on its way as well.
  20. 500 Kawasaki as a starter quite a few yrs back. Graduated to a M50 Boulevard from there. Now this bike. I knew it would be a big step up.
  21. Me to and 8th, 9th, and so on . I am the same size as I was when I graduated. Looking at some of my classmates 20 yrs later it makes me feel good too
  22. We are going to practice in the garage. I too after reading replies seem to think its her, not me or the bike, but her "hanging" out off the left floorboard. I dont turn my head and standing puts my mirrors out of seeing whats going on while she is climbing on n off. Maybe we will sit up a video camera. I know it sounds crazzy but this one little thing of not properly knowing how to get on or off, or if its something I am doing, could have got us hurt.
  23. Maybe it will come with time. Our 2 other bikes were never an issue. This one I have no control at all when she gets on or off of it. I am not a whimpy guy. Im 6'0 and med built at 155 lbs while she is short and thin (for obvious reasons I wont disclose the weight) but she is not big at all . I am very stout for a "thin" buy but this bike whipped me today. My left wrist is done. Hopefully it gets better. If we cannot figure this out Ill get rid of it. Not going to own something that I cant keep full 100% safe control of. I love the leaving the kickstand down idea. At least I can give up if it starts to go over next time insetad of hurting myself saving it.
  24. Folks I need some help here. Rode today 2 up for the first time on my RSV and it killed me. Not the handling so much. My problem is when she mounts and dis-mounts. I cant hold the bike up. We made one stop and come home. It took everything I had to not drop it twice and by then I was used up. Her getting on first makes it very hard to stand the bike up, but easier on me a little. However when needing to have her get off in order to get into a park spot or for whatever reason i simply cannot hold the bike up. Im not so sure I did not pull something in my wrist saving the bike. Her short legs dont allow much for her to anything any different, but someting has to change or I am going to be totally spent before we leave for a ride.
  25. How are you mounting them??? How are you weatherproffing them??? No need to re-invent the wheel. Looking for ideas that are working and pictures if possible. Im going with this set up unless someone has a better option. This looks like a nice clear install that will protect it nicely. I visited all I could in here through search feature and rthough this is a old post it looks to be the best option. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=55068&highlight=garmin
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