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Everything posted by royalstar09

  1. I have been offer a position in our fire department as Chief. I have many many years commited to the dept and feel like I am ready for it, but its a huge responsibility just the same. At least they gave me plenty of time to think it over. I was asked Monday, meeting is Wednesday I already have my business, I'm a board member for our 911 emergency services, member of the community betterment association, do all the presentations from the fire dept to daycares and home schooled children, have 4 children and a wife and now they want me to be Chief But other then that I dont have much going on so I am considering it.
  2. When you find another one request a "Holmes Inspection" he destroy's it and rebuilds it so its a new older home..... Couldnt resist, but sounds like that one was just not the right one. The house Im in I looked for 2 yrs before settling and dealt with this purchase for a year. You will get your home when its right.
  3. I know exactly what you want. I have a replacement windshiled laying wrapped up in my garage for my RSV but untill my graphics guy gets mine cut Im not putting it on. I am having him cut the design in a section of window screen I bought at oreillys. Just bought a plain black window screen and he is cutting the pattern into it. It wont be exact but unless I point it out I doubt regular guys would ever notice.
  4. The "black dots" are part of the plastic laminated in the middle of the windshield, and are there to reduce optical reflection/glare along the edges and around the rear-view mirror. I do not know of anywhere these "dots" can be purchased. But for the record at least on a vehicle it is a third visor frit.
  5. It looked like a niced addition. Sounds like the reviews prove it. Thanks
  6. royalstar09

    Holy Smoke

    One of our Local manufactuing plant whips Fire departments. Estimated HALF MILLION Lbs of plastics were inside. They did the right thing, give it what you have, then back off let it burn out. http://www.wgem.com/Global/story.asp?S=14067946
  7. Found this old thread. How many are using this? Is it worth the money? One thingI noticed with my RSV is I wish at time, especially riding solo It would be nice to not have to toggle thru and turn the IC volume down, only to turn back up when I am 2up. Seems like this would cut down on unwanted wind noise as well. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=992
  8. Have you seen them photo enforced stop light cameras. Holy crap they are CSI quality. All $130.00 worth and I was not driving, but my plates so I get the ticket Them pictures are fantastic, have to be very expensive camera systems.
  9. I have one 10 miles away and its raining
  10. Not only would I NOT mount it. They would issue an immediate pick up order after sending me out one that is not junk Someone in parts dept needs glasses.
  11. In my opinion right now it is a employers market, not employees. Someone list an opportunity (help wanted) and they are flooded with tons of apps. I believe that the face to face is leaving this world, everything is computer based, or web this, or text that, that life as I knew it is long gone. Getting to sit down and talk with anyone is like pulling eye teeth anymore. The only ones willing to talk are the collection agencies...... LOL In other words.................its not just you. I am seeing that same thing in my area. I was wanting new windows, siding, roof, gutter, doors put on my house. Called 5 contractors. Two showed up. One of them bid it. Guess who I wrote a check too....
  12. Very nice looking jack their. Color is not anything that bothers me with the exception of snap on. If its red is good, blue wont own it. I do not mind owning some chinese or japanese stuff, but not for the price snappy thinks their generic foreign stuff is worth.
  13. Its not snap on. Its their blue point jap crap line. I logged into my snappy account and checked for a jack, seen that one, then looked into craftsman when I learned snsp on didnt offer a jack worth owning. The craftsman is way better quality then blue point with other items. Their jacks should be the same. The pretty BLUE color wont fit in my garage with all the red I have tried a couple blue point items, they are junk.
  14. Oooh yeah watch Truex and Jr today. They have a deal made. Wont be hard to follow them 2. They will be together all day.
  15. Hard telling what that cry baby is into.
  16. I have my own adapter in the works. Something I can make pretty easily with scraps around the shop. Just need a jack to fininsh up the build.
  17. Hate to say it but Jr is looking good. Its a coin toss really. Too much pusing for too long of a time. Gonna pop some good engines today along with spotters focusing on too many frequencies gonna be some pile ups from cautions being thrown and not relayed to drivers. Should be a good one to watch either way.
  18. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00950190000P Now I have only always bought snap on, but snap on does NOT offer a motorcycle jack. I have a local sears and can order online, pick up at store. This one look OK????
  19. I like my bike, but not much you can do. What I will do though is when we are out and it stays outside (motel), just as with the bass boat. Go buy a good baby monitor that has a battery oerated transmitter, take the reciever into the motel room, transmitter in side bag. Cannot prevent a good thief, but if you hear them you stand a better chance. It is impossible to not make ANY noise when they are dragging your ride to their den. A Baby monitor work great on bass boat when staying ina slip at a tournament so it will do the same for me and the bike.
  20. your engines Its go time. This marks the beginning of the riding season for me. When the cars hit the track, I know its getting close.....
  21. Quick question here. By you using the gauge on the front shocks, didnt that completly defeat the purpose of buying a ZERO LOSS pump Just asking but seems to me the little pssssttt when removing the gauge when dealing with 6 lbs to begin with takes you right back to not being 100% even pressures, or knowing exactly what they are. Not being a smart azz just asking. If the front shocks are that sensitive then...........
  22. http://www.motorcyclegear.com/?utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_source=VentureRider&utm_campaign=MCGBrandAds&utm_content=MCGYourSource_468x60
  23. My parents have this issue. My dad configured a design that allows him to quickly plug the incoming line if he has pump failure. He also installed a water detection system that is about 1/2 way up the pipe. If for any reason water hits it it is a very loud alarm that willlwake them or get their attention. He has a small backup generator if power fails. His biggest thing with the pumps was their culligan water softener system had its drain going into the hole and being pumped out. The salt brine was killing pumps. All is good now, he has it figured out.
  24. Not sure pulled the part numbers from the repair manual.
  25. The origional owner put the exact same Dunlops only whitewalls. I obtained the origional tires from him after I bought it.
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