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Everything posted by Rich99

  1. What he said!
  2. Thats what I liked about my 1st gen Brad, I do miss that extra power my 83 had compared to the 2nd gen. but got to say since my age has caught up with me, the 2nd gen. is fast enough now. I'm out to enjoy just the ride and the scenery now and see if I can get 24,000 miles out of the rear tire like I did the time before last. Got over 5,000 miles on it now, and it doesn't look like it's even started to wear yet. I really got spoiled getting a new tire every two years instead of every 8 months until Dunlop decided to only make a soft rubber tire instead of making both a soft and a hard one tire. Greed finally set in, and their like everybody else now, only wanting to make more money and the heck with us poor people wanting to get a good long lasting tire now.
  3. Met a guy who was looking at my bike when I came out of DMV and he told me he rode a V-Star and was asking me questions about my RSV. We exchanged e-mail addy's when I told him about the club and he said he'd be interested in joining in order to chat and go on rides. So if you see a gentleman named Jerry from Dublin, Ca, welcome him also, who knows, 5,000 members might be right around the corner, and since we're so spread out on the west coast, getting a few more locals would be good since we lost a couple of guys that moved out of state, way out (NC and Texas), how's it going Steve and Buddy?? :>)
  4. Yup, see everybody in a week (I hope?)
  5. I bought a cap once before and sold it to one of our other members. My king size bucket is around 8 1/8th. :bang head: Maybe if I do this a few times, I can get my hat size down. :rotf:
  6. The reason I bring up the gas thing is the difference I got up to that point. Averaged around 38 when I bought my 99RSV, but put on Baron Nasty Boys mufflers and K&N filters, and mileage jumped up to 40+mpg. As is, I usually only do the limit or 5 mph above posted speed limits. At 85 mph going against a 20 mph headwind; before I made the muffler changes, I only got 31 mpg. At VWlll up in Susanville, I was the only one getting gas from a gippo outfit, and my bike has never ran any better since then. Went 205 miles and still hadn't gone to reserve. Then on the way home, we stopped to fill up, and even I couldn't believe it, got 55 mpg......145 miles on 2.6 gallons, and the RSV behind me put in 3.8 gallons. I'd like to go up to that gippo gas station up in Susanville to find out whose gas he was selling. As is, my bike ran like a Rolls Royce as I didn't feel any vibration what so ever, and roll-on power was much stronger.
  7. Go into my picture gallery and there is a couple of pics there with my 2 tone 99 RSV with withwalls. As far as the only tire company left that sells these sizes, I've only gotten them from Dunlop, the 404's. I've been using these tires as long as I can remember, and got up to 24k miles on them when they sold the 150-90B-15. But they got greedy and sold a softer rubber tire so it would wear out in 8k miles, and I've been flustered ever since. They call this tire the 150-9015 now, they left out the "B". I just replaced the rear tire of which I ordered a 150-90H-15, but as luck has it, I didn't get that tire. I guess they found another 150-90B-15 tire in the back of the shop some place, and I was joyed with getting the tire that I got 24k miles on before. So instead of replacing the tire in 8 months, it's be 2 years or better before I have to replace it. That works for me as it saves me . So hope you find what your looking for. As far as finding any other tire that'll get you that type of mileage, I don't think they exsist any more.
  8. Now Jack, you know your never going to go over to the dark side.
  9. Rich99


    That's when I got on. Got up at 1:30 a.m. to go to work, and I was having breakfast in Oroville at 5:30 this morning on the way to p/u a truck in Chico for Redding. So here I am twelve hours later after just getting home, only 474 miles today.
  10. The "Geek Squad" should be here tomorrow, and hopefully when they leave, I'll be back on line on my own web site and not my wifes. If anybody ever has to use these guys, it might be cheaper to go out and buy a book that tells you how to get rid of a virus. But I thought as long as their here, I'd add a bit more RAM as this puter was starting to slow down anyway. So if they get me back up and running:confused24:, I'll see you tomorrow .
  11. You beat me to the punch.
  12. Gee, I wonder if Fred in Pahrump gets on the site very often. He might not take it too kindly to me calling his 1.?? acres a wrecking yard. Anyway, if you gave him a call, he'd probable give you one, you just pay the shipping. 775-751-2169. I've been to his place a couple of times when I've visited Las Vegas. Out in no mans land 60+ miles SW of Vegas. I think he's got over 300,000 miles on his 84 trike now??
  13. Thanks for the video George, my wifes-brothers son will be learning how to fly one of those beast's later on. I told my wifes brother, when your son learns how, I'll be standing in line to take the first ride with him. I wonder what it's like to give the Raptor a full throttle, release the brakes and take it straight up from there, with my age, I don't know if the ol ticker could take that much force, so he'll have to be a slow ride around the block; either way, I'd give my right arm to go up in one. Wonder if Russia still gives rides in the Mig 27 or 29. Heck, for the price of gas:mo money:, it couldn't cost more than , who am I kidding. :rotf:
  14. Hey Jack, Might have to send you a signal by mirror or use smoke signals for awhile; anyway, I just happen to get onto the (VR) web-site through my wifes main web page as I can't get onto my web page any more. Just talk to AT&T Yahoo tech, and he seems to think my browser isn't working anymore. Probably have to call the expensive "GEEK SQUAD" in order to get this thing fixed now. I called Vic today to have him send an e-mail to everybody so you all won't be sending me any more e-mails till I get back on. The puter crashed :crying:Monday, and I haven't made any head-way in getting back on yet, so hang in there and catch you later. Rich P.S. If things get real rough, I'll send you an e-mail through my wife's web site, then you can use her e-mail addy if you want to send me anything.
  15. Hi all, Just wanted to let everybody know in this neck of the woods that my web site is down and I don't know how long it'll be that way, so for now; I'll be sitting on the side lines and trying to keep up with things through the wife's web site. Even though hers works and mind doesn't on the same computer, I'll just do hit and miss things without actually knowing what I'm doing if that makes any scense, wish me luck, lol.
  16. Yes, we're all looking for an end, and the words spoken on his essay are words to live by. My wife's brothers son just graduated from the AF Academy and is looking forward to doing the same kind of job. He wants to fly the F-22 Raptor and I'm with him all the way. Belonging to the PGR is sad when it comes to our men and women paying the altimate price in keeping this country free, and the fact that there are over 125,000 of us to honor and pay our respects on their final trip home, I am proud of these men and women and stand by them.
  17. "Harley Indiana"!
  18. and I'm still trying to figure out how that film got nominated for any award much less one of those gold things, what do they call those things again??
  19. Keep my RSV between 65 and 70 and pull 40+ mpg. At 85, I get around 31-32. If I find the right gas station like I did up in Susanville and take it nice and easy, I get 50 to 55 mpg. That's a difference of 24 mpg, no wonder I like going slower now a days, don't have the :mo money:I use to have to make billions of dollars profit for the oil companies.
  20. Might not be the right way, but I just look up and say, "THANKS FOR THE GRUBB"! I picked it up from the rest of the family, we just make it simple.
  21. Not that I want to be, but I'll just bring up the thing I've been saying all along, and this is the main reason that they started putting out metering lights to get on the freeway, sooooo; 80% of the people that drive, don't know how! As far as 8 lane freeways, (4 lanes each way), if everybody were to use the lanes like they were suppose to, I think commute traffic would improve itself at least 20 to 30%. So I'll bring it to a close right now by saying, after being a truck driver for the better part of 43 years, I've gotten use to driving in the slow lane, and it's safer there anyway, you only have to watch out for traffic on your left. Yes you have to watch for traffic coming on and off the freeway, but I'm just talking about in general going down the road. I'll have to admit though that when the company I drive for gives me a 1 or 2 o'clock start in the morning, I LOVE IT, because nobody else is on the road. :rotf:
  22. With an engine that small, I don't think that it will be one that last's a long time, but getting that type of mileage would certainly make me think about buying one. Up till now, I was thinking of doing the Europian Smart Car which is suppose to get around 45 mpg.
  23. I pray that God would give the wisdom to someone down here that could find a cure for diabetes, then I could go back to having Ice Cream.
  24. Is that what your going to bring to the next International Meet Al. :confused24:Wonder what would happen if we were to take our RSV's and put a nitrous oxide system on it. I know one thing, the rear tire would go from lasting 9,000 miles down to less than a thousand, lol.
  25. Would like to do a quicky off the line just once to see what it feels like, probably scare the s*** out of me.
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