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Everything posted by Rich99

  1. I don't think I'd take my bike in since my bike is no longer under warranty, what for. Every time you turn around and see a post on hear about getting a radio or CB to work again, they never seem to be able to fix it, and in most case's, I don't think they ever got enough training to do so. We'd probably be better off just fixing it ourselves and getting one of those radio's that goes between the handle-bars, and just hook up the anntena and speakers and we're good to go. My 1st gen and my RSV 99 have been in the shop several times for six weeks and this is unexceptable. Always seems to be a parts issue most of the time, but I think it has to do with bad management and nobody knowing what to do! I had one time where I was told to bring my bike in at 9:00 a.m., my dash was cracked (one week till the end of the warranty) and was told to come back at 1:00 p.m. and it would be finished, I go to pick up the bike and they hadn't even started it. By the time they finally started to fix it, the guy had to work overtime and I finally got my bike back at 6:45 p.m. As far as training, and I guess it's getting to the point where theres just too many different types of bikes now, but I went in to get a new battery and told the parts guy it was for a 99RSV. He starts looking (I guess because he was too embarrest to ask), but then he comes back and asked, what's a RSV? I said you work here and don't know what an RSV is. These guys must go to school for about six weeks and learn nothing. Well, I guess I've vented enough now, haven't done this much talking in a long time, but as long as it takes to get a bike fixed any more, this is why so much talking went on, sorry guys.
  2. "I think helmet laws suck"! Just my worth. :whistling:Probably more than half the people that wear them anyway are wearing helmet's that aren't legal!
  3. Yup, had a re-verb in my 62 Chevy SS, and got the 'boing' more times than I wanted. Now the re-verb comes from speakers as big as your trunk with a few thousand watts pushing them. But it really isn't re-verb, it's vibrate!
  4. I've been here several times myself without my 99 RSV having any problems. Great ride to Silverton and Ouray, and also took time out to take the train from Durango to Silverton which also was a great ride. It feels like I'm in the Swiss Alps going through this part of the country. Another place to have VWV next year, but a good ride anytime.
  5. Rich99


    When you get to the point where you (since you do alot of traveling) wear out the engine in your Venture, then you can just drop in a V-Max engine. Whoops I forgot, you like moderate speed on the freeway. Was just a thought, but even at our age, it would be fun to find out what it would be like to be young again. I wonder what it would feel like to have that engine in a Venture. I bet it would be just as fast or faster than a 1st gen. Oh, what have I done now, I'm really going to get it for saying the 2nd gen. might be faster than the 1st gen. :rotf:
  6. Was coming back from 4-Corners Rally in Col. and went to pass a truck doing 80 mph on a sligth incline against a 15 mph head wind, all I could get with full throttle was 79 mph. It seem to me that the bike was under powered. If I had shifted into 4th gear, I probably would have been able to pass him, but I didn't want to continue running in 4th at a high RPM, so I just backed off. Was wondering what to do??? when I had my bike parked next to a couple of other RSV's at "Street Vibrations" in Reno, Nevada, and was listening to them talk about the same thing and the fix for it. They told me to just put in K&N filters, and get a set of Nasty Boys Mufflers. They said it would up my horsepower by 12 without having to re-jet. I took their advice and wala, I could feel the extra power as soon as I went out the driveway. The bike has been stronger ever since and I also picked up 2+ more miles to the gallon. Of course you have to deal with pretty loud mufflers, but I have gotten use to them just using ear-plugs. Can still hear my radio fine with my headset on, and it also leaves that nasty chirp behind where I really don't hear it any more. They don't make the Nasty Boys any more, but I guess it's still the easiest thing to do if you can find another type of muffler like mind and can still take advantage of doing it that way.
  7. He's probably right, but I think it's because of the new 404's like the 150-90H15, the tire that only gets 8,000 miles with it's cheap soft rubber. Like you getting 50k. I've never gotten close to that, just 24k on a rear tire, but that was the old 404, the 150-90B15. Theres been lots of talk about the 404 now only getting 8,000 miles out of a tire when we use to get 22-24,000 miles per tire. But their just like every other company, they just want to make more money, not have a happy customer any more.
  8. and the stock plugs are NGK 4929's. Suppose to change every 8,000 miles untill your 5 year warranty is up. :080402gudl_prv:one more time.
  9. Howdy George; I didn't have any choice ever since they started a new policy. The acid comes seperate with the battery now and is put in when you buy it. It says to charge for 10 hrs. with a 1.8 amp charger. I charged it around 16 hrs. with a one amp charger. Started right up and then went through the nose bleed of re-setting all my radio stations on the AM-FM radio. See you in about a week and a half George.
  10. Hope that took care of the problem Jack, I know how fraustrating something like that can be. I was just beginning to have a problem with the engine starting and decided to replace the battery. Just wish it could have worked out when you tried to get a deal in selling the batteries for the site. I purchase the battery, and the first thing out of the dealer's mouth was the prices just went up. I won't even tell you what I paid for it because it's too embarrassing, but again, they got you right where they want you. Did the oil also, now to change the plugs and gas filter. Then last of all, sync the carbs, or should I say wash the beast, see you on the 14th.
  11. I think I'd have to see it in person Jack. But if the plastic is pretty far gone, it would be a toss up unless you knew somebody that could fix the scratch's the way it is. Would like to see how it performs with the V-Max cam in it though.
  12. Scroll up two!
  13. I paid $31.00 for a Dunlop D404 and $35.00 to mount it, total cost $76.00:whistling:The catch to that statement is everybody else has the new soft rubber tire they make now instead of the old hard rubber tire, so they get 8,000 miles instead of the 24,000 miles I get. I paid $93.00 for my rear tire, so in 8,000 miles, I've only used up $31.00 worth of rubber, hense "the $31.00 tire, that like everyboby else buying 3 tires to get the same mileage I get with one. I've seen a 404 tire for as much as $183.00, and for todays tire, it ain't worth it. I guess I better stop right there as this gets pretty depressing. I got lucky this time, but this tire I bought, they found on the back shelf, as it's one of the old timers, the 150-90B15 that gets fantastic mileage. I ordered the 150-90H15, and they sent me the 150-90B15. So right now, I'm a happy camper. If you seen this one BradT in Canada, I've got over 9,000 miles and the tire isn't even half worn; will keep you posted.
  14. Welcome T-Paw from Star Trek Voager

  15. Why, cause it makes scense. Hey Brad, when we get together again, I'm going to miss that ol 99 parked next to my 99, thems was a good year. But new is always better, less to worry about. Wish I had the stamina to ride out and visit you and Lonna like you guys did when you came to visit us in Susanville, would be great to see the rest of the states on my ride................maybe some day?? :confused24:Sorry Squid, I must be tired when I said I second that babble Brad, nite-nite.
  16. Rich99


    At least this is the way I think I did it. Click on User CP which takes you to a page where at the bottom, you'll see custom Avitar. Just click on browse, and pick up on any picture you have in your picture file, click on the one you want, and that'll put your picture at the top. If it doesn't work, then I don't know what I'm talking about. But in that case, if I don't, somebody will come along and show you how, good luck.
  17. Let's play like we're having a class reunion every two years, I think five years is too long. After reading 160+ posts, it all seems to point to this. It all started in Ft. Collins like a few of you have brought up, or we can make it a little more central since this idea will probably make us westeners go there anyway?? But I suggest the west coast getting together for half a Int. , and the east coast getting together for half a Int. Rally, and anybody in the middle can go to either one, lol; that way we can pick and choose where everybody might want to go in their half of the US. Then every other year, we all return to where it started, Ft. Collins, for a full everybody Int. Rally. We all know Ft. Collins which would make it easier to set up for everybody, or we can trade off the every other year central location between both the U.S. and Canada. So sorry, just wanted to vent and throw some ice water on this as it really seems like it's getting a little complicated. Me choosing Colorado Springs didn't seem to do anything, I guess there weren't too many takers on taking a ride up to the top of 14,110 ft. Pikes Peak.
  18. If everybody likes good scenery, I suggest we try towards the bottom of Colorado this time, "Colorado Springs". It has a mountain, Pikes Peak 14,110 ft. that motorcyclists go up all the time right to the top (bring oxygen), and not far from there, you have Royal Gorge with the highest bridge in the U.S. 1,053 ft. where you go over, and then take the tram back at 1,400 ft. over the river, but like Ft. Collins, it has great rides through the mountains, other that that, Durango would be my second choice. From there, you ride over three 11,000 ft. passes to get to Oruay by-passing the town of Silverton at 9,300 ft. where you can ride to, or take the best train ride in America to.
  19. I think I've flow in everything right from the DC-3 on up, but with hard times now, it's been several years now except for three short trips for the job where I drive trucks to areas too far for a chase car driver to follow me and bring me back; so then I had to fly back from where I dropped off the truck, two flights from L.A., and one trip flying to Phoenix with 3 other guys to pick up 4 semi tractors and bring back here. My last actual vacation flying was about 5 years ago on a 777 to Rome, great vacation and probably the longest flight I'll ever take. Use to do all the air-shows also, but they seem to have stopped all those ever since 9/11, except for the California Air-Show in Salinas.
  20. The time I was with Star Touring & Riding, I went to Star Days in Ogden, Utah, and it was averaging 105 the whole trip. The only way I got through it was getting on the road around 3:00 in the morning, and not riding past noon time. I did a week to Utah, and a week to Oregon, and when I left Utah and got to Klamth Falls, it finally got to me and I got sick suffering from heat exhaustion. So it comes down now to where I try not to ride above 85 to 90 degrees. When we went to Ft. Collins and I started my trip back home, I almost didn't make it when I got to the motel in Salt Lake City. The next day, I wanted to get home so bad, I drove straight home from there (weather permitting) and made 765 miles in 14 hrs. Glad you made it back though, it must have been a bear. Pick a cooler weather report next time for a ride, I do!
  21. George S out of Renton might be able to give you an answer as that's his territory. I've already done Yosemite twice this year as its only 165 miles from my house in Livermore. Did the valley on the first ride, and then went up to Glacier Point on the second ride, truely magnificent scenery. Be safe and heres a couple of pics to get you started, this is off season which is best, you have the whole valley to yourself, and don't have to worry about getting run over in the traffic. Let me know when you'll be making your trip, maybe I'll just make a third trip to meet up with you folks and say hi. :>)
  22. I'm not sure, but I think the TD is the same as the Venture. If you lose a little coolant, you just take the seat off to keep checking how much coolant is in your reservoir and keep it between the miminum and maximum lines. If you lose alot of coolant, you have to take the gas tank off in order to get to the top of the radiator in order to take the cap off and refill your radiator. As long as your engine is cool, you can fill it through the radiator cap, but other than that, you just take the seat off and check the coolant level in your reservoir and fill it up accordinally. Prestone 50/50 is great anti-freeze and is all I've ever used, but it's personal preference I guess.
  23. I hope I'm not shoveling you know what against the tide. As it is, almost went over last week just making a right hand turn at an intersection, and my front wheel fell into a hole, I wasn't expecting it to be that bad but almost went over. But it comes right back to the economy, there just isn't enough repair money in the pot.
  24. For years and years, Dunlop made a hard rubber tire. There was only one problem with that, they weren't selling enough tires, so they decided to start making a soft rubber tire. Before the change, I would get 24,000 miles out of my rear tire, when they decided to come out with the soft rubber tire, I was lucky to get 8,000 miles out of the tire, or 1/3rd the wear than I use to get. But guess what, when I ordered two new tires, they must have found one of the old brand tires in the back of the warehouse because it was the 150-90B15 that I was always able to order at one time, which is the tire that I got 24,000 miles with. And right now, the tire is not even a third worn out, and I've already put over 9,000 miles on the tire. So as the old saying goes, we consumers get it right where it hurts.
  25. On the bike, I came within 6 inch's one time of hitting a deer, but was out on a run from Eureka to Petaluma driving a 10 yard dump truck for PG&E, was coming around a corner and saw two deer standing on the shoulder, and I wish they would have just jumped back into the trees. But they both darted out onto the freeway right in front of me, I swerve left into the middle lane, and the size of the truck scared the one closest to me into stopping so fast, it's feet fell out from under it, and then it jumped back towards the side where my chase car missed it by inch's. Needless to say, our hearts were pumping after that. As big as I was though, I don't thing I would have felt anything.
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