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Everything posted by Rich99

  1. With that much power, I bet the 5 year unlimited mileage warranty is no more unless they beef up the rest of the bike to take the punishment.
  2. Had me in stiches and think it was a great film. The rumor that says this will be his last movie makes me sad, but at 78 years old and all the money in the world, you might as well enjoy it while you can. As is, I get the impression that he is aging faster than the normal person as it shows, "sorry Clint". Very good story, but the ending was a toss up; but some good did come out of it, go see it everybody, I don't think you'll be sorry if you do.
  3. Rich99

    RV ?

    It comes down to the main same old sentence, "if I had the money",lol. But this one was really nice, enough room for two bikes.
  4. then just go and get a Togo's, you can eat it instead of wear it, lol. :rotf:
  5. we're going to have a heat wave, it's suppose to be in the 60's today. The Star Valley Riders want to go out New Years day (like the President said) and take a freezing ride up in El Dorado county to get near the snow, and where we do things best, not ski but............"EAT"! To take this ride, I'd first have to drive 100 miles to meet everybody near Rancho Cordova, I'll see what the weather is going to do first, with me, I'm a fair weather driver "safety first"!
  6. That would be around 10 tire changes the way I ride!
  7. Old is when you don't make it.
  8. Heck, we never got any snow here to melt, of course it hasn't snowed since 1976, just down to about 1,000 ft. and I'm at 465 ft. Back in 69, it snowed alot in the Sierra's and then all of a sudden, a very powerful warm day of rain storm which caused floods all over San Jauquin Valley. But it's been in the low 30's for a long time here, surprised we didn't get any snow.
  9. Saw the new RSV at the Int. Motorcycle Show in San Mateo and I guess you can spend a lot of money on one if you get all that comes with it. The one I was looking at with everything was $23,500, and the one next to it with nothing extra on it was around $16,900 I think. The one thing they seem to change (it might have changed this way already) was the 6-CD changer that was mounted in the left saddle bag instead of the trunk. Needless to say, it took away from the room it once had. So standing by to see if they make the change (bigger enging, EFI) on the 2010 model?
  10. Call Tom Milkbone and the dogs might start retrieving him M. I remember when I use to toss milkbones to my dog. My hunting days were over a long time ago, but I always enjoyed going out with one of my friends who had a retriever. Good luck in the training of him; have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Rich:mustache:
  11. Mercy, and I only have two grand-children. Gee, one more Christmas gift to buy. But with the economy this year, all our family is a little more interested in what Christmas means instead of buying each other gifts. Great pictures and glad to see that everything turned out all right. You and Michell have a great Christmas and say hi to her for me, take care. Rich:mustache:
  12. Gee Lonna, when I found out that Brad use to live there, it's a great place and instead of moving down south, you guys might want to come back west. That way, you won't have to invent a new Cheese-cake with Tobasco sauce in it to help keep you warm, :rotf::rotf:As is, just got back from a from a ride on the bike in 50 degree weather. Now I've done it, I'll probably get it from all the guys that can't take their's out because of the cold weather.
  13. Hope it pass's up B and wins.
  14. International Motorcycle Show here in San Mateo then and will take a look. It looked pretty good when I saw the pictures a couple of weeks ago, but the way it's being decribed here, it sounds like a disappointment. Approaching 100k on my 99 RSV, and yes; it would be nice to see them come up with what we're looking for in a new RSV, but this bike was made to sell at an inexpensive price, and that's what keeps this bike going. I don't want to move up into the Harley price of a bike and that soots me. For a car, they didn't change the Bug much in 20 years cause they knew they had something; the RSV follows the same suit in my opinion.
  15. They take from the rich (Safeway for example) and give to us, the poor. They save the average family of four (I'm talking about the poor again) $2,500 a year buying groceries, and this is appox. 40,000,000 people that live below the poverty level. It works both ways, but as long as they've been selling their products, the poor can at least survive, and this is why their the biggest, because they care and when they keep building, they will come. For the people that have an earning potential of 150 to 200k a year, be my guest and keep the rich people alive ( talking about Safeway again). Well, I've given my opinion and I know I've opened a can of worms, so I'm through ranting.
  16. ...and for all you others Thank you for thinking of us, I can't tell you how nice it is to know that there are folks out there pulling for us. Oh and Rich....you might just see us in Wyoming with any luck you won't have to go just west to see all your friends, you'll have four different directions to go then. But you get that close, and I'll probably be one of many friends that will come and visit once and a while. Praying that everything from here on will get you back on track, take care. Rich
  17. Like you said, things will get better down the line. With GM, anything is possible, so hope it all goes for the good. Several people in my family have lost their jobs including my wife, so my part time job just turned into a full time job, only problem now is I've got a bad cold and can't work so I don't get paid, it's a retirement job with no benifits. But as far as the Venture West gang is concerned, we all hope the best for you getting a new ride. We all enjoyed you and Lonna coming all the way out this way to see how the other half of the country lived. But if you ever dicide to do it again, it might have to be on a 2nd gen again as a first gen might not make it that far, (just kiddin) you know I had a brand new one for 16 years and I still think it was the best touring bike ever made. So hang in there and we'll say a prayer for you and Lonna, it's already gotten worse, so it's got to get better from here, right!
  18. Good one Brian, I remember that. :rotf: Rich
  19. Diddo!
  20. It happened to me going down Hwy 49 on the way to Death Valley with a couple of my friends. We did the tapping thing to no avale, and then one of the guys I was with told me to try this. This was on my 83 Venture, and with a fuel pump, he suggested getting on it like like I was at the drag strip and maybe the piece of dirt that was stuck in the jet might break lose under the demand of the pressure needed to get going real fast and wala, it broke lose and we were on our way. I know it sounds simple and it might not work this time but what the heck, give it a try.
  21. as you deserve it for standing your ground, Tom would be so proud of you. Hard to believe its been over a year and a half and I know it'll probably take a while longer to free yourself of the pain, but your strong and I know you will be guided by Gods hand to a better future. Like what's been said by many, we're here for you if you need any help, God bless you. Rich
  22. I think some guy lost it when he decided to put this bike together; what purpose is it suppose to serve and I'd hate to try and take that thing up into the mountains on a windy road.
  23. since I've never heard my pipes off the bike, they sound exactly like my Baron Nasty Boys. I only wish they would have come out with the shorter mount when I bought mind as you do have to watch out backing into a curb not having the clearence and not leaning it over hitting your tail-pipe on it. But if you really want the sound of a V-8, theres always the Boss Hoss, lol.
  24. You stold my line. There ain't no right one any more because their not going to make anything right, lol not for quite a while anyway.
  25. But just one question, the pics look familiar. Did you get this bike from Fred in Pahrump, Nevada?? His garage looks just like those pics and he's got parts spread all over the place.
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