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Everything posted by Rich99

  1. How did a reserve get into this post, 83's didn't have a reserve, just a red light that started blinking when the last bar disappeared.
  2. And it's right. I had just hit 215 miles on a tank of gas, and it started to sputter as I was turning into a gas station. Gas tank took exactly 5.3 gallons. Always got around 41 mpg, and figured I was good for 215 miles or better. The gas guage worked great. I bought this 83 Venture brand new and had it for 16 1/2 years and learn how to use the gas gauge. With a full tank, I learned that each bar represented 20 miles. 50 miles at a full tank before the bars started disappearing, then 50 miles at the bottom of the tank after all the bars were gone. So, 50 miles, then 20 miles later, the 1st bar would disappear, that's 70 miles, 2nd bar 90 miles, 3rd bar 110 miles, 4th bar 130 miles, 5th bar 150 miles, 6th bar 170 miles, so when the last bar was gone, I had about 45-50 miles left in the tank, or 215-220 miles. The last couple of years I owned the bike, the monitor finally gave out, but I knew the bike well enough by then, that I didn't need the gas gauge, just followed the odometer.
  3. It's been so long since I replaced the stator on my 83 Fred, that I don't remember whether I had that problem or not, but good idea.
  4. It was vapor lock, I've had it happen to me twice. I was told by the dealer that if you fill the tank too full, it closes off the breather tube, and wala, vapor lock. I've still been filling it pretty full, but I guess it has something to do with the conditions as I haven't had it happen again for at least 3 years.
  5. How's your new light bar doing Tom, just curious.
  6. This might be what Condor needs as he was having this problem up in Ft. Collins with his 83 Venture Royal.
  7. Thanks Gary, I'm good to go for now, but thanks for the offer. I guess I'll have to try putting it up on the stand next time. Now will somebody tell me why they just didn't make it to where you could take the chrome off, and pull the whole headlight assembly out like you could on my 83???
  8. Either that, or talk to Condor in Carmichael, or Fred in Pahrump (he's got his own wrecking yard of 1st gens., and they might be able to help you out. I owned and 83 for almost 17 years. Liked it so much, I wish they would put it out for sale again, don't think any touring bike will ever touch the first gen.
  9. Had 106,000 on my 83 Venture when I sold it 6 years ago, and I guess the fact that it was a very clean bike, I got $2,600.00 for it. "BUT", that's because I spent $1,300 getting second gear taken care of, and I just spent $750.00 putting a new stator and rectifier in, so I lost out on getting rid of it. "BUT", after having a heart attack, I had the straight 83, and wanted to buy one more bike with all the bells and whistles, so I bought a brand new 99 RSV. :080402gudl_prv:in whatever you decide to do.
  10. Looks pretty small, if it were me, I wouldn't worry about it, but it's your call, .
  11. Your right, I think this is all well planned in advance. The 83 was bad enough, but this one takes the cake. Before I go to Ft. Collins, I'll be hitting 80k on my 99, and will be changing it for the 3rd time, not looking forward to it. Worst than that is changing the stupid headlight bulb. I can't even get my hand in there, and it's too much work to take the whole fairing off. Had to go into the dealer the last couple of times, and they had a small guy with a small hand, and it still took him 35-40 minutes to get his hand in there to change it.:confused24:But it's still better than some of the bikes they make (#1-being a Honda Gold Wing), as it takes tons of time just to get the fairing's off to do simple jobs. Well, this is for Yamaha headquarters .
  12. Yup, seems like every time someone brings this subject up, everybody has a different answer to what's right and what's wrong. Did anybody figure what kind of gas you put in your bike. Like our trip up to Susanville last August. I went to a gippo gas station, and my bike never ran so good in all the time I've had it. Yes, it normally gets 40 mpg, and I usually go on reserve at 4.5 gallons. But what ever gas this station sold, and Buddy should back me up on this; we took a 205 mile trip around Lake Almanor, and I hadn't even gone to reserve yet. This came out to 49.9 miles to the gallon. When we left, yes it was somewhat down hill, but I got 55 mpg at that time. But heres the trick question, I ran out right across the street from a station one time, pushed the bike over to the pump, got 5.3 gallons in, stood the bike straight up, and put another 2/10's in for a total of 5.5 gals. You shouldn't have to put a hole in the top of the neck in order to get another half gallon in, and if you did, you put the bike back on it's side stand, and watch the gas flow out the tank. As far as I'm concerned, the book should say 5.5 gals. not 6, as I haven't heard of anybody getting in any more than 5.5 gals. So anyway, speed, where you buy your gas, what you've done with your bike, I put K&N filters and Baron Nasty Boy mufflers on, and picked up another 2 or better mpg, well anyway, I put my :2cents:worth in.
  13. I don't think anybody posted a picture of Tom, so I thought I'd post the one from the front of the program for Tom's memorial service of which Sherry is riding in the rear. Of course, this pic goes back a few years. They were find folks, God fearing and all, and again; we will miss him. Rich
  14. I was glad I was able to be able to post pictures as I'm not the best at doing this sort of thing. And I'm also glad I was able to pay my respects and honor a true hero. But being that Tom was an R/N brought up another thing that happen today. I woke up in horrific pain, and called the advice nurse at Kaiser. She said get to the emergency room a.s.a.p. as I was experiencing Kidney Stones. The pain was such, that I got sick in my car on the way to the hospital, and it's a good thing I had an old 20oz cup left over from a fast food place. But when I got into an emergency room, I got a male nurse of which treated me with kid gloves, gave me pain medication that gave me some relief for the first time in two hours, and the first thing that came to my mind was Tom. These men and women do a wonderful job, and when I came back from doing a Cat Scan, he had another emergency, but kept popping in to see how I was doing. Having never experienced this kind of thing before, I was in good hands, and Tom; you guys are the best, thanks.
  15. The VentureRiders were at Tom's memorial service yesterday to say our final fairwell to Sherry and family members. The service went very well with both memories presented by family members and friends with a little laughter, with all of us, not knowing how funny of a man Tom was, and sorrow as very somber music played with a slide show of pictures with family and friends in passed years. The service ended with the release of doves by the family.
  16. I'll be in line at the memorial service tomorrow Sherry, nite-nite.
  17. I thought I'd throw this one more pic in, as this was the riders taking a snack break between setting up the flag line, and escorting Tom to his final resting place. The VentureRiders that are also PGR, and PGR members that joined in the escort. Glenn, a PGR R/C for the Sacramento area, took this picture.
  18. Hello VR members, Just wanted to pass on a couple of pics, to let you know things went well for Tom E. He will be missed, but I guess the Lord had something for him to do as to why he took him so early. We never think it's going to happen to one of our own, so please drive safe out there, and keep an eye out for the other guy, as this is usually the one that doesn't see us.
  19. Not all of us are gone Sherry, you have the VentureRider family which includes us locals, Rick and Doris, Buddy and Jude, me and all the rest of the locals, so you'll have someone to talk to locally if the need arises, heck, I stopped at Denny's in Galt to have breakfast today, as my job took me by Galt twice, hugs from all of us. Rich
  20. So very sorry to hear this tragic news Rick, Sherry and family will be in my prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Rich
  21. You mean your through with chrome Rick, and it's time for a few extra light's, lol. I guess it doesn't take as much:mo money: , good luck. Rich
  22. I did Jack's bike up in Susanville, and my bike; when does the Carbtune start acting up where it needs a cleaning? I think you've done just about everybody's bike in Calif. from VWl thur VWlll, not that I'm counting or anything.
  23. I immedately called a lawyer, and they told me that when neither party is insured, they won't touch you, as they have no way to collect their fee. Was told to take it to small claims court, but then they told me that if I won, that I would be responsible for collecting from the other party of which they said, good luck. I didn't think is was worth all that trouble for the amount of damage that was involved, so I fixed it myself. If it had been severe, then I would have gone after them!
  24. Sounds almost like a duplicate that happened to me. Some of you might remember as I've had this one before, but it got lost in the internet crash. It all started with a "BLONDE"! Was going through a shopping center parking lot, and this young 23 yr. old "BLONDE" was backing out so fast from a parking place, that I didn't even have time to hit the brakes. Here's the statement to the police that tops this whole thing off. She told the cop, that she saw me coming, and speeded up, thinking I would miss her:bang head: :bang head: ??? . I T-boned her in the right front fender, foot got jamed into the bike as I flew off the bike thinking I broke my toe, and landed on my hip and shoulder, but later found out, nothing broken. It happened across the street from where my father lived, so the crash bar being bent up and stuck in low gear, I just started it up, and drove it over to my dads in low gear to get a heavy hammer, and pound the crash bar back out so I could shift the bike. Estimate to fix the bike was $4000.00, but she had no insurance, all I had was liability, so it was my fix. I told them to get lost, as it didn't look that serious. So I took the bike home, and fixed it myself for $700.00. Instead of taking off the damaged stuff, they wanted to take everything with it, the whole fender, the whole fairing, and this is what drove the price up. It was just the front chome piece on the fender, the chrome around the headlight, the left lower fairing, and then the crash bar. So being the money was coming out of my pocket, I replace the stuff that had to be replaced, $700 bucks.
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