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Everything posted by nelsonrl

  1. Want to see a great story of a rescue of a kitten? http://www.pbase.com/douroc2/zoey&page=1 That isn't me, but a heartwarming story for the animal lovers here
  2. I kept the new cat in a room by itself for about a week. The established cats could smell it and know it was there, but could not see it. In a week or so started a gradual introduction by letting the new cat have the run for a little while at a time. Finally worked to the point of getting along.
  3. Rode Tuesday morning early in full leathers - it was about 40 at 9 am. Rode about 6:30 PM in a sweatshirt - it was over 60. You just never know what the weather is going to do around here.
  4. and here I was being nice and staying out of this one. Have you looked at hitchdoc.com
  5. BTW, J&M really stands behind their product. Had a minor issue with mine that was taken care of with no questions or arguments.
  6. Question is are these off the shelf chips or were they flashed for this purpose?
  7. I have a SERT on my ultra. One of the options is to shutoff the fuel to the rear cylinder when stopped. I tried it a while and honestly could not tell a difference in the heat OR in how much (or little) vibration there was at idle.
  8. Finally, someone to take up for me! Congratulations, I know you will enjoy it.
  9. Whats a choke?
  10. This one works well for me. Should be available locally, or online. Normal price is about $35. You can find is a couple of bucks cheaper if you search on the part numberr (54630-03A).
  11. Hard to argue that point, but personally, I do not have the fix installed. I have a SERT (Race Tuner) so I can reprogram mine at will. I tried it and really could not tell a difference based on my style of riding.
  12. Actually, all dealers will turn it back on for free if you do not like the results. It only shuts down when idling. So only really impacts anything if in heavy, stop and go traffic.
  13. congratulations. I know you will enjoy it.
  14. naw, I don't feel the need to weld the mirrors - I just use superglue! :-) Hey, Don knows by know that whatever he does, I have to do the opposite. No offense taken to any of this. I do agree that most of the problems any of us have on our bikes are pretty minor. Modern engineering just does not permit many major problems. As I have said before, every brand has its quirks and its good points. Personally, makes no difference to me which brand you choose. I just felt the need for a Harley this time around. It was the right bike for me. 'nuff said. Everyone have a good Thanksgiving.
  15. Guess I am the only person who rides their Harley in the Texas summer heat and has not had a single mechanical issue. Hard to judge the reliability of a bike from a forum. Thats where we go to find solutions, not post about the problems we are not having. Just read this forum - bad real brakes, someone just lost a cylinder, switches on kickstands going bad, plastic that falls off. Sorry folks, but no bike is perfect, not mine, not yours and not the ones being designed for next year. Nice looking bike Charlie - Harley has several new ones out I would like to own, as does Honda, as does Yamaha. Problem is I can only justify one. Has nothing to do with what I can or cannot afford, but what I can justify in my own mind.
  16. Your friend should start by asking himself why he bought an Isolated Drive Sprocket that is intended to make the shifting smoother and not designed to do anything about engine vibration. Lists for $305, but can be bought for 20% less than that on-line. And, if he was lucky enough to have a "elbow-Grease" coupon he could have had it installed free of charge a month or two ago.
  17. Welcome to the dark side! Absolutely love my Ultra Classic. Coming up on a year old now.
  18. have had dealings with John at J&M and have to say his company is first rate. Pleasure to deal with. He is an active member and sponsor on one of the harley forums.
  19. Good luck - flew into Orange County Airport this morning from Phoenix. Pilot warned us the who trip to not be alarmed when we started smelling smoke in the plane. Rental car covered in ash. SoCal residents are in my prayers.
  20. what bike is he riding?
  21. So, we should outlaw smoking, junk food and the drivers license of that stupid cage driver that pulled out in front of me Saturday (I was able to stop - barely) ? I wear a helmet all the time but support the choice people have to not wear theirs.
  22. So, you got in before the application process? You will never know which bike is for you until you ride them all. I was surprised by my choice. You should also visit forums for each brand and see what kind of problems each has, but be careful there. Most post about the problems they are having not the problems they are not having so you may may think every brand of bike out there is a piece of junk ready to self destruct every time you hit the starter switch. So - tell him to go ride each and make up his mind after that. Every brand is a totally different experience.
  23. Whats winter?
  24. One thing to think about - go to a local stereo shop over large chains. Most carry models not available to the chains and you can often get a better set for close to the same price. I have used the same local store for all of my electronics for about 20 years. The owner and I are on a first name basis. I can call and ask questions and get real answers, he does not try to oversell and the staff knows what they are talking about.
  25. Beginning to look like you MAY be wrong. When he looks good, he looks great - but when he looks bad he is horrible. I think next week will tell. I got to watch the end of the yankees game and the cowboys last night with my boss - a New Yorker. Lets see - he hated the cowboys and huge Yankees fan. Good night all around! Actually have a lot of respect for my manager, but he took some last night. BTW, we were in Kansas City so not a lot of Yankee fans around. I think next week will be the real test of what the Cowboys can do this year.
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