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Everything posted by BigDawg

  1. Welcome to the forum! You should be extremely happy with your new '06 Venture! I picked up my '06 Black Beauty in Jan '11 and been lovin it! Glad you got into the fairing and found some wiring problems, I discovered quite a mess under there when I pulled mine open. Tightened it all up and enclosed it all in wiring seal and no problems since. Just bled all the brakes and clutch, R&R'd the coolant, changed out the plugs, and in the process of removing the lowers, (second time), broke off one of the tips....a little abs cement fixed that...the lowers are a real PITA but the more I play with them the easier it gets...It seems it will run forever if you maintain it, but you may have to fix a few things along the way!!! Ride safe, ride often, and keep the shiny side up! BigDawg
  2. I have found the tire prices at JakeWilson.com to beat motorcycle superstore by a few dollars and they also offer fast free shipping. Ride Safe! BigDawg
  3. Owen, did you have the heat out shorts only, or did you do the shirt and doo-rag as well? I was about to buy them last week and they were out of stock at my local store. Nice to hear they work as good as LD comfort, those are $$$! Congrats on the SS1000, definitely on my Bucket List. Working on the Tour of Honor for California before the summer is over. Ride Safe! BigDawg
  4. Very nice video of a nice ride through IN! I grew up in Michigan, looks just like some of the country back home! I realize this thread is kinda old, but if you are still around and can answer a couple questions, I'd appreciate it! I just purchased a GoPro, haven't played with it yet, so I'm curious how you had yours setup on the bike? Looks like you were running two cameras simultaneously and then cut and pasted video together? Do you have pics of your bike setup with the camera(s)? Just looking for ideas on how I can mount it on the big Venture. I don't really want to do a helmet cam setup, so either on the backseat hand rail or off the handlebar somehow. I've seen the mod to the brake/clutch master cylinder covers with a ball mount, that might work, but I've got a tall windshield so it would either have to extend out to the side or shoot thru the windshield. Anyhow, your video made me homesick, and eager to get my camera hooked up and riding! Thanks for any ideas/assistance! Brian
  5. Cougar, that looks like it would work! Thanks!
  6. So can anybody here tell me where the bottle holder for the passenger comes from? I'm trying to get one hooked up for my wife, this looks like it would work well! Thanks! BigDawg
  7. As thousands of high school seniors graduate across America this video needs to be shared with everyone you know...thanks!
  8. I would say the grooves are deeper towards the outside of the tread. I guess I can't remember how deep they were new 13 months ago..but my main concern is I;m going on a 3500-4000 mile trip in July, so would rather have fresh rubber than need to buy tires on vacation. thanks Bummer! BigDawg
  9. I bled my '06 two weeks ago...thought I had it all bled but no pressure...bled it again till no bubbles and clear fluid....closed the bleeder valve and topped off the master cylinder and the pressure was good....you may need to bleed it a time or two more to get it all cleared...I installed the speed bleeder and got a real good strong clutch pull now. good luck! BigDawg:080402gudl_prv:
  10. Well, I'm out here in San Diego, so I can't make the Maintenance Day. I wish you all good weather and lots of good wrenching! I don't write on here often, but just wanted to say thanks for all the good advice and info that I glean from here whenever I come by surfing and reading here. Over the last couple weeks, my Black Beauty has received new rear brakes (they were down to the metal on the inside pad) at 15k miles. Also looked at the front brakes and they are almost like new and applied some anti-squeal and took away the squealing when front brake is applied. Bled the clutch and today I pulled the air filters and cleaned them and put them back in. I've learned so much about this bike on here and the venturers site that has allowed me to do some of my own work where I would have been hesitant to do so without all your help! I'm going to attach some pics of my Dunlop E-3s at 8,543 miles and see what opinions I can get out of you. Not real happy with the mileage I'm getting out of them. Have a great maintenance day and ride safe! Sending you some of our sunshine! BigDawg
  11. I'm looking at getting a couple new tires by the end of June. Your evaluation of a new option is very encouraging! I'm currently running the Dunlop E3's but I'm not as impressed as others. I'm at 8543 on both front and rear and with a long road trip in July I'd rather drop a couple hundred than be caught on the road needing tires. I'm lookin at Pirelli's for $212 a pair or the Metzlers at $330 a pair from Jake Wilson. The Bridgestone Max Exedra's are right in the ballpark of the Pirelli's. I guess I have a couple weeks to make up my mind. Ride Safe! Brian
  12. Prayers sent to you and your family!
  13. There were some EBC pads for sale in classified yesterday. $75 for the three sets for front and back. I woulda bought them but just got some from amazon.
  14. Great job Perry! I've been thinking about doing the 7 memorials out here in California. The furthest one out is about as far north in Cali that you can go, and I'm down in SoCal. So I would need a few days to do it. But the important part is you did it safely and it is for a great cause! Ride Safe! BigDawg
  15. VentureRider Family, it is with a heavy heart that I must share with you that Becky lost her fight with the injuries she sustained in the crash last Tuesday. She was with all her family on Friday night when they disconnected her respirator, and she passed on Saturday afternoon. Services are being held tomorrow. The good Lord needed another angel, and he got a really good one with Becky. Thank you for all your prayers and good words. Ride Safe! BigDawg
  16. This morning my friend Steve and his wife Becky were leaving SoCal on a trip to Texas. There was a light misty drizzle and doing 35 on a long sweeper right hand turn their front tire hit an oily spot and they crashed severely injuring both of them. Steve has 4 broken ribs and Becky is in ICU on life support with numerous broken bones and trauma. Please say a prayer for these two and help them make it back to health again! Prayer is a powerful tool! Thank you! Brian BigDawg
  17. Judge didn't happen to mention which Thursday or Friday he was talking about, did he? Sounds like you could be there a while. Good luck! BigDawg:fingers-crossed-emo
  18. T.J. from THE Great Lake State, How much would you put in the crankcase prior to the oil change? Just so I'm sure, I'm talking about the RSV, not a weed wacker! Where abouts in MI are you? I grew up in Vernon, joined the Corps and been gone pretty much 35 years or more. Go back just about every year for a visit. Thanks for any help. BigDawg
  19. Radian, what sort of organizer do you have on the trunk, and where did you get it? Seems like I could use the space if I had a good organizer. Thanks for your service! Semper Fi BigDawg
  20. I have read where some folks put the Seafoam in the gas tank just prior to an oil change and then I have read where some folks put it in the crankcase just prior to an oil change. What are your thoughts on this? Napa just had a sale on Seafoam, might still be going, if you need some. It was less than $7 bucks a can. I'm about ready for an oil change, so I'm just wondering what folks recommend as far as Seafoam use is concerned. thanks! BigDawg
  21. I'm about to do an oil change on the '06 RSV at 15,000 miles, would you recommend some seafoam in the crankcase before I drain it? How much seafoam and how long do I leave it in before I drain it? I've got Mobil 1 in there and just over 4K miles, starting to shift a little hard once in a while. Thanks! Semper Fi Marine! BigDawg ALR VFW DAV PGR USMC 1975-1999 MSgt
  22. Very bright Seaking! I'm curious how you mounted the little bullets on the highway pegs? Do they get in your way when you prop your feet up there? thanks for the help! as always this site is a great help to us wanna be DIY garage mechs... Brian
  23. I just ordered Dunlop E3's from Rocky Mountain ATV/MC which is the same company as Jake Wilson, ordered late Sunday night, on my doorstep Wednesday afternoon. $242.98 for front and rear delivered. SWMoto was a couple bucks more I think. Quick service and they were in stock. Based on all the reading I have done here I didn't want to take a chance with some cracking Avons. Like Condor says, I'm gonna let the dealer put them on, help the economy. Maybe next time do it myself. Getting ready for a long 4K ride, don't want to be stranded! Brian
  24. Rick, what length bolts and spacer did you purchase? That sounds like a great idea! Brian
  25. Boomer, how much Seafoam do you put in for every other tank of gas? My RSV runs great, screamin, but if Seafoam will help, hey, let's see what she'll do! thanks! BigDawg
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