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Everything posted by rjmalizia

  1. I don't know if cracks are the right word for it, but definitely checked. I bought my set in may of 2008, put a good 14K on them and just our right love them...until yesterday when I noticed that the front had some type of slice across the front tread and SEVERAL bulges in the tread. The really sad part is that I really like the tires, handled great and wore nicely: I bet i could have easily got another 3K to 5K miles out of them. But I don't trust them now, especially after reading the various forums/blogs...AND the really, really cruddy part is that they are White-Walls. Very hard to find anymore. And with that said...$210 to be spent for a set of Michelin Commanders: good price, but in black...."Always bet on Black" Enjoy!
  2. Avon Venom's... Love 'em. they handle great and are lasting forever! got 14k+ on my set. Bought them in May of 2008. Hate 'em! Just noticed a slice in the tread of the front tire. Looks like it might be getting to throw the tread, peal off or delaminate i guess? not sure of the correct terminology here .. sorry. AND more so, once i really took a good look at it, i noticed "bulges" periodically around the tire. Just off center of the tread and about the size of a quarter. It really pisses me off because i REALLY love these tires, but I highly doubt that I'll invest in another set. For what it's worth.
  3. Thanks all.
  4. Oh...and i flashed my hi-beams
  5. A month ago I took it upon myself to help out newly hired police office with his ticket writing abilities...evidently I had forgotten what a little speed trap this town can be (AND yes, i was speeding and yes i desired it--but it still stings) Any way, yesterday as I was embarking on an nice 100+ mile ride, Sun a shining, basking in the near 60 degree of warmth. Did I mention that it was sunny So I'm putting a long at a nice semi-legal three over the limit and pass right through the State's version of a highway speed trap. there where two motorcycle cops and one or two unmarked cars to boot. Well little did I know, but the two MC cops were radar'ing in the other direction--life is good, for me. HOWEVER, not even a mile down the road, here comes a small pack of riders heading towards me. OK...trying to be the good brother that i am, I attempt to signal them of their "potential" doom. I tried to gesture down; I pointed behind me, as if i was firing a hand gun, etc. And well, most of those other riders were nice enough to wave back at me. Well, I tried. SO, my question is: What is the best, most well known mean of saying..."Hey fool, slow down. There's a speed trap ahead." Any thoughts?
  6. Step 1. pull the hard drive out. Step 2. throw away/recycle the dead carcass. Step 3. dust off the credit card and by a new pc. Step 3. get help extracting the old data or slaving the old hard drive. Sounds like your pc is over heating...I can only assume the cost of repairing or replacing the motherboard/cpu will be close to that of just buying a new box. Usually if you count those 'beeps' as the pc is first turned on will clue you into the problem. Of course you'll need the motherboard manual or access to the internet to search for the makers website. Sorry for the bad new.
  7. now you're just being hurtful. (but we luv u anyway)
  8. The oddest thing happened today...there was this large, bright, yellow thing in the sky today and well after 40 days and nights of rain I just had to take a couple hours and hit the road. 40 miles aren't a lot, but it's better than sitting on trigger in the garage and pretending! vrrrrm, vrrrrm! take care all and remember, spring is only three months away.
  9. well, i got in a whopping....10 miles the other night! Where in the heck did fall go and when is Spring going to arrive!
  10. Ebay, Ebay and Ebay. good luck.
  11. it's a joke. well at least I didn't notice any sort of improvement.
  12. Just wondering if anyone else would like to meet up Saturday for an informal M&G (as opposed to the formal black tie event) at this years BikeFest in Seaside Oregon. July 17th & 18th.
  13. Well i went from the sport tour world to the TD...ONLY two complaints: Brakes and Powers. I know most here feel that the RS is a rocket, but i have to beg the differ. But then again, it's apples and oranges, but then that's why i made the change...i was ready to slow down and smell the roses a bit. As for mods...K&N air filter, pipes, Avon Whitewalls, Corbin saddle, bat wing fairing and a little chrome bling-bling here and there. Other than that i just ride her. I bought her as the second owner with 13K some two years ago and I believe that we just rolled 28K last month. Trigger is a little clumsy in town, but a real treat out on the open road. I'll be keeping her for number of years to come. good luck
  14. Have had my for two years now...and it's ok. One year after i purchased it, i did the one "FREE" map update and yes it was rather large and took a couple hours to complete. As for paying for additional new maps...all i can say to that is..."they can kiss my [supply your own word here]" Had i known that map updates would be an extra cost, i never would have bought the thing in the first place. It's nice on the long car rides, but we don't even do that all that often, and because of the way it mounts, i don't think that i can get a RAM mount for it. Another thing i wish i would have known or thought about before hand. I would give it 3 out of 5 stars. (for what it's worth). and Sorry, but i can't recall the model number ... and yes i'm just too lazy to go look
  15. focus. you might try setting your camera in the 'macro' or 'micro' mode. Usually its associated with the 'flower' icon on a camera setting dial. (just a thought) they look tan to me...i'm putting my money on a bad coil or coil wire (assuming new plugs don't fix the problem-start with the cheap parts). good luck
  16. Reminds me of an RZ I once knew. Good solid Yamaha colors...i like it.
  17. I stand corrected. I was under the assumption that, that was the same as the stock size. I would think that it must be close though. it fits and was easily put back on the bike. I can't say the same for the rear. it was rather tough squeezing back in there. again sorry.
  18. So you're back up on two wheels again...good to hear. so what did you get?
  19. OK...I just looked and this is what's stamped on the sidewalls: WWW - Wide White Walls (Front) MT90B16 (Rear) 150/90B15
  20. Well sort-a. the tires are stamped to be the stock size, yet the rear was just a bit wider, making it very difficult to get on. Got mine from http://www.RideDirect.com, not sure what i paid. see thread #22050
  21. Has anyone else ever tried this stuff?
  22. Sorry, but that's a little odd, since i'm running venom's WWW front and rear; i got them last year or the year before?. If you like i'll dig a little deeper to find out where i got them.
  23. Bought the Trigger with metzlers, they were ok until i installed that optional nail. Ended up having to throw the rear away, because i couldn't get it patched. So i ended up taking the 404 that the shop had on the shelf...i hated it. only got 5000 or so thousand miles out on it...very disapointing. I then went with the Venom...namely because it was the stock size (so i thought) with Wide-White-Walls. Turned out that even though the tire was stamped with the size that i wanted, it was actually a little wider. a healthy 1/4 or 1/2" wider (i don't remember which, sorry). Regardless, it doesn't rub...BUT it was a real pain getting back on the bike. They handle great and so far are wearing nicely...I must have a good 5K+ on them now. good luck.
  24. Dragon, Question: any idea on the thickness of your glass? The one i made is a thicker 3/16" plexi. The taller stock glass that came with my fairing appears to be thinner...perhaps 1/8". Taller and thinner...sounds like it will flap even more. I'll test it out and get back to you, assuming things ever dry out again.
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