I am back on my second RSTD, just purchased the 2006 with only 6000 miles over last weekend, I am very happy to be back on the saddle of the RSTD. I have a 07 for few years and traded for a 02 Valkyrie which was a very good bike but it wasn't the same as the RSTD, so when I saw a 06 with only 6000 mile for sale I couldn't pass the deal, say goodbye to the Valkyrie and back to the RSTD, I couldn't be any happier for the purchased.
Now question to all the fine member here at this great forum, the 06 RSTD starts fine no choke is needed but when I give some gas and rev the engine a little I notice a little back fire from the right side exhaust, ( everything on the 06 is stock ) the previous owner had just change the plugs at 5000miles. I don't believe the bike had ever being sync, are any member in the Los Angeles (Orange County) area that can assist me of syncing this fine machine?
Thanks for the help