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10 Good

About corcoran975

  • Birthday 03/26/1967

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  • Name


  • Location
    orange, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 RSTD
  1. The best $100.00 that I had invested.
  2. Re sync carb cure my popping from exhaust, I have 06 RSTD which has popping sound at idle and when give a little gas it became very noticeable, I add seafom which helps a little, but after I resync the carb with the CARBTUNE PRO the popping stop. I purchased the Carbtune Pro that takes about a week to get to my house and the whole process took only about 15 minutes, now the bike idle as if new from factory. No more popping and no more vibration while ridding. Thanks to all the wealth of knowledge in this forum. George
  3. Ace50, you are correct on the Valkyrie, smooth engine but the seating position is kind of different, transmission shift klinky, bad gas mileage, if you go over 75 mph the mileage drop down to low 30's, no fuel gauges so you have to read the odometer for next fuel stop, over all RSTD is a better bike in my style of riding. Corocran975
  4. I am back on my second RSTD, just purchased the 2006 with only 6000 miles over last weekend, I am very happy to be back on the saddle of the RSTD. I have a 07 for few years and traded for a 02 Valkyrie which was a very good bike but it wasn't the same as the RSTD, so when I saw a 06 with only 6000 mile for sale I couldn't pass the deal, say goodbye to the Valkyrie and back to the RSTD, I couldn't be any happier for the purchased. Now question to all the fine member here at this great forum, the 06 RSTD starts fine no choke is needed but when I give some gas and rev the engine a little I notice a little back fire from the right side exhaust, ( everything on the 06 is stock ) the previous owner had just change the plugs at 5000miles. I don't believe the bike had ever being sync, are any member in the Los Angeles (Orange County) area that can assist me of syncing this fine machine? Thanks for the help George:bobby:
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