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EL Cid

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About EL Cid

  • Birthday 11/24/1950

Personal Information

  • Name
    EL Cid


  • Location
    Lebanon Tn 37087, United States


  • City
    Lebanon Tn 37087


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    RSV2000 MM
  1. We brought two of Steve's first gills in 99 for our two RSV. Thr radiator needs some protection from road ojects. Somehow crack the one on the MM. Order number two. the body shop has repair cracks in center and painted it twice. i forget it is a cruiser , not a sport bike. But it's fun. leonard:no-no-no:
  2. i usually read the post every day. If nothing good to say i don;'t post. i am member of the Ventures also. This site has way posting than that site. Leonard:322:
  3. Anyone going to the bike show at the Cobb Galleria Centre, November 15-17. I am going down on Friday 15 afternoon, staying in Acworth Ga.going to the show on Saturday 16. Anyone in the area, maybe we could have a small meet and greet. leonard huff
  4. Welcome to middle Tennessee, home of great riding . I'm over in Lebanon 20 minutes away. Check in , when you get settle. If i can help just call . leonard huff:322:
  5. Steve, When you came to Venture rally in Richmond Ky June of 2000. We brought three of your first grills. Still have mine today, paint afew times . Enjoy what you have my friend. Leonard Huff:fingers-crossed-emo
  6. Bel Ray is a quality oil. Use it in the 70's on 750 Honda 50'000 miles and a Suzuki 750 81, 000 miles. till the middle 80's. The only place you could buy itwas at a bike shop back then. Leonard:080402gudl_prv:
  7. Ya hamaSports plaza $105 . The shipping will add up the cost.
  8. without a doubt. 86 Royale 99 rsv silver wife's bike, 2000 MM #24 pushing 107'000 miles best bang for the buck. Leonard:cool10:
  9. Yes, we have all been there. Glad to help out. Leonard:080402gudl_prv:
  10. My wife and i rode together for 17 years.One of her first bike was a 1100 Virgo, a great first bike . Light and nimble, close to the ground. Cruise around town, with windshield and bags go anyewhere. Then she had two ventures. Said the fun cover the cost. LOL No one makes a better riding partner. Leonard Huff:322:
  11. We all drop them sooner or later. Watch the video on how to pick a bike up.With the bike on the sidestand. Grab the bike and stand it up , then lower it back down. Do this a few times and you will feel comfortable with it. My late wife, like to say to enjoy a new bike. Take out in the parking lot and let it fall over.Then pick it up and ride the hell out olf it. She had an 86 & 99 venture with a total of 110,000 miles on them. She was kill riding the 99. Leonard Huff:080402gudl_prv:
  12. Hi, I have both right side guards from wife's bike Rsv, fell over in parking lot. She work for State Farm so they replaced them with out question.They've been in the attic for 4 years. Just have to find them. $ Sent me a e-mail . zorro7 @charter.net Leonard Huff:bluesbrother:
  13. no midnight ever looked that good.
  14. Hi there Old VTs member since 86, now Ventures and Ventures riders. Have several mag. in the attic. Howcan i help? Leonard:bluesbrother:
  15. The question should be Who hasn't ridden their Venture across the country. Len:bluesbrother:
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