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About firefly

  • Birthday 11/01/1954

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mike Brumbaugh


  • Location
    Manhattan, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Frisbee Golf, reading
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Venture
  1. I've ridden a few times when the gauge is not showing anything for fuel. I've never ran out of fuel but have pushed it a few times when on a time schedule. I always felt pretty good when I could put in only 5.5 gallons thinking I still had 1/2 gallon left. Now I'm not so sure...............?
  2. Have a son who is is also a vet. I/He know what you mean having to wait on them. I think he'll be old before they get around to him! Here's talking at you!!
  3. My son graduated from Ft. Jackson in 2005. Made me very proud to see him do so. I even wore my Class A Fire Dept. uniform in honor of his graduation. Only time we have ever had our pictures taken together with both of us in uniform. He's home from Iraq now, injured but with all his body parts where they belong. Now in Ft. Hood, TX. Hope and pray your son stays safe. Pass on my regards and also thank him for myself and my family.
  4. After working with tires as a part time job for 9+ years, I don't recomend it. It tends to cause metal wheels to rust and aluminum/mag wheels to corrode. It also can change the rubber composition to the point that patches just fall off no matter what you try. That means you have to tube it or replace it. If you ever do have to use it, have the tire repaired ASAP. The tire and wheel need to be rinsed with hot water to help cut the chemicals. As far as the ride and miles, I agree with the rest. Don't push it. When I traded in my 89 for my 07, we rode 425 miles to get it on Sat. and rode home on Sun. (1 year ago April 28th) That was about the perfect ride. I have done 750 miles from Spearfish, SD to Manhattan, KS a couple of times. This was for Sturgis, bike week. Usually hotter in August as we all know. That was done only so I could get back for work. I don't recomend it at all if you can avoid it. Also for the hotter weather, last year going through Texas, Louisiana, Missippi, etc. we found the bandana around the neck and pouring water on it sure helps keep you cool! Overall, just enjoy the ride and be safe!!
  5. A tool they teach in our "Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operators" class is to always know what is beside, behind and in front of you. That saved me a couple of years ago heading for Sturgis. I was the last bike of 4. Little old lady let the first 3 bikes go and then turned left in front of me! Knowing there was nobody behind her, cuz I'd checked, allowed me to lean hard into her lane and slip right behind her. I'm not sure she ever did see me. Had a major pucker factor going at 75 mph! Stay safe!
  6. Can't say for sure but think the owners manual list what they check. Mine will be due for the 4,000 mile check on our way back from Nashville, TN in August. Getting it done in Nashville, IL. Seeing both Nashville's in the same day!
  7. Sherry, if words could help, I'd say them. They don't so much, so instead I'll pray them. Very sorry for your loss. May God Bless, Firefly
  8. I have an 89 Royale. After a poker run last Sunday I started leaking fuel from in front of the rear wheel. I pulled the side covers and found 4 hoses that run along and to the back of the tank. It seems one of them is leaking. It only leaks when the bike is running. RPM's are down and bike seems to be maybe flooding out. Could this be a stuck float and the line an overflow or vent line for the carb.? I didn't have much time to dig further. Thought I should consult someone before I began tearing into things. I tend to create more work for myself unless I check first. Any advise and help is appreciated. Thanks, firefly:fireman:
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