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yep it just cleared up on its own today like i figured it would. I still would really really like to know exactly where the problem lies. The spark plug wells on mine were bone dry as i drove the bike home and all that water dried. The spark plug hole i remember looking at on the back head was actually quite shallow and when i blew the air gun nothing came out. Ive diagnosed many spark plug boots that went bad arcing out on the motor ect, and i didnt see any of that going on. This kinda sux but ill have to eventually figure it out say by spraying water on it like was recomennded. thanks for all the advice ill let everyone know what i find down the line
yea its such a pain kinda checking for arcing around the coils because well you know. i had already done a quick lights off test at night looking for the light show but it was late and i did it quickly. I LOVE the part about spraying water on it as im looking (i have actually done that before on cars) i will have to try that after i go for a test drive. i checked in the plug holes and blew a very minimal if anywater out of them. thanks for the replys hopefully its dry by now and all cleared up i love this bike to death and drive it everywhere possible. I will let you all know where i found the arcing
i just had something like this happen when i left the hood open on a car in the rain. i replaced the wires and all was fine. THIS BIKE WAS PERFECT FOR THE PAST 1000 MILES UNTILL YESTERDAY I LEFT IT OUTSIDE IN A HORRIBLE RAINSTORM. i checked all the spark plug boots ( three of which are new) to see if the water got into them but they all have there protective seal over the top and bottom of the boot. its arcing somewhere but WHERE? I was just telling myself the other day how much i liiked that the rain didnt affect this bike. IT was a bad storm the other night, so far its been drying for about 1 day and still misfiring. i checked the kickstand wires which i already had rigged and i even cut and attached the wires for the kill switch and i think i already removed the tip over switch, please please help, ps im sure i wouldnt be having this problem if only i had closed the vents on the side of the motor....
so now theres no more error message on class. My class only works to the rear suspension and only when key is on accessory. when you press the rear button the compressor kicks on and the rear end seems to pump up but when you push the front button there is absolutly no change on the screen. sooo what gives? I have the manual and i see theres a cuple of things i can look at in the system but hey if sumone canm kina pin point it i would greatly appreciate it.
what i said is that i have no pressure in my clutch, maybe just need to be bled but kinda strange to have air in it? probably why po stopped riding it, i dunno ill tackle that one tomorrow
yea hope to be there yep ur right about losin those pieces there were a cuple small pieces in there and its gonna be fun to figure out where they all went but thats no big deal at all whatsoever since i need to replace wires and caps anyways since there out the door, im goin out now clean up the garage and try and get the plastics, ect back together, had to grab sumthin to eat. its nice i can breath now the bike runs as it should:mytruck:
WELL A COMBINATION OF NEW PLUGS, THE AIRBOX, AND TAKING OF A CUPLE CAPS AND PUTTING THE WIRE STRAIT TO THE PLUG AND THIS BABY RUNS LIKE A CHAMP!!! i am jumping for joy .... so when do the fans kick on on these things about half way mark?? seems like the guage defianatly going up but slowly, radiator is full, ALREADY CHANGED THE OIL, it runs really good, a little different then what im used to its my first v twin, my exhaust was jam packed with all that crap i sprayed in there but its dam near cleared out, THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT PUT IN THERE 2 SENSE YOU GUYS ARE GOOD PEOPLE TO HELP SUMONE U DONT EVEN KNOW, I HOPE TO KEEP THIS BIKE, i have alot of maintanance to do( shaft drive oil) maybe another oil change, fuel filter,,THE WORKS) but now i can do it cuz she is purren like a kitten , instant throttle response and everything
i had to hook up some things and put some things back together that were apart, got her runnen and ran some test,(already did the ether on the intake boot test no change) oh yea i know about cutting off a bit of wire thats were it corrodes many times, thats the first thing i usually do when i get a bike, but i understand what your saying about the caps i already took them off(and apart) am leaving to store in a minute to get new plugs and caps, pulled overflow screw and all carbs are getting gas, I DID NOT REPLACE THE FUEL FILTER ALSO WHEN I PULL OFF FUEL LINE GAS DOESNT COME OUT which i wouldnt think that too much would since gravity goes the other direction, honestly the fuel filter really could be the culprit since its making the carbs have to work harder than they can to pull the gas up out the tank right? BUt i kinda ruled that out already using an external gas tank that was well above the bike with fuel pump disconected as far as the way it was idling thats taken care of it was the idle screw and i synced the carbs now it idles right around were it should, i blocked those large overflow lines and didnt see any change(hey i had to try) so anyways off to store will be back with fresh plugs and caps, i have a feeling thats not my prob but its very possible, i tried to ohm test the coils but couldnt really figure it out unless the coils are bad i was gettin a reading of like 11.3(not what the book stated) but i assume that im taking the reading incorrectly) i dunno 1 thing at a time today is the day though gotta get her smoothed out, oh yea i got the service manual yesterday from the library, i guess i can try the airbox too u never kno, AND as far as the float levels go i dont EVER touch the float level unless it seriously looks like it has been tampered with, so floats should be just as good as when they were made..
Hey just so everyone know i really do appreciate all the advice I am in seven hills ohio to be exact. yea i kno they have to be synced on the bike thats what i was saying, i remember i had a kz550 that started running like crap and i believe it was cuz a hose was off for the pcv it had sum kina pump on it that put it in the valve cover but ANYWAYS JUst a cuple ideas of what may be wrong, im goin out in the garage in the next 5 min to check on them 1. i dont have the air vent hose attached to any of the carburetors, i could try blocking them off, i know thats an airvent cuz i just got the service manual yesterday from the library, it could have more info in it but still helps out when ur trying to figure things out. 2. i dont have my airbox on or all those pcv hoses(kinda unlikely problem) 2;. possible i need new spark plugs.: i pulled off 2 spark plug wires at the coil last night and to my suprise they did not appear to be corroded with all the technology on this bike were is the check engine light lol, i mean its got that boost sensor checked connection on that already, i mean its possible sumthin puttin a slight drain on spark, my black and white wire going to tci on 6 pin is a ground and from what i was reading its not supposed to be but im gonna leave it alone till sumone tells me further, well off to tinkerland
and check some connection on them,im thinkin it has sumthin to do with spark being just a little too weak
i did a quick sync when the carbs were off before i put them back on the bike. the engine is actually revving higher than it should, prob at around 3000, i attributed that to them needing to be synced but i assumed it should still be on all 4 cylinders since i know im not that far off on the syncing and i also revved the motor and its not like another cylinder kicked in, hey anythings possible though, if i wudda made it to parts store for plugs i was also gonna grab sum spark plug caps but that didnt happen so i dunno im prob gonna go look at it now and see if anything catches my eye, im sooooooo close
IT WAS CLOGGED PILOT JETS!! im a dumass i know i said i did a good job on the carbs the first time but i guess i kinda lied, i didnt clean the pilot jets, just sprayed em, at the time the girlfriend was over and she had me kinda in a rush, really though theres no excuse, but i figured it out my self mbrood u were just a little to late lol but hey u nailed cuz thats what it was so the bike starts up instantly now with no ether and runs untill i shut it off, the only problem now is that it seems like it is on 3 cylinders,(i know better than to run it like this for any length of time) but when i do the plug pull test to see which cylinder doesnt affect engine it appears they are all equal...(they seem to occasionaly backfire equally as well, it will run all day now but it really sounds like one cylinder is pretty far off, i checked 3 out of 4 of those little tiny diaphrams and they were good, hopefully my prob isnt the one i didnt check, i was too late to get new plugs but i did have a new one laying around threw that in didnt help, WILL THE TEMP SENSOR AFFECT TIMING OR ANYTHING LIKE A CAR CUZ I HAVE IT DISCONNECTED RIGHT NOW? i dunno at least now i am alot closer to figuring out what is going on, when it is running all the plungers go up like they are supposed to, the carbs are very very clean, so what gives?