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  • Location
    Euless, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '06 VTX 1300 C
  1. Sorry I took so long to post an update... Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the bike. I couldn't get financing on a used bike. New was not problem, but not used.... Tried our bank, but they won't make vehicle loans for less than 10k. They offered us a personal loan at ~ 17% interest...no thanks. I'm still in the market, and by spring-ish I ought to be able to pay cash for something. I'm better off in the long run paying cash so it will all work out for the best. V7Goose, thank you for your kind offer. If I try to make another deal locally I hope that I can still contact you and take you up on it. Again, sorry I took so long to get back to this thread. Ride safe Chris
  2. Thanks everyone for the welcome. I stopped at the dealership again today for another test ride, and I left a deposit to get the bike off their floor. I'll be back with my wife on Friday for a final test ride with her, and if she gives the nod I'll have the bike in my garage that afternoon. Here are some cellphone pics I took of the bike taken at Yamaha Suzuki of Texas in Hurst: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j136/lucky_1_chris/Venture003.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j136/lucky_1_chris/Venture001.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j136/lucky_1_chris/Venture002.jpg I noticed a couple things today that I didn't pick up on during my first test ride... A very noticeable whine in 3rd and 5th. I see that a whine in the clutch basket was mentioned in an earlier post, so this is probably what I'm hearing. Is this the nature of the beast, or something that needs to be addressed? Also, after I got back from the ride I was looking under the bike for evidence of any leaks and damage, and I noticed that the left rear jug was nowhere near as warm as the other 3. The bike warmed up for a few minutes, and I prolly rode it about 5 miles. It didn't seem like it was missing, so maybe I didn't run it long enough to get it good and warmed up. I'll get it out on the freeway on Friday and get her good and hot... It only has 6k on the clock, so I can't imagine that there'd be any major problems already. Assuming that these are nothing to be really concerned about I'm ready to make a deal on the bike if mama likes the back seat... I'll post up some better pics if I bring her home and give my initial thoughts after a more substantial ride. Thanks again for the welcome, well wishes, and advice. Ride safe Chris
  3. Hello VR.org! I'm glad I found this site! I've been a long time member over at vtxoa.com, and I was hoping to find a similar board for the RSV. I'm seriously considering trading in my trusty X for an '07 RSV. After riding an Ultra, a couple Wings, and the Venture, I think the Venture fits me perfectly. I'm a little nervous about switching brands cuz I've been riding Hondas nearly 10 yrs., and I know what to expect from them. I've been performing all my own maintenance and repairs for years, but the Yamaha is a whole different ball of wax... I was hoping you guys could give me a heads up to potential and common problems to keep an eye out for with the RSV, maintenance schedules, and point me in the direction of good tech write-ups for the bike. I gotta tell ya I'm a little intimidated by the thought of dealing with 4 carbs... Any insight and advice would be very much appreciated. I'm looking forward to the bike, getting to know you folks, and soaking up the knowledge from the experts around here. Ride safe.
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