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Everything posted by hkd51

  1. Sound good, look forward to hearing from you or anyone else interested. You do understand that "on the ground" is just an expression? In fact right now I don't have two wheels on the ground, they are both in the air on the jack, way to much snow outside right now. Harry
  2. How about that, I live in Nelson B.C. www.discovernelson.com and would be happy to help in any way possible. Nelson is a community of 10,000 people and I seem to know most of them. I maybe able to negotiate reasonable prices at any of a number of local hotels/motels such as The New Grand Hotel, www.newgrandhotel.ca the Hume Hotel, www.humehotel.com the Alpine Inn, www.alpine-motel.com or Ainsworth Hotsprings, www.hotnaturally.com or Toad Rock Motorcycle campground. www.toadrockcampground.com My network does not extend to New Denver, Kaslo or Nakusp so those could just as easily be negotiated by anyone. The New Grand hosts a large annual international Triumph rally http://members.shaw.ca/islandratinfo/KootenayRAID.pdf in Nelson July 17 to 20th. They know what to expect or more to the point what not to expect when it comes to motorcycles and their riders. They have a nice bar and live music on weekends and there are three other good bars within a three block radius. I have only been to one rally so not sure what all is involved but with some volunteers to help me we could have a great time! Most dates are good for me but if something does come up I can still be the one here on the ground for the rally. Harry
  3. I have the Saddleman RoadSofa, purchased it second hand - little used. I wouldn't recommend it. I am 5'10" with 32" inseam, the seat pushes me too far forward, up against the tank and even more so with the backrest installed, makes for lots of room for the passenger, not good for me, I usually ride solo. I get pins and needles in the most udesirable spot that radiates down my left leg. I have attempted to contact the manufacturer to see if they could modify it for me but they will not even return my emails, so I would say that their customer service sucks.
  4. Thanks for your replies! I removed the wheel on my 83 Venture once but if I remember right the fender on the 83 was in two parts so the back half could be removed so that you don't have to go so high in the air. Talk about a whale out of water, these things really start to sway when they are held that high off the ground. Harry
  5. I have to remove the rear wheel on my RSV and have the tire changed. I have the jack stand adaptor with legs but from pics I have seen I think I have to go quite high up in order to get the rear wheel off. I am some what concerned about going this high up, any advise? Harry
  6. I had the same problem... was advised to remove some of the oil to half way up site glass... seems to be working for me. Harry
  7. Thanks, I was thinking the same thing ...drain what I can then refill. I wonder though is there a special wrench for the job? What do you think the dealer would charge to drain and refill? Do you think they would remove the water pump drain plug or just drain what they could and leave it at that? Harry
  8. I decided to drain the antifreeze yesterday. Everything went well, drained the radiator, cylinders, etc. but when I got to the water pump I couldn't believe how hard it is to get to the drain plug out. Do I need a special wrench? Do I need to take the exhaust pipe off? If it is the exhaust pipe that has to come off then the bottom screw on the pipe is just as hard to get to. Am I missing something? What if I don't drain the water pump? Harry
  9. The latest generation of Transitions lenses http://www.transitions.com has just come out, Transitions VI, they go darker and clear quicker than ever before. They are available in Polycarbonite Rx lenses, much safer, used in safety glasses. They are activated by UV light, the more direct the light the darker the lenses and the colder the darker, it is true they do not change much in the car. You can buy an inexpensive sunglass frame and have an Optician fit the Rx lenses to that frame, the more curved the frame the more expensive the lenses and for those old farts like me they can be made in bifocals or progressive no line lenses. Magnetic sunglass clip-ons are good for walking, or putting on over your Transitions when driving your car but not good for riding or sailing etc. Transitions lenses can't be tinted darker. Polarized lenses are a great way to go but of course they don't get lighter and darker but can be made in Rx form. The best thing you can do for any Rx lens is to purchase the newer, harder scratch resistant coatings TD2, UT, HC are some of the manufacturers names for these coatings, cost is about $48 more. Harry
  10. Tricked me, I thought the title of the thread read "NOSE IN REAR END" my morbid curiosity got the better of me. I have had the same problem, NOISE in rear end that is. I removed the air valve to the shock, using a syringe, I put mixture of Trani oil and 30w oil into it. Stopped groan for a while but is back again now, will have to redo. HKD
  11. Don't bother going to the web site, full of spam!
  12. Looks OK but missed the mark when compaired to HD Rocker for looks, which is after all what this bike is taking close aim at. Harry
  13. Thanks for the replies! I want to leave it on the jack stand so that I can work on it over the winter when I get an hour here and there. I think that I'll block the tires though just so that I don't get any extra air in the shocks.
  14. I have put my bike up on the jack stand for the winter and was wondering if I need to support the rear tire/shock? With it sitting unsupported for long periods of time cause any problems?
  15. Thanks Freebird. With out question, when changing the oil I always make sure I fill it to the upper line. I will change my ways.
  16. I took the gas tank off today to change the plugs and noticed that there was oil caked onto the rubber stacks that run from the carbs up to the plastic boxes just under the gas tank. The oil is only on the stacks on the one side (left side) and not the other. Any ideas how to fix this?
  17. I noticed a few drops of coolant on the driveway last week before putting my bike away for the winter. Put the bike in the heated storage area and now it isn't leaking. I thought I would post my problem ...must be ESP ...solution came before I posted the problem. THANKS!!!
  18. hkd51


    So far no one seems to have one. I'll see if I can find a price and let everyone know, if and when I do. My garage has a valted ceiling, higher on one side than the other. I like the idea of mounting the lift on the side wall instead of the end wall
  19. Does anyone have one of these www.loft-it.com ? Seems like a good idea. How much and how well does it work, do you like it? Harry
  20. Sorry, been away for a while and then very busy when I got back. I'm not sure what they are worth, say $50. Harry
  21. Are they the same as 2000 RSV? If so I have a set new, unmodified. Harry
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