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Everything posted by RIB III

  1. Two Venture sightings this week, first was in Warrensburg, NY and the second was on I-81 near I-77 in Virginia. Both were 2009's like mine. Anyone here? (Eck edited your title: Was Sitings)
  2. Had fun at Indian demo day yesterday. Took out the Roadmaster very nice. Just wish it had a radiator.
  3. It's the fuel pump. Been there done that!!! More to the point it's the points in the fuel pump.
  4. Yea I know, I knew they were full of it. I had read way to much about it on this site. They didn't find anything wrong and were just going to give the bike back to me. I said are you going to call Yamaha to change this pump or am I. They changed the pump. Now a year and a have later points are bad again. Makes me wonder if they changed the pump or just cleaned the points.
  5. You know when I had the fuel pump on my bike changed the first time last summer the service writer told me that yamaha didnt know of any issue's with the Venture fuel pump!!
  6. Warranty is over. And no I have not looked at the pump to see if they acually changed it I will look when I get home.
  7. Went away for a week. Went out to start the bike this morning and no tic tic tic from the fuel pump. This pump is only 1.5 years old UGH!!!!!
  8. Couldn't wait went out and fixed it. Dark and 26 out. All better. I think I will call the Stealer and tell them how to fix it. To funny.
  9. Again the best $12 spent. Thanks StarFan..
  10. I had the stealer look at it and I think they just ignored it. They don't like warranty work!!!!!
  11. Thanks I'll look when its light. I will ride it in the morning.
  12. The choke on the bike will not stay on by itself anymore. What keeps it on?
  13. Venturous download Hitman Pro it will take care of the Homeland Security Virus. Yes they are bad people..
  14. Thanks all. I will tell them tomorrow change the pump or I go elsewhere and call Yamaha.. and I will get some hose
  15. The only problem is that it was a year between the first and second time the third was a week after i picked it up and by the time it gets to the shop it runs fine. I will call them and tell them I'm not happy with this and tell them to change the pump. Yes I ride every day and they have had it 3 out of the last 4 weeks. Grrrrrrr
  16. How intermittent can the fuel pump be? I have been stranded 3 times. Stealer won't change it for some reason. This time they are not doing anything cause it didn't break for them.
  17. I'm still looking at mine sitting on the desk.
  18. My wife got me the venturerider guardian bell and it came today. Very nice, thank you Don.
  19. Thanks for inviting me but I have to work today. Be safe.
  20. Thanks Beer30 as soon as I read the post and replied I did a search. It's amazing what you con miss that is so important.
  21. I also live in Kannapolis NC and this is the first I've heard of this has it been in the news. I didn't think I lived under that big a rock.
  22. Might want to look at that underside anyway just for rust. I did my after winter cleaning yesterday and all the rails had rust spots. I was able to rub them out with wax but its only a 2009. The antenna mounts were the same. http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b303/elmicko2002/utf-8BSU1HMDAyMTYtMjAxMTAyMTYtMTMxOC5qcGc.jpg Not this bad but on the way there if not seen. Sorry for the after winter comment!!!
  23. Still riding here in NC. It was about 27 degrees this morning. But I do wear cold weather gear. But like Mike said as long as there is no snow or ice.
  24. I like the gas cap with the nickle. Where can I get one.
  25. I refer back to the title of the thread Brrrrrr!!!!
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