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Everything posted by zooer

  1. Anybody seen my pills, or remember where I live?
  2. I put on a pair of Vance and Hinze "slip ons" one time and they were fantastic. Great sound but not window rattlers. Something about the sound of them skeered the heck out of dogs too. Car chasing dogs would start to come out and then run the other way. Strange:think: Takes about 30 minutes total to put a pair on a venture, perfect match ups. They ain't really cheap but you may find some used ones around.
  3. call Diamond R. Super product.
  4. zooer


    Well, you make me feel almost bad enought to go out and pull my tank off so I can answer you. Problem with that is, my tank is full and I got a bad back, so no can do. I been trying to remember how it goes but I'm old and my memory ain't so good neither. Crap, now I do feel rotten. Some one help this man.
  5. Ain't nothing like making up a nice casserole of scratch macaroni and cheese, then put in about a pound of diced ham, bake for 30 minutes and then layer the top with slices of sharp NY cheddar cheese and broil until top is toasted brown. You can live on that for a week. I know, I've done it.
  6. What a beautiful tree rawhide. Merry Christmas to all.
  7. My brother and I plan on meeting up with the group down in Chattanooga for the ride in. Big event for us.
  8. Your entire problem with the ride in the first place was ----------- You forgot to take your meds in the morning:crackup: And don't forget to add your address and phone number in the bottom of your boots in case you don't remember to take your meds again. Hello, anybody in there
  9. It aint snowing here yet today, but supposed to do a little tomorrow. It's not been above freezing in the Ozarks for days. This sucks and some body please turn off the wind.
  10. Could not agree more, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahummmmmmmmmmmmmmmbug! Bambi must die, too many bikes taken out this last year.
  11. How many of you want a former spouse back? Wow Herb, what a statement and the best one ever said. Of course I won't let the commander in chief look at this site! Its all about your individual body in my opinion. Both bikes, Venture and Wing are tops when it comes to reliable and comfort. But the comfort is limited by each individual. We've already seen here, tall people say they can't fit on a wing and tall people say its fine. Hummmmmm. Now I have to tell you, I have seen a guy 6'7 that would not fit the wing too well. If you put the right Highway pegs on, and that can be a touchy subject, then long haul leg position can be quite good. OH yeah, and heated grips, seats and toe warmer vents do feel good to the old folks!
  12. No fishing here Capt. My wing is already up for sale, but not here on this forum. Just figured it was a good question and its gotten a lot of interesting responses. Looks like this forum has quite a few contented goldwing owner and I know why.
  13. That they do. I had one-----one time:bawling:
  14. This thread was not supposed to turn into a Harley argument, was it?
  15. I too would like to make this if I can. We'll wait to see the dates.
  16. Wow, that was some heck of a read! Now tell us, which bike do you really like best?
  17. I have had the pleasure to have owned both. Both have a lot of "pluses" and very few in the negitative column.
  18. If you could trade your Venture straight out even swap for a loaded Goldwing, would you?
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