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Everything posted by zooer

  1. Get a flattop. No more problems.
  2. Well I was gonna suggest KY gel but I think I have the wrong application.
  3. Holy crap! I'm glad all I did today was ride ride and ride. Now that I've read your post I'm whipped. And, I think I got a head ache. You did enough for the both of us, thanks. Can you come over tomorrow and fix my shower, mend my deck and clean a few windows mabye. The beer is cold;)
  4. What?????????????????????????? No cassette play! Why I would not own ANYTHING that didn't have a cassette player or an 8-track.
  5. If something followed me home with ugly eyes like that I'd kill it. OK, I'm just pickin on ya, ----------------but it does have ugly eyes. Congrats on the new pet:clap2:
  6. Sorry for being a smart "donkey" Rick, by when the door is open that wide I'm uncontrolable. I've been trying to come up with one day where I have not made a mistake, so maybe I could tell that story but I'm still working on it.
  7. Yeah sure Rick. But why did you reach down the front of her dress when the fire was in the back :crackup:
  8. Now here is a true story. As I stated once before, most of the time I always wear a helmet period. But---one summer a few years ago I went to a rally and rode with a bunch of guys that never put their's on for a week. We were in a no helmet law state also. Well sir, I went stupid I guess you'd call it and it was a long hot nasty week so I went helmet-less for a few days and followed the flock as they say. Now came the day to depart for home and it was another one of those nasty humid killer days. I knew that in a very short time I'd cross the line into another state that required a helmet so I went back to my normal habit and put the helmet on when I headed out. Man I thought I was gonna die inside that hot nasty helmet! After not ridding with one for a few days in deadly heat it dang near killed me trying to wear it all day. Probably went thought three dew-rags the first day and thought I'd scream a couple of times. In fact I think I did scream a few vile words into the wind before the day was out. Have not done the no helmet since, but I still remember what it was like on that summer week. That's my story and your stickin to it, right?
  9. I bought a new 84 apencade back in 84 and ran the wheels off that thing pulling a camp trailer most of the time. Never could wear that bike out, nor did I ever have any mechanical problems of any kind with it. Finally sold it and moved on to another bike. I think the ashtray got full.
  10. Did someone say something about putting the sheep in the barn?
  11. I got one too.
  12. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You've had me sucked in for months and now this has just gotten like a sitcom that the writer's have given up on. Flat beaver, come on, pick up the pace. Lets have some violence, sex, and foul something or other. I just down graded this from R for racy to K for kids or whatever that lowest rating is. :crackup::crackup::crackup: This is a biker story, where is the tight leathers and chains? Time to rumble, ya know-------broken beer bottles and pool ques swinging with blood flying everywhere. Ops, sorry for a moment I slipping into my past there. Sorry
  13. zooer


    You'll make it! Hang on and try more sex daily. That also helps with the nasty attitude that goes with quiting for the first month or so.
  14. Winter came back fast didn't it. I spent four days sitting out in the late afternoon on my deck having cocktails in a t-****. Yesterday I had to put three layers on and pull a ski cap over my ears. Boy I thought we were into riding weather for a minute but bye bye. Maybe next week.
  15. If gas prices don't go down we'll all be holding neighborhood block bike rally's and walking there. Crapolla on this stuff. Filled up my pickup the other day. 75.00 stinkin bucks!!!Hellllllllpppppp.
  16. Yes, free speech. I remember it well during Nam. Tell me all about free speech and what I don't understand. Wait, on second thought, don't. :buttkick:Me thinks this topic is going nowhere. I apologize for getting involved.
  17. Do you kick them with your shoes on or off? From experience I find it much less painful with shoes on. :crackup:Problem is most of us in Arkansas have holes in the toes of all our shoes. But duck tapes fixed some of that problem.
  18. I would not dare say what I really think of this bunch of scum sucking worthless judges that made this decision. Would I?
  19. Yeah but great thinking.
  20. OK OK, I was holding back and didn't want to point out the facts, and I think I'll continue to hold back. I don't want to cause any apoplexy on here. It just an old employer's opinion but I'm retired kind of now so what do I care.
  21. You give them and inch and they take a mile! About 10% won't abuse the system or privilege. And I'll pi$$ more off by saying every employee that is office bound and has a land line phone needs to check their stinking cell phone at the door unless provided by the company for business only. Waste waste waste and time blown. I thought your paycheck and benefits were supposed to make you happy? :stirthepot: :stirthepot:
  22. Fantastic and hope the recovery is super fast!
  23. :crackup::sign yeah that:and what he said.
  24. Never have understood why any tire pressure system would not give you its first warning at 12% or less. By the time your down to 25% you've screwed up the tire! Not a smart design.
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