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Everything posted by zooer

  1. OK here is my high tech suggestion. Besides the seafoam there are four little rubber cap thingys on little nipples, one on each carb. If one of those gets the smallest little crack from being dried out, your going to back fire when you let off the gas. You can pick those up at most auto supply stores. Keep and extra in your tool kit. They do dry and crack.
  2. Mine run all the time but I do have a switch to turn them off. WHY turn them off? Once in a great while I use my heated clothing and you can't run the extra lights and all that heated clothing at the same time. It is seldom that I use it but the RSV charging system won't handle that much load.
  3. Always loved that color combo. Good choice, nice ride.
  4. Yup, I had a meeting with one of them fellas last month on the RSV. When he walked up to me I was still trying to get my old legs off the bike and he says, you know how fast you was going? No Sir, says I, but something told me to hit that brake lever when you squirted me with that thing. He chuckled and wrote me a warning (whew) and said you best be a good boy for awhile. Your too old for this kind of stuff:puzzled: What, who you callin old, I did not say. Just said thanks and I've toned it down a little, kind of.
  5. Now where my hands are resting depends on if I've got a female passenger on board. Wait wait wait, don't hit that delete button! We all know if you got a passenger on board you've got to be careful and keep your hands on the bars, right
  6. As a matter of fact mine is on Aux most of the time also. I have two mp3's loaded, one with 1500 songs and one with 4000. One runs 14 hours on a charge and the other 28 hours. Life is good, don't use XM since I can't listen too all my stuff now in a month of travel. BUT--- then there is the CB and Squelch and buttons to push and knobs to turn or blow your ears out:crying:. Life is so confusing and its all so complicated and theres all these decisions. OH gawd, help me. I need my meds.
  7. Well, I'd of offerd you a bed at my place which you might find kinda special but I'm out of town a couple of days, so maybe next trip. Or next time you get a chance I'll meet you down Mountain Vew way for a cool one. Have a great ride.
  8. The venture radio is a great system, but-----its not for old people. Old people you say? I know, no one is old on here but lets put it this way; when you get "long in the tooth" your memory ain't quite as good. And when you have to remember all these sequences and stuff, ya just can't always remember when your trying to pilot the monster, right. Then you have to go dig out the manual and do a refresher and it gets to be a pain. Now that ain't Ventures fault, but you can make things "old people friendly", right? :bawling:OK, that wa a lot of words for nothing! I still don't want to change a thing about the the RSV, well maybe except--------------. Can I get an 8-trac.
  9. cham·fer (chhttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/abreve.gifmhttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/prime.giffhttp://img.tfd.com/hm/GIF/schwa.gifr) tr.v. cham·fered, cham·fer·ing, cham·fers 1. To cut off the edge or corner of; bevel.
  10. Here is a link for you. Just use the rubber washers along with the fender type washers. Some people run a strap in the inside of the lid also between the front and rear bolts. Quite simple task. Masking tape and set it in place, mark with felt tip, drill in middle and make sure you check the placement after every hole is drilled, as in One at a time! http://www.goldwingcountry.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=0&Category_ID=0&manufacturer_ID=66&product_ID=5761&sblid_name=Show_Chrome_Accessories__Big_Bike_Parts__Luggage_Rack
  11. I just bought a couple of big snap hooks and drop them over the horizontal bar on both sides. You really can't use the ones on the hitch at all.
  12. Some days life really sucks! Then others it get worse. Those mountain snows this time of year can eat your lunch fast. Sorry, but when you get out of there pick a route that runs through as many valleys as you can. Does not take many feet in elevation up there to change from sun to snow. Be safe. Something tells me I have not told you anything you don't already know.
  13. I like the diamond R. Very high quality and installs in ten minutes. Also is adjustable. Have not had one wear out but I'm only on the second one.
  14. Very sorry for your loss. Be strong and remember all the good times. Prayers sent.
  15. zooer

    BEER 30 Relaxing!!!

    How has this guy remained alive? good one:thumbsup2:
  16. Rode 165 miles on a tank today Might I suggest you try sitting on the seat next time. Its a lot softer than the tank and you may go further before it hurts too much:puzzled: Some times I wonder about you people:confused24:
  17. That looks like a pretty good buy.
  18. Gee, I once knew a girl who could swirl both tassels north and south at the same time:smile5: You reckon she rode a venture too? :crackup:If I'd only known
  19. Ya know what really toque's my jaws? Well do ya, huh? All those people that come up to you and say, wow nice looking Harley, but I ain't never heard one that quiet:yikes:.
  20. Well its very complicated sir. In some places they sell and dealers keep one or two on the floor but, I have seen some large dealers that will only order one or buy one if you are ready to buy. Dealer trade so to speak. I know of some small dealers in out of the way towns who keep a new RSV on the floor most of the time. Like I said, strange and complicated. You can always find plenty if your ready to buy and do a web search and there are always some really good buys if you do your research. That's my story and I hope its the truth.
  21. You a bad boy:smile5:
  22. Welcome to the almost club Rick. It can be fun and frustrating but make it work for your mental enjoyment.
  23. Would be a hell of a buy if its for real. I'm not sure it is but sure would like to see some one get a 2011 for that price.
  24. It looks like an old wasp with a posture problem This kind of design is what ruined the Valkyrie.
  25. You first gen guys are a crack up. However, you can afford to be when you can smoke us 2nd gen folks so go ahead, rub it in. I've learned something here and I hate to admit something like that. I've never wound out 4th on the 2nd gen cause I normally chicken out and shift worried I'll blow something. Some day I'll air the moths out of my wallet and buy a tach.
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