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Everything posted by zooer

  1. hey hey hey, wait a minute here======= I got the lame flame i I think I like it but jesh--------
  2. I've bought several things from them over the years and made a few calls to them. They always been excellent on service and information. Two:thumbsup: for them.
  3. Jim, I've been a wing owner X-3 and an RSV owner X-3. Frankly the first long trip you take you'll never go back to Wing due to comfort. Of course, there are many on this forum that will argue with that but you will make your own choice. Have a blast, highway pegs and a good digital tail/brake light bar, plus a fog light bar and you're set. :thumbsup2:
  4. Hey Bill, just wanted to say thanks for a great Meet & Eat. I really enjoyed the people and the ride and riders where super. Thanks again for all you efforts. Zooer :clap2:
  5. Well, we are at the Kettle Camp ground. Where is everyone this morning?:think:
  6. OK, big fat question: what is the agenda on Friday? I will be in before noon to set up at Kettle Campground but not sure exactly what time yet. Sure don't want to miss out on anything after I get there.
  7. Since I live up this way-------I'll say this about that--------whatever that is. Right now it's summer time up here and warm with humidity on some days, and others its very nice. Mornings are just about 90 % always perfect with cool temps and the best of the best twisty roads and ridding. By noon it will either turn hot and time to lay off and party, or ride depending on what kind of afternoon it is. Most rain showers are in mid to later afternoon but watch me be wrong. This is still one of the best times of the year here most of the time. We've seen only one rain shower in Northern Arkansas in the past week. Bull Shoals lake is very full still, only down about 4 feet below flood level but the Peel Ferry is always a nice ride and the roads great. I look forward to seeing everyone here.:)
  8. Yes sir, going through a die-vorce is just about one of the worstest, suckiest things in life. I speak from way too much experience. However, chinup, pip pip and all that rot sire. If it was the right thing to do, then down the road your life will become happier than it was by ten fold! Now have another cool one, its better then drugs!
  9. Ecellent, two
  10. Please let me add this. Hwy 60 should be back open but it will be rough so be careful. No sure thing if any roads will not be closed at any give time to be repaired. Folks, I was not trying to hijack this thread. Ten of thousands of tax paying, hard working family's have been or will be in the next few weeks wiped out! Not just the Mississippi river area but dozens of tributary rivers hundreds of miles from the Mississippi. In our area we had 19 inches of rain in 6 days. People who lived on normal higher ground found themselves flooded. Add to that, the government has decided who should be spared down stream and who should be sacrificed. Ain't that just peachy. Keep good thought for those that are losing everything when they have been chosen to be sacrificed. Also, study the facts that they will not be helped by government funds. Those go for city infrastructure not the rural farmers and homes. NOTE: Moderators, this is not a political post but simply information put forward to my fellow members to inform them of the current situation. I'm sure we have many other forum members who are in deep trouble right now from mother natures wrath.
  11. Yes its sad they are dying but there are still hundreds of people that live and have everything they own there. Lets not write them off. Towns all over the Midwest and south have died out for years and its heart breaking to see. Prosperous people once, now trying to scrape out enough to eat. Then we flood them out to sacrifice others and that becomes more sad. Floods are not good and people suffer, but like tornado's and earthquakes you are subject to mother nature. Thousands of your American tax payers were flooded and are being flooded because the COE has chosen to sacrifice them to save the bigger population. I know how it is since my home just re-wrote the movie "A river runs thought it". There is even a darker side to the story that most people have no clue about. Thank you for your understanding.
  12. Glad you guys had a great trip and the bike looks really nice. Thanks for the report and photos. How soon will you do it again? I bet in no more than a few months.
  13. Unless your up to 28K yet on that wing you're hold back. Come, spread the wealth,
  14. Lewis, we will pull for ya. Hang in there. There has been times when for months I've had to use a cane and yet====I use nothing now. Hope you can get past this, a good bone crusher sometimes can do wonders no one can understand. Sometimes its just in the mind and reducing stress. I've passed on the knife solution several times and today I'm glad I did. Like I said, we are all pulling for ya and hope the current problem resolves itself without the need of surgery.
  15. Its a paint can opener. But why in hell do you want to mount it on a bike?
  16. zooer


    Run Forest run! Total scam!
  17. Nice bike and all.
  18. I've had an 1800 or two and the Venture has not got that power but--------. I look at Ventures like going from a gas engine car or truck to a diesel. No, you will no longer drag race, but you still got more power than you'll need and it keeps on running like the pink bunny. Mile after miles after miles and the comfort level and leg position will never be surpassed by the wing. That's my attitude and I'm stickin to it.
  19. A free ice cold, filling poping beer to those that said 2010. Are the flames only on the 2010 or are they putting them on the 2011 also? Did any come on the 2009?
  20. What year and how can you tell? [ATTACH]55724[/ATTACH]
  21. I'm riding an 2010 and its the same MPG as the older ones. No change. I don't think Yamaha has changed a thing in carbs or nothing.
  22. zooer


    Yeah, destruction if you run it. Tell your friend to get out his wallet and call a tow truck. Gotta drop the tank and start over. My brother did it once but was smart enough not to start it when he realized what he'd done.
  23. I can tell you in Arkansas every person that so much owns a Honda 50 is out on their scooter. They're everywhere.
  24. Today it happened. NEWS HEADLINE-- Texas has gone to the pigs! (Drudge):crackup:
  25. u right on both counts. I got the four nipples right, right
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