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Everything posted by jointventure

  1. It seems that a very common problem with seemingly dead cylinders and misfires may have been solved on this thread. I'd would also like to know if anyone has had these NGK caps work.
  2. Just purchased the Scala Rider G4 powerset. It has all the items Viragofan was looking for in the original post. Rider/Pass, Rider/Rider. And something that a lot of others can't do.... you can talk to your passenger and both Rider and Pass on another bike at the same time. It has the bluetooth capabilities and 3.5mm jack for wired devices. A new firmware upgrade will allow you to communicate with any rider you meet using the G4 with Click-to-link. They can be paired on the fly. And the price was more than reasonable at $339.95 and free shipping! Here is the link. http://4wheelonline.com/atv/Scala_Rider_G4_PowerSet.144763.518041
  3. I use a GoPro Hero with the suction cup mount. Waterproof housing and tons of different mounting options.
  4. One incredible woman. God bless her.
  5. I joined a few months ago, but just found this thread. A shot of Brenda, Me and our rides. Oct 2010 [ATTACH]55285[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55286[/ATTACH] Can't wait to meet a few hundred of you on MD this June.
  6. Some of the best RELATIONships started as FRIENDships. Take your time.
  7. I was just thinking, (something I'm told I shouldn't do), the reason the WBC gets so much press at these protests is that they actually make it there, get set up, and have an audience. What if they never make it to the funeral service in time to cause any harm. No, I don't mean anything violent. But, if the hundreds of "counter protestors" would, lets say have "car trouble" on the route that the WBC just happens to be taking? The funeral procession could take an unaffected route. They can't sue anyone for any bodily harm, or violation of their 1st amendment rights or for non protection under the 14th. It's snowing in PA, cars get stuck, have bad batteries, delays happen all the time around here. Just thinking that this would have such a positive outcome for the family to not have these jerks at the service. Even with a police escort, I don't think the PA State Troopers or the towing companies would be in any hurry to clear traffic. I am just as frustrated as the rest of you.
  8. Just curious: 1. how many amps do they draw? 2. did you have to upgrade the factory stator? They look great, can't wait to hear how they work out.
  9. EXACTLY what bongobobny said. Very well stated.
  10. Yeah, you just never know what some of us have in our garages. ( I did have to give it back) :no-no-no: [ATTACH]54486[/ATTACH]
  11. Joined PGR yesterday. If the Media would have some common sense, these groups would fade away. Unfortunatly, with ratings being more important than morality these days, they keep fanning the flames. I know, I know, some say if they didn't expose these groups that we wouldn't know they exist. I say, if they didn't give them the spotlight, they have no reason to exist! IMO Ric
  12. I'm surprised the sales person wasn't named in the case for not explaining that "anti-stupidity" option fully. Guess his/her pockets weren't deep enough.
  13. Just a thought on extending any passive vent hose, like on the carbs, into the airstream. The reason the ends of the tubes are tucked away is so they do not become siphon tubes or worse, air being forced into them. If you look at the side of any aircraft you will see examples of fuel cell vents in the airstream. They will be angle (slash cut) on the ends. While they are verticle, they have they slashed ends facing fwd for intake and aft for drawing vapors out. These are on slower moving helicopters ( not more than 90mph) as well as fixed wing. Not saying it will cause any issues, but just something to think about. Kinda like sticking a straw into a glass of water and blowing across the top.
  14. Brenda and I both have been carrying Ruger's SP101, chambered in .357, for over twenty years now. Love the simplicity, Stainless Steel, and stopping power. Good, dependable, 5 shot wheelgun. Whatever you carry....Practice, practice, and then practice some more. IMHO. If I ever change, it will be to a hammerless version.
  15. I'm only about 20 minutes from Punxsutawney, I may have to go pay that Phil a visit. Groundhog stew, anyone?
  16. Custom painting and airbrushing.
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