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Everything posted by DanC

  1. Randy I talked to Cowboy and he said he lives near you and that you and him might get together reference during valve job. I see you have a kit and I was wondering if you had performed this operation already? Wanting to learn how to do it. DanC
  2. Talked to Cowboy today he really wants to do his bike. So were are going to try to get together and get this done either at his place or mine. We need someone who has performed the valve check/replacement of shims to steer us along. We are both willing and able to learn the procedure. We do not have anything to do the job with, special valve tool, valve kit or knowledge. Just enough knowledge to be dangerious. ha ha HELP!! Where is Goose???
  3. I would like to know if anyone in Fla or South Ga. is planning on doing a valve job on their Venture. I do not need one on my bike but I have read all the posts on our site and really want to try it. I plan on learning it and then helping our members out. I have a carbtune and could teach that now and do adjustment for members. The valve adjustment is very interesting to me and so I would like to help, watch and learn. Please let me know and I will drive to the event/maintenance day or days. I also would purchase a shim kit for all to use. If anyone has one for sale please let me know as well. I am more than ready to tackle this job. Thanks to Goose for his excellent write up on how to perform this maintenance task. thanks, DanC:cool10:
  4. I see that some members are adding as per instructions from the mg. of seafoam 1&1/2 oz. per qt. in with the oil to clean up the sludge in the engine. My question is do you leave the seafoam in for 5000 miles or until the oil is dirty or do you run the engine a short time and immediately remove the seafoam and oil replacing same.?? DanC
  5. There are so many post on this site concerning your request. Look them up and you will see that the procedure , types of oil and filters are covered in very great detail. There is so much information concerning different oils, filters and etc that you may come away confused!! Like Goose said, use good oil, good filter, and change on schedule and do not over fill as it will drip out your breather tubes and possible clog up the carbs some. the oil in the sight glass should be no more than half way up the sight when I motorcycle is setting straight up. Now this all said this is my procedure for the bike. Change oil every 5000 miles 3.5 qts. of castrol syntec. 10-40 add 8oz of Lucas oil, Fram filter PH6017A Use a magnetic drain plug as it will catch small metal fragments in the oil sump if there are any metal fragments. When you change the oil always check for metal fragments on the magnetic drain plug. Also remember to use 1oz of seafoam per gal every now and then to keep the carbs and fuel system clean. If the bike starts to backfire and pot put 8oz of seafoam per full tank and this could very well correct the problem. Hope that this helps. DanC
  6. I would be real interested in learning how to do the valve job myself. I have read everything I can about it and its time to do it. Would really feel better having someone who has done it to teach the procedure. I have a carbtune and have done my carbs. Could bring that along also. I would like to learn the vlave procedures so as I could teach other members who are around the Jacksonville Fl area. There are several things that I want to learn to do and pass it along. Clutch replacement, rear wheel removal , final drive service, greasing the driveshaft. I have removed the faring so I could help someone with that procedure and we could service the connectors that seems to be a on going problem. I have written about 15 maintenance and comments and posted them on our club site. See DanC for postings. Want to learn!! When are you going to be doing this procedure. Dan:cool10:
  7. There is alot of articles wrote on the proper air and how to go about it. In no way can you use a bicycle pump. It takes a special pump. See my article under DanC concerning adjustment of air in the shocks. Hope that it helps. Read all the articles and then you will have a very good understanding of what to do and how to do it. Dan
  8. I would recommend you read my Posts, R-Mark Receiver hitch and stinger dated Nov 2010. See pictures attached as it might help some also. Another trick is to get a small allen wrench that fits the bolts behind the saddlebags and CUT the end of the allen wrench much smaller. Cutting the allen wrench will allow you to removed the support screws behind the saddlebags without removing the bags. It works. Real my post under, DanC. Easy to install. DanC:guitarist 2:
  9. I am confused as to why you did not use the warranty that is clearly on your bike?? Is the dealer that bad?? if so you should report it. DanC:cool10:
  10. I am interested to know what was the final out come concerning your speakers not working. Did the new radio fix the problem? You will see in my write ups that it very difficult to find any service techs that really understand the radio and its function. Most have a hard time just operating the systems alone fixing it. Usually they just send parts back to the factory to be check and/or replaced. Would like to know if the replacement radio fixed the problem?? Thanks, DanC
  11. Any hardware store like "ACE Hardware or home depot carries the dielectic grease. DanC
  12. There are all kinds of info concerning the radio systems on the bike. I have posted several myself. Read all about the connectors that work loose under the front cowling. Bring up my users name and you will see the posts concerning radio problems and there are more by other members. Good luck in finding the problem. DanC
  13. See my post, (She says "NO" Help!) posted 2/22/2011. She got to keep the loud pipes!! ha ha ps. Did I have a choice??!! DanC
  14. I have a 2008 and know of no type of recall at this time. You can call Mr. Shanel Prator, Yamaha Service Rep. at 714-761-7300 in California for any info concerning the venture. DanC
  15. . Carry extra fuel??? Gulp!!! I'll stop for fuel when my tank runs low. Not sure about carrying extra fuel around is good on a motorcycle. I know it can be accomplished but I for one would feel a little nervous carry that fuel around. I carry extra fuel around on my boat at times and I do not really like the tanks in the boat with me. I just do not feel safe with any modification concerning fuel. No offense to anyone, just me. DanC
  16. Could you advise where you ordered the Chrome Covers, cost and the part number? thanks. I for one am staying with the stock filter system as I feel that the engineers know more about the air intake required for proper performance of the engine. Enjoyed reading the write up concerning changing of the filter but I am not sold on it. DanC
  17. See my Post "AUDIO TOTALLY DEAD" 12/3/2010 It may really help to shed some light on your problem before you blow the amp like I did. DanC
  18. See my Post "Audio Totally Dead" 12/3/2010. It may help to shed some light before you possibly blow the amp. DanC
  19. See my Post "Audio Totally Dead" 12/3/2010 as it will shed some more light on the problem and possibly help you to solve it before it blows the amp. DanC
  20. I did not have to cut my allen wrench but would have if it were necessary like you did. I use the following tools to install and it was simple. Allen wrench to remove the screw and the rest was done with ratchet box end wrenches. The ratchet wrenches give you the ability to ratchet the bolt on with little need for a lot of room to get the job done. Ratchet wrenches are really nice. thanks for your reply. DanC
  21. I just installed the subject trailer hitch and it installed in just one hour. It was a perfect fit and so easy to install. I did not even have to remove the saddlebags to perform the removal of the support arm and then installing the trailer hitch. It is recommended that one remove the saddlebags to prevent scratching the bags accidently when removing and installing the bolts. Being very careful, it really easy to install without removing the saddlebag which really cuts down on the time for installing of the trailer hitch. The service was great with no shipping or taxes. $150.00 covered it all. A special thanks to MarkVentures for the service and an excellent part. It fit like a glove, little to no effort and installed in "one hour". Would highly recommend this hitch for anyone riding a Venture. DanC
  22. Glad to hear the post helped. If you put the safety chrome on with the 3m tape it "WILL NOT" come off. Just rode for a week at Daytona bike week and was up running 80 several times on the interstate to keep up with traffic. Tape held like I knew it would. DanC
  23. Well, in a nice way I going to have to explain what you are seeing with the meter. True you will see a positive 12 volts on both sides of the horn with the ignition ON. However once the horn button is depressed all the 12 volts is dropped across the horn and the one side shows no voltage ie: ground. You can take any circuit and when its not in use the voltage is the same all along the circuit until the circuit, "amps":cool10: begins to flow in the circuit. The car horn does not differentiate between a motorcycle or a car. A car or truck horn works on 12 volts DC and so does the motorcycle. Sorry, DanC
  24. I enlarged the photo per request. Also thanks for letting me know that I need to check the fluids in the Clutch and Brake. Geee, I can't get away with anything. You guys are sharp!!! ha ha DanC:cool10:
  25. Well, I did a little design work on my Dash and the passenger foot pegs and thought that I would share the photo with you. I put chrome plastic buttons on the dash along with chrome diamond strip. I also put chrome diamonds on top of the Radio control. Also changed out the chrome near the fuel cap and added "Free Spirit" covers to the Brake and Clutch reserviors. Forgive me for the diamonds but I will have to admit that they are not real!! ha ha Got the chrome knobs and diamonds at Petboys. DanC:cool10:
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