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  • Bike Year and Model
    84 Venture/ 84 GS1150EF
  1. I'm guessing the bushings aint all that great
  2. Got spammed today, thanks. I'll have one if that's ok. How do I pay? Don't just say PayPal, I need more info than that. I'll get one of my kids to do it if need be . I'd rather just send money. If it sounds like a pain in the ass don't worry about it. no biggie. regards Luddite Dave
  3. If you have any kind of miles on it change the friggin bushings too.
  4. Logan pass is overrated, it costs 10 bucks a head to go over it and it is usually quite busy and slow. On weekends expect to have to circle the parking lot at the top to park , sometimes as long as 20 minutes, there will be a sign at the top telling you how long the wait to park is. Not suggesting you don't go over it, just a heads up. Heading south at st mary through east glacier is a reasonably brisk winding ride, watch for free range cattle. You can do a loop around through west glacier and back to waterton via chief mountain. If you get up to BC don't miss highway 6 from Vernon to Kaslo and down to Nelson. the ferry rides are free. Oh yea, the wooden bridge decks can be quite slippery!
  5. bench bleed the master first,...bench bleed the master first,... to determine if that is the problem, having the slave and the line in the circuit just gives you 2 more variables, do one step at a time. If the steel line is pinched or coroded and blocked the lever may not build pressure because you canna get the air out.
  6. ...and whats wrong with a broom handle?
  7. an RSV IS a harley wanna -be
  8. sorry for picking nits....it is actually the water in the air that freezes when the pressure drops as the air passes through the venturi. The symptoms would be poor drive-ability and stalling, particularly during warm-up or after extended cruise in cold and humid conditions. All that BS and i've never seen heated carbs on a bike, not doubting you though, the idea may be to shorten the warm up time in an effort to reduce emissions. P&L dave
  9. The bike won't be worth any less than it is now, no matter what you do. It's no good the way it is. If you have a place to work, why wouldn't you fix it? the worst part is removing and replacing the engine.
  10. what are the best tires?
  11. Pretty old thread here, but the vent hole is between the bearing and the seal so the leaking coolant doesn't wash the bearing and find its way into the oil.
  12. Goldwings? you must be going to a honda dealer, try Yamaha,
  13. 88000 km, dogs have skipped 5 times since then (always 2 up loaded and rootin' on it) , now 91000 and i have a winter project, never thought it would happen to me.
  14. Mine would do 100 mph with the side car on it. 115 shouldn't be a problem. never experienced the dreaded wobble yet, not on the venture .
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