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Everything posted by TearlessTom

  1. I just saw this thread and was going to tell you the HD seat won't fit but you have figured that out. I have a 05 Road Glide that I have modified my seat with some blue foam a little heaver than stock foam that came in it and I just competed a 600 mile day with NO BUTT PAIN WHAT SO EVER. If you still have the HD seat I may be able to take it off your hands. If interested shoot me some photos and a price and what year bike it came off of. Thanks Tom
  2. I agree with all the above but might add you may need to flush your gas tank completely getting rid of the gas and water and rust and what every may be in there and replacing it with fresh fuel. Another thought you may want to check your fuel filter. It may be clogged or fuel of contaminates. Fresh spark plugs are never a bad thing either.
  3. Ooops I made a mistake on the above post which I have edited and corrected now. Initially I said it was 2 inches wider but after I thought about the install on my HD I remembered that I had to cut 1 inch of each end because the cables were not long enough so in reality it is the same width as OEM but about 2 inches more pull back. Hope this didn't mislead anyone. Sorry...
  4. I have the Barron handle bar, I caught it on sale so I gave it a try. It does give more pullback, It seems to be a bit wider stance than stock but it measures the same. I just measured it against my stock bar which is now installed on my HD Road Glide. The one I have measures 2 inches more pull back. It works for me. http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x249/TearlessTom/BarronHandlebar-1.jpg Hope this helps
  5. Hey I know I am a ways from you, about 600ish miles but I am putting my 07 up for sale. If interested let me know and I can send photos. I just put some Elite 3s on her so they are basically new, I also have a Mustang seat. Both are for sale locally and ebay. Oh By the way it is the RSTD Midnight:big-grin-emoticon:
  6. Well I guess I will jump in here and let me say 1st off...I am a bike and power junkie. I've had 4 Honda's the last a 97 Valkyrie Tourer. 2-Yamaha's Presently the RSTD and 3 HD, a 07 Street Glide, a 04 Fatboy and I just bought a 05 Road Glide. I can say as for power the Valkyrie is King of the hill but if you run the gears and twist the throttle the RSTD comes in at a surprisingly close 2nd. As for comfort and handling the Road Glide is King. The biggest problem I have with the Road Glide is keeping it under 80 on the super slabs. Speed just keeps creeping up as it rides so smooth and stable. My Valkyrie was also very stable and quicker and probably just as smooth. Where the Road Glide shines is low speed handling. The High School near me a friend teaches drivers ed and also is a MSF instructor, their back parking lot have the permanent lines painted for the tight "S" turns and figure 8's etc. I go there often to practice my low speed maneuvers. The Road Glide wins again hands down and to me that is where it really counts. I can easily run the coarse and never touch a line I can come to a complete stop pause and make a 90* turn without ever putting a foot down. And can easily make lock to lock turns. I can do it on the RSTD also but it takes quite a bit more concentration. It is not nearly as stable. Partly because of the low end torque that the HD has. Also, although the RSTD is faster it is not nearly as stable at highway speeds. For me that is one of its weakest links. The drive shaft vs the belt, Belt all the way. The drive shaft has minimal maintenance but then again I have never heard of anyone with belt issues ever. I have heard of drive shaft issues. The belt consumes less power en-route to the rear wheel so a less powerful bike gets an edge over a shaft drive more powerful bike, It kinda evens out the difference. I went and did some figure 8's yesterday on the RSTD and today on the RG. If you are pushing the bike hard and in a hard turn / acel and decel as you would in the straight stretches of the figure 8, you can definitely feel the drive lash, and it can be unsettling, with the belt drive RG there is none. So given the choice Road Glide all the way, it is better at speed, better at slow speed, it holds a line way better than the Yamaha, better paint, better metal, (tank on Yamaha is tin foil thin. Gas mileage is better on HD, resale is better also. By the way I love the RSTD but it is going on the market soon. I recently took a trip to the Rockie Mts, I live at sea level, The altitude really took its toll on the RSTD's power, especially when 2 up. As an aside, I did not buy the RG because I wanted another HD, I bought it as an investment in order to sale or trade in on a Kawasaki Voyager. I may still entertain that thought but probable not as I am extremely happy with my purchase and its paid for. I was able to pick it up for $7,500. about $2,500 under wholesale and almost half of retail so I could easily trade it in for at least $2,500 more than I paid for it. A bike you may want to consider is the Kawasaki , It is 1700cc, water cooled, belt drive, and more torque and HP than the HD or Royal Star. Mileage is about the same as the Royal Star, less than the HD. and it has a really cool reto faring display. Electronic cruise, and all the wanted bells and whistles. Reviews say it is not quite as comfortable as the HD but those opinions are split and several thousand less. Hope this helps. Tom
  7. Thanks, I have seen them in the past but can't locate one now.
  8. I am looking for the chrome plastic cover around the neck. I can find one for the Venture just not the TD.
  9. Can anyone point me in the direction to find a fuel tank cover for a 07 tour deluxe. The OEM schmatics dont list it or I cant find it. Will the Venture cover fit.?
  10. Hey Alabama is not that far from FL. I am only 40 miles from the line and have all kinds of parts laying around to use. Great Idea.!
  11. Just sold my 97 Valk, Fantastic Bike but was offered waaaaay over book for it. Like they say, everything is for sale for a price. I had no issues what so ever with heat. Actually much cooler than my RSTD. I replaced it with a 05 HD Road Glide. Picked it waaaay under book. Very happy with it paid cash from the proceeds for the sale of the Valk. The HD has to be the best handling bike I have ever ridden. No where near the power of the Valk or the RSTD for that matter but still very smooth, liner torque.
  12. Ditto....Let the adventure begin! My sister and brother in law adopted my niece 12 years ago. I thought they were crazy at their age of 50. If you are just 1/2 as fortunate as they, you will be eternally blessed. She is the love of my life as is anyone who meets here. PS: Since no one here knows me I guess I can admit I got a little teary eyed when I saw his picture too.
  13. Can't find the photo but my GPS once showed over 1,500 mph. I live pretty much directly between 2 airports and a near by Naval Air Station. so I was thinking maybe some planes were flying over head and interferring with my signal.
  14. Welcome Brett, To start with you may get better responses if posted at the Watering Hole. This forum is for the Royal Star Tour Deluxe which essentially is the same bike mechanically but the Venture has the fairing, radio, cassette deck, etc, as the RSTD is windscreen and bags and back rest. Basically the difference is the same as the Road King vs the Electra Glide Ultra. To answer your questions as the carbs, I have had no issues with mine. , Very easy to sync. Probably the easiest I have ever had. As to the seat height. Do a search here as one of the members will modify your seat for next to nothing. Had mine done and prefer it over my $500. Mustang seat. The bike can also be lowered slightly but I would start with the seat modification 1st. Cheaper and does not effect handling etc. Hope this helps some. Tom
  15. At work.
  16. My thought exactly, My wife went down last October in Arkansas while we were there for a week. A short dog ran out of some tall grass and instead of chasing the bike he tried to cross the road. She hit his hind quarters, Handlebars snapped left and the left mirror hit her in the right chest. which sent her off the back and low side of the bike. I was behind her and could see the accident before it happened and there was nothing I could do. She rolled about 90 feet, we were doing about 45-50 mph. She was wearing her full leathers, Jacket and chaps and boots and full face helmet. She came out of it with an abrasion to the left knee about the size of a quarter, the right elbow slightly smaller, and a hemothorax to the right lung and a rib fracture from the mirror slap. She got back on the bike and rode it back to the condo but didn't ride anymore that week. She has more guts than I do I must say. Women are definately tougher. Needless to say even in the heat she / we wear our protection. Leathers in the winter and armored mesh in the heat.
  17. My vote is on a bad vaccumn on the petcock if it has one or just a bad petcock period.
  18. I have the Samson Silver Bullet, 29" megaphone on mine. Very Loud and suprisingly deep. Got them on sale so I couldn't pass them up. I have been trying to come up with ways to lower the db myself. I have found that a 2 inch sink strainer in each end of the baffle helps some and increases the back pressure so the bike runs better. Went for a ride 2 up yesterday and got 43 mpg. I see they are selling for $450 and up but I got mine on a close out for $120.
  19. Just need some quick advice. My better half and I are heading out west at the end of June, We will be in AZ for a week and CO. for a week. Plus Two day trip each way. We wll trailer the bikes out then ride each day we are there. I recently bought us a pair of SCALA RIDER PRO. so we can communicate during our rides. We have tried them out a couple of times and like them so far. Once on different bikes and once 2 up. Anyhow , my questions (2 of them) I have the Street Pilot 2730 which does not have BLUETOOTH to connect to the SCALA. Can anyone suggest which GPS units are know to work with this system??? I have also been thinking of the TOMTOM units also as well as GARMIN. Secondly, Does anyone know which GPS will work with the STREETS AND TRIPS program??? Most of the time my trial version will not recognize my Street Pilot 2730 so I can not send routes to my unit. I like the STREETS &TRIPS much better than Mapsource. Thanks for any and all help.
  20. Okay, now you have two opinions one of each. Its your call...lol
  21. Short answer from my understanding is YES IT CAN SEPERATE. From what I have read the reason for the directional tread on bike tires is this. The front tire's belts or plys are weaved in such a way as they will tighten up rather than separate when under heavy breaking as this is the only time the front tire is stressed. The rear tire is just the opposite, it is stressed under hard acceleration so it is wrapped opposite of the front. That is why some people will run a rear tire on the front but mount it backwards. I'm sure that is clear as mud now. But I tried Personally I would replace the tire, we only have two tire and one life too much to risk for a what if in my opinion.
  22. I don't see any reason that it would. Your outlet is still way below the fluid line and the system is pressurized so as long as you are not vertical with the outlet at the top there should not be any issues that I can foresee.
  23. After my totally worthless dealer had my bike for a total of over 3 months this year, Two months this time I got Ma Yamaha involved and got my bike back last week. The initial problem was I had a leaking head gasket. they got that repaired after about a month of doing nothing but when they put the bike back together it ran awful. Had no power and spit and sputtered the faster you went. I finally got Yamaha to send down a technician from Atlanta who had the bike back up and running in just a few hours. But at 1st he couldn't figure it out either but he did eventually. Now her is the kicker.......................... There was nothing wrong with the bike it was the sorry mechanics. Being lazy they didn't completely assemble the bike before taking it out for a test ride. They left the fairing / shroud off from around the radiator. As we all know our air filters are in that shroud so by not putting it back on when the bike got up to speed around 30 mph it was acting like a Ram Air induction system forcing too much air into the intake when made it critically lean to the point it would not run. That is why it ran fine at low speed and at idle. What a bunch of maroons. They mechanics even the so called "he knows everything about bikes technician" who to his credit did find the problem, (I over looked it also) but they also said he tuned the bike for my aftermarket pipes and balanced the carbs. Well it was still running a bit rough so I re- rebalanced the carbs yesterday. It was still off enough to run a bit rougher than it should. Much smoother now. I guess my home made balance is better than their Yamaha balancer. Hope this helps or at least gives you some ideas. Let me know if I can help you with anything, or any other questions.
  24. Definitely an inspiring story; one that I wish many if not most of our native born would learn. I am very happy to have a multi-cultural family myself. I am of Cherokee and European descent. My niece is adopted from China, and my son-in-law is from Thailand. Needless to say I have VERY BEAUTIFUL GRANDKIDS and relatives.!
  25. Makes me proud to be a Southerner!!! Way to go to everyone involved!!!! Thats a town I would like to live in!
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